Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • The commonly cited workaround of restarting the launcher/Steam (or even your entire computer) isn't a valid workaround. All we can do is wait until the server completes the logout process entirely. As for how long this has been occuring for, it's…
  • Seriously, we have too many things to reduce physical defenses with and not enough things to reduce magic defenses with. If mobs are going to continue having both their protection stats scaled unreasonably high in the latest content (seriously, the …
  • I'm just going to throw my 2 cents in: G21's fights were crap. The fights kept alternating between painfully easy to painfully difficult, and generally revolved around suicide-inducing tediousness either way. The only reason I did G21 was to just be…
  • I'm going to drop in here because I'm annoyed as fricking hack at the advancement system, as is the norm for probably every NA Mabi player and there are enough of these threads already. Shiro42 has a good idea and that's basically how it should h…
  • The "No Memory" error is a memory leak. There's been one in the game client for well over a year now, the only workaround is to restart the client entirely every couple of hours. It's gotten worse lately though, whenever the memory leak hits me now…
  • Donk3y wrote: » In all seriousness, there's probably just a few ways to tackle this, and one of the most efficient ways will leave the big shots crying in a corner: just remove 99% of the gold. Divide the gold stocked anywhere on the servers (pets…
  • BanazaiSabre wrote: » the water thing i get. its not something easy to fix. but finding another solution would be great. like changing the ingrident to "water source" and then making other items such as big bottles, or changing old bottles...havin…
  • Generally what I've seen from directly buying/selling from free economies (automatically excludes BDO, of course) in games for over a decade now is that price is determined by 3 things: 1. How hard the item being sold is to acquire. 2. How many bu…
  • I agree that a lot of older content is a pain, but generally that's because it follows the philosophies of the original dev team which believed arbitrary tedium was the spice of life skills. Here are my thoughts on a few things: Water: What you'r…
  • I also want to note after watching some AH behaviour this morning that used skillbooks posted at prices reasonable for a "collector" to purchase at ends up just permitting a scam seller to buy a cheap used skillbook to repost at a high price. Where …
  • PlatinaKoki wrote: » THICCthighssavelives wrote: » But what if someone really wants to get their hands on a skill book for collecting purposes? Making it untradable will hurt the market for book collectors and will really hurt the people selling…
  • My Steam client just received a Mabinogi update 1 hour after the scheduled maintenance end, and I can now log in again. Now the only remaining issue is the lost character data.
  • Cho wrote: » Why do Elves only get Archery and mana costs and Giants get Close Combat, Fighter, Chainblades bonuses and Lance with Close Combat being a part of almost every weapon including control bars and chainblades? How many times am I gonna …
  • Amaraz wrote: » Nerezza wrote: » If you use the Steam launcher for the game, it cannot connect to the server. The only workaround for this would be to download and install the normal version of the game instead. Yeah I'm aware of that workaro…
  • If you use the Steam launcher for the game, it cannot connect to the server. The only workaround for this would be to download and install the normal version of the game instead.
  • I see a lot of "If you have this" and "If you use that" for Final Shot, and I'll agree that the combinations suggested are great but what if you don't have/use this/that? What if you just straight up use it like a human or giant would just straight …
  • Look on the bright side: The mission says to protect Subaru for a full minute, but whoever wrote the mission accidentally made the target time 45 seconds instead