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Poof request granted. Your attempt the first mission and it's literally impossible due to the lack of raw stats and maybe even lack of experience with the game in general. Just play the game and level up.
It is not dumb or lazy design. Doing end game content, you should not expect things to be a walk in the park. If you are doing end game content then you should be playing long enough to have some way around Advanced heavy stander, Meaning there is no need for nexon to stop making it as such.
It's not that it makes things unfair, it just makes things annoying to deal with. Just taking the same content and just multiplying stats and slapping standers on it is a pretty lame way to instill difficulty.
While creativity can't be expected from every update it gets kinda old when the end game content usually ends up being a stat check that just burns time and durability. At some point it's just going to reach ridiculous heights and it's just going to be a matter of are you willing to sit there for hours smacking around a glorified punching bag.