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asnscorpio wrote: »
Just do..think its's G9-G10 with alchemy to get the demigod so you can run around instead of L-rods at times. Reason for all the questlines being available to ppl is there is different storylines so you don't have to do them i…
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
Callanthe wrote: »
I'm currently trying to start g7 because I was putting it off for way too long. L-rod exploration is boring.
How times have changed.
Yup. Funny thing is, I used to really like L-rod, but at some po…
I play Mabi because it's a MMORPG that doesn't feel like the usual MMO. I't not the typical "you're level 40 so here's the area for level 40 characters to grind, oh and have a couple quests to kill 20 goblins". I like the freedom to craft my own cha…
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
It's still fun running all of Tir's ptjs for a game day.
Back then, HW and grocery store ptjs did run out quite often.
And back when they were a source of everyone's income; do ptjs during the day and dungeoning at night. …
Hellkaizer wrote: »
EU Rules were slightly different if memory serves, but yeah the old forums you could get banned on pretty easily mentioning multiclienting. Normal alts on a seperate device were fine provided "They didn't interact with the main…
Sounds fun!
Did a little digging through wiki pages because I have some free time atm and I love looking at Mabi fashion, and here's what I found: Mortello's Pitch Black Suit or Kirito SAO Outfit, and Bohemian Hat (M) or Cowboy Hat and Bandit Shoes…
Hellkaizer wrote: »
I really don't remember it ever being against the rules to have more than one account, even if it was it wasn't enforced at all.
I remember it was a thing on EU.
Since you say people were banned for mentioning alts I would…
I still didn't manage to find a group to raid with, so I'm jelly af
(but I don't have that much time to play lately, so hopefully it will happen one day)
Hellkaizer wrote: »
Uh... Sorry to burst your bubble but people have been multiclienting since well pretty much forever. As for the alt abuse, again it's been done since the start. Just before you were banned for even mentioning it.
That's the …
Opalthira wrote: »
get an alt because its not against ToS.
Mabinogi meta for gold:
2015-ish - Saga 2 spam
2016-ish - Conflict spam
2018 - alt abuse
Why am I still playing...
Staff vs wand is just personal preference IMO. Staff gives you way more variety, while CC wand allows you to specialize in an element (preferably CC fire wand). I personally use a little bit of CC firebolt spam, but mostly go with staff for thunder/…
I don't know, honestly. I tried training archery some time ago and it was absolutely miserable so I'm saving it for the last. I imagine with elf's speed and Vision of Ladeca it's much more pleasant.
Duncan's resets are a godsend, I abused the hel…
If I'd have to choose to reset one of these talents, I'd keep magic/bard and reset alchemy. Alch isn't exactly worth the amount of AP you have to spend on it, magic costs about the same but is more powerful - and this is coming from someone who's gr…
It would go really well with the mojito event, I mean the Connous beach event if the boxes didn't drop on the ground, but go straight to the inventory. Just use a meditation drink and afk on the landmark for free exp and items. Or even if you could …