Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • The irony of using nightstalker before I saw this was the big prize TM... IGN:Soll Best way to contact me is through the official mabi Discord, @auracion ! Good luck to all
  • Negumiko wrote: » The biggest reason I don't see Nexon removing gender restrictions on all outfits is money. There -are- ways to still make money even without limiting players. For a game all about freedom, it becomes weirdly restricted when yo…
  • recurring Natural dyes. just remove those 990 nx dye/color/metal dye amps for good. let us make our own. But also, skintone colors that we got ingame, as dyes. (could make skintone dye sets as a permanent addition to nx shop too, say, x5 dyes of…
  • Momma_Sophie wrote: » Manhiem wrote: » [everything else] Prices are determined by what people want to pay, not pulled out of someone's rear end. Nobody's forcing them to pay it, either. They chose to; I see no guns held to anyone's head. Do…
  • Momma_Sophie wrote: » Demoncat wrote: » I honestly agree they should completely rehaul it or get rid of the useless reforges e.e like injury rate defence protection, the ones that givr e stats are pretty meh Okay, this I can get on board with…
  • Manhiem wrote: » Reforge ranks? Number of lines? Random effects? It's just like they're saying "Here's a slot machine that may eventually give you something useful if you keep putting money in and pulling the handle." A lot of people go brok…
  • noobodyzxz wrote: » wiki says Minimum Evasion Rate +1% per level but this doesn't have a level Likely a translation oversight, the level is in the brackets. 1% per level means that you got an evasion level 4 effect.
  • A few QOLs that would really improve the whole design aspect: - Save presets. Of course, we will want to use some designs we've made again. -Let us save those presets by using depleted imprints. Let them get some use! We can fragment glyphs, but…
  • It's honestly a little hard to choose just one, these are so fun to make! Would be nice if this was a recurrent thing, like the art showcase... IGN: Soll Server: Nao Bonus: Have the pattern preview!
  • slight necroing here, but I feel this thread needs a lil clearup. what really divides them is how they are treated first; like any other fomorian. then, as people stated already above, the sameish model / restrictions. though when the succu…
  • If something requires reforges and specific equipment, it's bad design on purpose. This is a sandbox, not a minmax generic MMO game. The game as a whole has glaring balance issues already. Almost everything needs to be reworked at once rather tha…
  • I so do love homestead stuff. When do we get dyable lights tho, those yellow ones are still a bit annoying Choosing the five perfect shots took a bit hah -- Soll from Nao server Anyone is welcome to take a look, my homestead is always open! …
  • Both 'special' and 'eluned' versions of clothes need to go. Especially when you consider that 'eluned' was a clothes line, not 'outfit altered for the other gender' originally. Old outfits that still bear the eluned tag arent actually available t…
  • It would just be better to have both slots work for all type of headgear and having one be the lower 'layer' and the other the 'upper' layer, a bit like how you can equip wings with robe thanks to fashion slot. Making face accessories limited to …
  • Kisaraya wrote: » That many time developers go "Oh check out this insanity, oh someone beat it, let's make it HARDER!" What they should realize though is eventually when people try nearly everything they have and still run into a wall. They quit. …
  • Remove race-only talents and give giants Great bows and give elves Spears. Include the already-present spears in the game as part of the talent. Add tridents and Halberds. Rework tower cylinders to be more usable, and make a Ground Ballista we…
  • The difficulty spike in the recent gens are an attempt at making the game look attractive to new players and old alike, but in terms of practice, it fails. I had a lot more trouble than I should have simply because of the constant mob-aggroing, s…
  • I've went with tailoring on the sole basis that this skillset does not have one, but two grindy skills. Blacksmith talent only has its own skill that is really problematic to rank, while with tailoring you have both Tailoring itself and weaving. …
  • Darkpixie99 wrote: » Soll wrote: » A homestead item shouldnt be cash shop only. More use of pon building could be implemented instead, if not outright built with ingame ressources. So just as Maplestory 2 had Blue Merits (Paid) and Red Merits…
  • A homestead item shouldnt be cash shop only. More use of pon building could be implemented instead, if not outright built with ingame ressources.