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Bring back some actual events good heavens, they exist and worked just fine in the past. Some actual activities. Buff the caravan one or something for the modern-day absolutely broken power level, that was the best thing back in 2011 where huge grou…
Also immersive? It's Talvish's outfit lol.
Yeah but we're not all Talvish, and the redundancy still stands. Like I'll still give you that but the rest remain redundant.
I do not deny my salt, yes. For as long as Alexina is left out of the m…
Dude this "god" aesthetic is super tired, haven't there been several gachas along these lines designwise by now? It looks dumb and does nothing for immersion, and everyone who can afford it wears the trendy stuff like this anyway so it isn't ever li…
Bring back some old winter wears from 2009-2011. Premium Elf Winter Newbie Wear (2009), Winter Fur Wear (2011, the human version) and Giant Winter Fur Wear (also 2011) are all really nice ones that are nearly nonexistent nowadays.
Let's also not forget that Alexina will not be gaining players from this. We're certainly going to shrink and nothing else, while old players will be returning for the Nao server and new players will most likely be recommended by those people. I am …
I am from Alexina, formerly Mari until early 2016 or so, and I also wish for Alexina to be included. I would be surprised if anyone from the server wasn't. I've played and spent more for this account by a long shot than my old Mari account, and goin…
Yeah that's basically the idea. 6k honestly wouldn't be too much to unlock it permanently, it kinda sucks but I'd go for it.
They saw we wanted this sort of thing and went for the absolute scummiest answer to it they could, and it's so plainly visi…
Which is more your preference?
It's tough to say. Girls get a better variety in normal clothes, I believe, but our armors almost always look like lamer versions of the males'. Avelin's armor could have been a nice affordable exception, but they had…
I was almost having fun with this game, was just out this morning training Pummel and suddenly find Giant Lion spawned. I decide to try and solo him, get him to maybe 70% before running outta curatives, then bring two guildies in and we're constantl…
You are a plebeian with no taste. SAO crap has no place here or anywhere, and I would rather have it purged from memory. Never have I seen something written so cluelessly bad getting as much of an enormous following as it has, and it disappoints me …
Nilrem wrote: »
That, and I often have fun with the fact I'm a giant that looks like a succubus, and then whenever someone hits on me I mentioned I married a player after beating him to death with a giant log in a duel.
This is goddamn inspirin…
Yeah and I remember you being an annoying clown on /v/ on a regular basis.
I don't got a lot to say about you. Your unabashed love for the maid uniform and for having a simple, cute character keeps me from hating you outright though.
Xiokun wrote: »
You must not know me yet so I'll introduce myself with this self portrait.
Heavens to betsy. Yeah I'm not sure then, it seems to me people would be all over that. It's certainly unique.
I really should redraw my elf, since she's gone from being a punchy magical girl to a traditional-looking but tomboyish mage. Still punchy.
Sorry for it not being colored. My giant and elf, Leonavia and Menelnor.
Blissfulkill wrote: »
Are you saying the big, muscle bounded and fabulous sexy giant Xiokun has to be a girl to get this kind of attention? Hogwash. Anymore sexy and no one will be able walk ten feet without dying from that holy/unholy sight.
Xiokun wrote: »
I never had that happened to me... maybe once? :S What am I missing on Mabi?! Maybe I'm just too busy making stuff and training on my homestead.
Depends whether or not your character's a girl really. People be thirsty.
I have three ways to go about it, and I didn't even realize it for a bit.
1. Just talk. Enter conversations when you see them, or find something to complain and rant about and people will talk to you as well. A common thing for me to do is outrig…
Greta wrote: »
If the game is no longer fun to you then why the hell you are still here...??? If you can't do something alone, but you also don't want to feel useless then i can only suggest you playing with your friends. And please stop complai…