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Only viable way to commerce now days is to trade in white crystals and crystal pillars that you get from using metallurgy after slaying crystal golems. I haven't done it in a while, but when they last did the commerce event I was able to earn around…
Fluorette wrote: »
I remember Lorna and Pan.
Do you remember what restaurant it was? I rarely ever see products for Korean games sold (at least where I am), so this is intriguing.
I assume it was one of the popular ones in Korea at the time…
Iyasenu wrote: »
Oh, that's amazing!
I didn't know they did a promotional physical DVD release of the Lorna & Pan series.
To this day, I still really like the Lorna & Pan series.
It was one of the things that got me interested in play…
We all know all these people talking about boycotting NX purchases will end up opening their wallets when a Creepy Haunted gacha happens. And it will eventually happen if this is some desperate move by Nexon to acquire more income.
Oh and, I'm di…
Veylaine wrote: »
EDIT: well had my korean friend translated it for me and it matches what you said, we're also getting a new dungeon difficulty maybe?
Yeah, the dungeon difficulty is called Veteran. It's basically regular dungeon mobs buffed t…
Yes, let's build a wall between Alexina and Nao. Make Mabinogi great again.
Jokes aside, I think it would be better to merge all the servers. Not sure why they decided to keep Alexina out.
Just farm all the mats and wait for the next 2x exp event to come around for 16* training. If you have receiver of Nao's blessing title coupon, you can even do 32* training.
Watching something while endlessly farming helps. Also have your red mon…
Final strike has some sort of Bash-like mechanic built in to it. I think you get more attack speed per enemies hit.
Froglord wrote: »
Aside from this; Human FH gets severely nerfed, and dual weilding is supposed to knock-down mobs now.
This is…
To my knowledge, Elves are the best race for single target dps. By stacking Vision of Ladeca, Final Shot and spamming Magnum Shot allows you to deal insane damage very quickly. This is all I can say about this because I'm not an expert on this topic…
I'd probably choose Abb Neagh. It has great view, cheap rent and it's in walking distance of Dunby. I can also build a house near the lake and yell at people for stepping on my lawn during soon to come fishing events.