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Because you dont know how icespear works.
Icespear is best in solo play where nobody can steal your finishes
the 50% damage reduction only applies when things are actually frozen, if deflector triggers the 50% reduction doesnt apply.
For enem…
Alshian wrote: »
Ah yes....Magic damage, quite the luxury to have reached heights by paying blood and limbs for. Alas even with putting yourself through endless unstable flooring hell that can just gave out at any time you test your luck back to s…
My stat page if you wanted to confirm, with my staff etc equipped( lower with wand)
Staff elemental supposedly only works on bolts and is a fairly outdated feature back when we had to charge Trinity Staves to 3 elemental to even use the speci…
Gaby5011 wrote: »
Oh I like this. But what are you supposed to put in the crit damage box? I put (in order) crit rank, r6 staff, renown, homestead, ego --> 150+62+9.1+6+15=242.1, so 2.421, but when I look in the max damage crit, the damage is 6…
I wouldnt mind paying 100k nx or even 5k ap to race change.
I dont really like using fh and having more movespeed is great for magic compared to snail humans
It would sure beat doing rank1 everything again and over 200k nx of trade pots to tra…
Gaby5011 wrote: »
Owntrolf wrote: »
Dungeon end reward chests should scale to how many chests/players there are for example
1 Chests = 4x rates
2 Chests = 2x rates
3 Chests = 1.3x Rates
4 Chests = 1x
As it currently is, there is no incent…
Lhakryma wrote: »
People already are doing most stuff alone, this would only encourage more soloing
People doing the dungeons are already soloing with 3 alts or guildie only
AlexisEU wrote: »
There are some effects in the game that don't stack together, like movement speed reforge on shoes do not stack with wave sweeper.
Casting Speed level 17 amounts to 25.5% casting speed increase which is too close to your vivace …
TheNyanCat wrote: »
I remember someone mentioning the reason why magic is so weak and had so many weird systems in the past purely to obstruct magic users was because someone on the dev team hated magic with a passion, unsure if it's actually true…