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...20 barri basic runs and No Crystal.
wow. RNG is being very very stingy on this thing. trying get the 5th dorcha crystal for the quest and i just ran 20 barri basic runs opening all dead end chests and not a single crystal dropped.
seriously this is so stupid. theyve shouldve gone with the system where you can run easy content for a chance of the crystal dropping or harder content for a guaranteed drop. at this rate this is just stupid.
I really do wonder how much they cost lol, 300 bait and yesterdays lord runs and like 120 hornets no 3rd or 6th crystal for me . Makes you wonder how the low the drop rate is.
It's very random, I wasn't even looking for them and got two 2nd crystal drops from 3 ancient foxes that crossed my path when I was questing for something else while I saw a guildie hunt for that very same crystal for a couple of hours and get nothing x_x
Unless your Me tab is full...
I know just saying after all that still didn't get any so im wondering what the drop rate is lol
and i think thats the problem i used up my luck for the week.
am curious how much they are on the tarlach server. and if any of you have a spare on it ill buy.
EDIT: and don't even get me started on the CP problem with the droprate. I''ve got next to everything maxed. Come on?
i just hate Fetch quests tied to unlocking skills in general. its annoying trying to get get 6 items and all but 5 of them rely on pure RNG to be nice to you. thankfully i only need 2 and 5. but 5 is being a total pain to get.
unlocking skills should require some sort of Excuse the pun...skill.
also theirs like 6 or 7 different people on the Tarlach server trying to buy the 5th Dorcha crystal.
try going to Tir Na Nog. since that place is almost eclusivly used for G1. most of the time theirs 3 ancients down south of the square, graveyard and path to Albey.
and then CC when you take them all out. thats how i got mine as there were like 2-3 ancients per channel and i got it on my third channel run.
wait what?
I guess RNG is working regardless.
Edit: wrong thread was meant for Dorcha crystals
I tried Accessing Connous Underground aka "Ant Hell". I couldn't get in through the plumes of sand.
I didn’t go there because it takes too long to map out the whole area and if I found that there’s no ancients after all that effort I don’t think my heart can take it. Although if all else fails I guess I’ll go there then lol