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Trying out this new shoutout box! Go Mabinogi! Go!
Last Active
September 4, 1993
Personal Quote
"Yeah? If you say that I'm surprisingly annoying, then you're one hundred percent right on that one."
Nothing much to tell about me. Just an ordinary boy. That's all. Not like I'm going to write more about myself anyway. why? because I prefer that my identity remains unknown, just as it is.
It's as if your wish comes true, man.
The partner sale is back now, with some reduced price. Grab em while you still can!
Hardmuscle wrote: »
In Options > System > Video > Change the Color Depth setting to // "It doesn't matter" // ~ That's the name of the setting itself.
Hardmuscle wrote: »
You can also run default.reg (double-click on it) when the c…
Greta wrote: »
Try this...?
tried that, not working. I have the same problem too, it's right after Giant Renewal 11 April 2019.
I'm done with this quest.
After the step that the thread starter said, we have two more objectives left
- Activate Bachram Boost within a group that consist at least 3 members, 10 times (pets not included, I think)
- Kill Monsters at Baltane Mi…
Okay so, there's this daily quest that we keep talking about.
Tailteann and Tara daily shadow mission which will be given every daily reset. 07.00am.
I've been researching this for a while that, whenever you have done any one of them (in terms o…
Uxoricide wrote: »
I'll note you in-game on Tetroxide, but I'm hoping to buy all your Lullaby and Enduring Melody Training Potions. I'd also like to add you for the Homesteads, just so that you won't wonder why I'm adding you. Thank you for the a…
EDITED: I read wrong.
Oh and, just in case you don't know. You'll get the reward, the box reward in the end, whether you win or fail, only AFTER talking to Shuan. On Knights of The Round Table, that is.
I cannot log in as well, I wasn't doing anything until I somehow froze, so I decided to execute my client (I always do that to prevent disconnecting, I'd rather forcefully crash the game using end task rather than disconnect because I use pingzapper…
I can confirm that I have the same problem as well.
I did try to set up stall before I take a nap (I don't usually set up stall because I've always have been using Premium Services for housing needs)
and I did put 3 Trade Unlock Potion (from the l…
It's just funny how people can be so insensitive. It's never hurt to at least have empathy. Never know so many people in this community have such a rotten heart. I still against the way people think or say that "it's our fault". It's just funny how …
Same problem here.. Just read the forum about this. It was gone. I was checking that it said still 7days on Monthly tab. And I lost like 11.000-ish points because I knew it's still 7days left.. Ugh... Why it's not stated right? I've done all these f…
Nope, I never did log in on alts on a reset hour (22.00pm my time / 07.00am PST)
And yes, I always check my alts as well whether they got the quest or not. And nope, none.
But voila, just when I log in today few minutes ago, I just got the owl who g…