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Unpopular Opinion: Cancel the Legendary Item Event


  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    Crims wrote: »
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    Personally, I don't care that much. While it is kinda annoying to hear about the alts and spammers getting the equipment, I honestly think people are being way too salty about it and need to chill.
    Is the event poorly designed? Heck yes but we should be used to that by now. Should we say something? Sure, politely. But I think talking about cancelling it is a bit much at this point in time.
    Would be nice if they could implement some fixes between now and the next one though :P

    You're talking about stopping people from multi clienting basically. Every time they mess with that it causes problems with households. Guys we honestly should be used to this by now. Don't like it, don't play the event. Simple.

    Admission to a problem doesn't excuse the problem.
  • LiberateLiberate
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,360
    Posts: 142
    edited April 12, 2020
    Helsa wrote: »

    Was that the one that gave out the free reforges?

    No, you can look at the reward list in the link.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Now i want to ask you. Who wasn't "polite"?

    tbh this pleasantly surprised me in that regard. Considering the people I've seen cursing ingame, the forum's been pretty good this time XDD

    Because that part is obvious.

  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Now i want to ask you. Who wasn't "polite"?

    tbh this pleasantly surprised me in that regard. Considering the people I've seen cursing ingame, the forum's been pretty good this time XDD

    Most I've said is 'I hope the winner stubs their pinky toe'
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    Sherri wrote: »
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    Now i want to ask you. Who wasn't "polite"?

    tbh this pleasantly surprised me in that regard. Considering the people I've seen cursing ingame, the forum's been pretty good this time XDD

    Most I've said is 'I hope the winner stubs their pinky toe'

    That is the absolute best salt and worst fate XD
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    edited April 12, 2020
    tbh, it'd be fair if it was one winner per channel.

    And screw the "but the market". The market needs to plummet.
    Just saying nexon should be listening to It's player base. Ignoring the event with no feedback wouldn't let nexon know this was a bad idea. Players should be allowed to express how they feel, so stop telling them to not do that. Players want progress, not regression.

    Nexon never really listens, though.

    We were told they were working on changing the in-game text to bitmap format, like, three or four Community Managers ago.
    Radiant DawnWolfsingerSherriChaosShadowFOXAssassin
  • TiroTiro
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 38
    tbh, it'd be fair if it was an increase in mat drops so everyone could benefit instead of just someone with a fast computer.
  • TimefallTimefall
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,505
    Posts: 146
    Multi-clienting isn't nearly the worst part of the event though. First, there were far too many malicious players, spamming skills to try and crash others. There were even a dozen or so people who simultaneously used demigod just before the event started. It worked, myself and several others' client crashed from that and the dozen or so raincasting clouds present on every channel.
    Though it shouldn't be necessary, it'd be nice if they setup something like "You cannot use skills in this area".

    It also doesn't help that the success rate seems to be set much too high. The first item to show up Saturday was gone in under 3 minutes. About 10 people got a chance to even step up to the altar. Since there are 3 hours allocated, and players are allows to re-queue after failing an attempt, it would make much more sense to lower the success rate so everyone gets at least one chance.
    GretaWolfsingerNilremcourtneyyRadiant DawnPlatinaKokiSherriChaosShadowFOXAssassin
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    The problem with skills is the rendering of particles, yes?

    What if you just minimized the game during the wait?
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    TNinja wrote: »
    The problem with skills is the rendering of particles, yes?

    What if you just minimized the game during the wait?

    Honestly that tends to cause my game problems as well, for some bizarre reason. Dunno if anyone else has that problem, but its not an option for me.
    Best I can suggest is just turning off and minimizing what effects, characters and things you can. That has worked for me so far, least so I don't crash. Still lag a lot, but its helped enough
  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    edited April 13, 2020
    The event isn't all that, but I dunno if it's worth cancelling it.

    I do wish they'd crack down on how many alts people can use for events however. I feel like the servers are flooded with those little eggs every time there's an event in an area. Unfortunately I feel like the only way they can potentially control is is by making all event items no-trade but increasing the drop rate.
    Radiant DawnSherri
  • TimefallTimefall
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,505
    Posts: 146
    Making event rewards untradable would also shift focus from "events are just free prize giveaways" to "events should be enjoyable and interactive". It's a great solution that doesn't get considered because there are so many people who want free, easy money.
  • CMKyriosCMKyrios
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,640
    Posts: 220
    Hey guys. So I don't think cancelling it an option. But, I'm down to collect your thoughts on the event. Overall reception seems fairly negative, and lukewarm at best. Am I understanding the following correctly:
    - Items are obtained too quickly. Solution: Decrease the rate, impose a re-queue cooldown maybe?
    - Alt abuse. Solution: Item bound to character?
    - Lag-inducing players. Solution: Unsure what's plausible from a development perspective here. One idea of splitting players into the channels seemed decent.

    I know that some of you may be thinking: "Just do better events next time!" but we'd still like conducive feedback on how this type of event could be improved. I like some of the things y'all wrote in here.
    DragoneartusSebastianAlshianLiberateSherriGretaNilremRadiant DawnCrimsọnWolfsingerand 6 others.
  • DragoneartusDragoneartus
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 60
    CMKyrios wrote: »
    Hey guys. So I don't think cancelling it an option. But, I'm down to collect your thoughts on the event. Overall reception seems fairly negative, and lukewarm at best. Am I understanding the following correctly:
    - Items are obtained too quickly. Solution: Decrease the rate, impose a re-queue cooldown maybe?
    - Alt abuse. Solution: Item bound to character?
    - Lag-inducing players. Solution: Unsure what's plausible from a development perspective here. One idea of splitting players into the channels seemed decent.

    I know that some of you may be thinking: "Just do better events next time!" but we'd still like conducive feedback on how this type of event could be improved. I like some of the things y'all wrote in here.

    And they said you weren't listening. smh.

    -Rarity, The items needed to be way rarer, some of them were obtained in less than a minute

    -Alts, Even if it was bound couldn't they trade unlock it? and if it was a permanent bound wouldn't it suck to never be able to trade unlock it and sell it if they decide this isn't their type of weapon/etc, tbh most of the items were won by legit players too, so it wasn't even that much of an issue.

    -Lag, for the best items every channel had so many people at the NPC/red carpet which caused many to crash (while rude players activated demi-god, spammed pets etc) so splitting players into the channels wouldn't of worked. Every single channel had too many people. But that only really occurred during the best items. I don't know how many people are affected by the lag, but it may just be better off just letting players be anywhere they want to be during que so they don't have to suffer at the red carpet.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    edited April 13, 2020
    CMKyrios wrote: »
    Hey guys. So I don't think cancelling it an option. But, I'm down to collect your thoughts on the event. Overall reception seems fairly negative, and lukewarm at best. Am I understanding the following correctly:
    - Items are obtained too quickly. Solution: Decrease the rate, impose a re-queue cooldown maybe?
    - Alt abuse. Solution: Item bound to character?
    - Lag-inducing players. Solution: Unsure what's plausible from a development perspective here. One idea of splitting players into the channels seemed decent.

    I know that some of you may be thinking: "Just do better events next time!" but we'd still like conducive feedback on how this type of event could be improved. I like some of the things y'all wrote in here.

    And they said you weren't listening. smh.

    -Rarity, The items needed to be way rarer, some of them were obtained in less than a minute

    -Alts, Even if it was bound couldn't they trade unlock it? and if it was a permanent bound wouldn't it suck to never be able to trade unlock it and sell it if they decide this isn't their type of weapon/etc, tbh most of the items were won by legit players too, so it wasn't even that much of an issue.

    -Lag, for the best items every channel had so many people at the NPC/red carpet which caused many to crash (while rude players activated demi-god, spammed pets etc) so splitting players into the channels wouldn't of worked. Every single channel had too many people. But that only really occurred during the best items. I don't know how many people are affected by the lag, but it may just be better off just letting players be anywhere they want to be during que so they don't have to suffer at the red carpet.

    If its not a weapon they be using, destroying is an option. The item can be bound just like those rental weapons which can't be trade unlocked.

    It is vexing this item would be bounded to the player character but the playerbase had ruined it for themselves so its not all that bad. Plus this is justice hehehehehehehehe...
  • DragoneartusDragoneartus
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 60
    Alshian wrote: »
    CMKyrios wrote: »
    Hey guys. So I don't think cancelling it an option. But, I'm down to collect your thoughts on the event. Overall reception seems fairly negative, and lukewarm at best. Am I understanding the following correctly:
    - Items are obtained too quickly. Solution: Decrease the rate, impose a re-queue cooldown maybe?
    - Alt abuse. Solution: Item bound to character?
    - Lag-inducing players. Solution: Unsure what's plausible from a development perspective here. One idea of splitting players into the channels seemed decent.

    I know that some of you may be thinking: "Just do better events next time!" but we'd still like conducive feedback on how this type of event could be improved. I like some of the things y'all wrote in here.

    And they said you weren't listening. smh.

    -Rarity, The items needed to be way rarer, some of them were obtained in less than a minute

    -Alts, Even if it was bound couldn't they trade unlock it? and if it was a permanent bound wouldn't it suck to never be able to trade unlock it and sell it if they decide this isn't their type of weapon/etc, tbh most of the items were won by legit players too, so it wasn't even that much of an issue.

    -Lag, for the best items every channel had so many people at the NPC/red carpet which caused many to crash (while rude players activated demi-god, spammed pets etc) so splitting players into the channels wouldn't of worked. Every single channel had too many people. But that only really occurred during the best items. I don't know how many people are affected by the lag, but it may just be better off just letting players be anywhere they want to be during que so they don't have to suffer at the red carpet.

    If its not a weapon they be using, destroying is an option. The item can be bound just like those rental weapons which can't be trade unlocked.

    Yeah but if you get the weapon and destroy it what was the point in going to the event in the first place. At-least you could get some gold out of it if you decide that class isn't working out for you. Why would nexon do an event to give out something that would maybe end up getting destroyed later anyway? Honestly I don't know what the point of this event was. To give out a few items? Why not just call it a giveaway.

    :I I'm still clueless to why this legendary item event even happened tbh
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited April 13, 2020
    Yeah but if you get the weapon and destroy it what was the point in going to the event in the first place. At-least you could get some gold out of it if you decide that class isn't working out for you. Why would nexon do an event to give out something that would maybe end up getting destroyed later anyway? Honestly I don't know what the point of this event was. To give out a few items? Why not just call it a giveaway.

    :I I'm still clueless to why this legendary item event even happened tbh

    The people doing this event know what they want. This is late/end game gear, it's not really for funsies. At the very least, the Divine Weapons should be perma-bound. The other stuff that is sorta your typical filler is fine.
    NilremRadiant DawnCrimsọn
  • DragoneartusDragoneartus
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 60
    edited April 13, 2020
    Sebastian wrote: »
    Yeah but if you get the weapon and destroy it what was the point in going to the event in the first place. At-least you could get some gold out of it if you decide that class isn't working out for you. Why would nexon do an event to give out something that would maybe end up getting destroyed later anyway? Honestly I don't know what the point of this event was. To give out a few items? Why not just call it a giveaway.

    :I I'm still clueless to why this legendary item event even happened tbh

    The people doing this event know what they want. This is late/end game gear, it's not really for funsies. At the very least, the Divine Weapons should be perma-bound. The other stuff that is sorta your typical filler is fine.

    Except not really. All kinds of players were there, new ones, old ones, and inbetween. Assuming that everyone doing the event knows what they want is kind of short sighted.

    Considering most of the people there probably were just literally there to do every single item/weapon/bag/etc no matter what it was.
  • DragoneartusDragoneartus
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 60
    edited April 13, 2020
    Considering most of the people there probably were just literally there to do every single item/weapon/bag/etc no matter what it was.

    *I just realized you can edit posts, oof*
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    edited April 13, 2020
    Sebastian wrote: »
    Yeah but if you get the weapon and destroy it what was the point in going to the event in the first place. At-least you could get some gold out of it if you decide that class isn't working out for you. Why would nexon do an event to give out something that would maybe end up getting destroyed later anyway? Honestly I don't know what the point of this event was. To give out a few items? Why not just call it a giveaway.

    :I I'm still clueless to why this legendary item event even happened tbh

    The people doing this event know what they want. This is late/end game gear, it's not really for funsies. At the very least, the Divine Weapons should be perma-bound. The other stuff that is sorta your typical filler is fine.

    Just what Seb said, if you join this event then you already know what your in for, no excuse for this if you don't at least know what the event is all about.

    Plus it sounds like you did not read the entire post about folks exploiting using alt accounts trying to get a higher chance getting these rare weapons while going through lengths that are crossing the line, going too far.

    Which is why I said being character bound to be fair for all players who joined for the chance instead of being forced to give up because you have players exploiting it ruining it for EVERYONE. With of course being unable to trade unlock it too.

    Even if you said it be pointless to have it only to destroy it, just know newer weapons would be coming to Mabinogi one way or another so it is not entirely pointless as you can always keep the weapon for use some other time when your ready for it.

    Afterall you can be anything in this game so your not limited to only one, having this weapon just gives you more options that is all.

    If you still persist this is pointless, then joining events without knowing anything is also seen as pointless too? If the effort ended up with something you find no interest in at all? People Join because they know what they want. (Or just like being a pain anyways reducing chances)