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So Nao finally had it's first jousting finals. It had 13-1 people competing, and was won by an ex-Alexinan jouster, who is number 12 on the Alexina jousting ladder. You can find all the action
here. Read the video descriptions for the match descriptions and analysis. Alexina also had a final and it can be found
Come on out and play Mabinogi's Game of Kings, come on out and join the folks who poke.

Not yet, I'll probably go through it when I get to my lunch break this afternoon.
I probably followed 2 or 3 other matches outside my rounds, but I'll give you feedback on your analysis.
No one was familiar with no one, so you can't be blamed for happening to be hit on the opening pass. What if they had opened with S?
That was the reason why I went with D, but after I got hit, I think the only other way I could've played was to play risky and lure them in for late comeback. As Algar played safe as well, I really had limited options after the first move.
You see now what you could have done though right?
I haven't gotten out of my shell yet, so no, not yet.
I specifically said what to do in the writeup.
Yeah, I still had trouble trying to figure out what that would have been. I need to look at it from a different angle >.<
I'm guessing, it has to do with the race match up at this point.
By going to S, with them going to W, you both hit with the full force of those hits. They were ahead on damage of you by enough that they were able to finish you while your damage fell short. Had you instead taken the chance at going for your combo, you both would end up at W. Their damage would be half what it was leaving them short of killing you and, because you'd get your combo bonus in, it would make up the deficit, leaving you both with the same damage at WW. Them being an Elf gave them the advantage since their combo would be locked-and-loaded but that's better than outright losing, and you still would have a very good shot at it. See what I mean?
Yeah, I need to really review the other parts of the game going forward to notice who I'm facing and what are the advantages of certain choices of attack.
I know someone whose already done that and posted it all on-line . . . . cough!
It's one of them, except it does have strategy to it. And counter strategy. And counter counter strategy. Etc.
There is some thinking to it unlike rock paper scissors.