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I mean is it really that big a deal though? I much prefer they work on the game than something as trivial as avatars...though to each their own I suppose.
Though I don't know if this is the case, I believe the Tarlach Fair is what makes Tarlach unique from other servers, as I don't think they host fairs like you have before. I would love to help if I was reliable on the times that I was on but due to my constant disappearances I wouldn't be able to. I do however hope that you're able to find good staff members for it. Heck I might even spread the word to the people I know if you'd like!
Also, that ONE person who voted for 6, you're evil!
I practically made a different world in my stories, its a world where stories collide in impossible ways XD.....I made Adniel eat a Ceassair, that should say enough LOL
Hidden Talent Titles can't have GM lol, though I guess you can pretend to have it?
I still strongly disagree to pay for the status, we already work hard enough to even get it, why even bother if it'll be taken away from us in the snap of a finger for not paying. Market Prices also wouldn't help with that either, as you'll always be burdened by "Oh but I have to pay my GM fee " So I strongly disagree for a fee on GM Status.
It's not about losing anything, its about the fact that people are rude enough to drop something when someone has been looking for it instead of giving it to that person.
You don't lose anything by giving the item to the person either so why do you get bothered if someone asks?
This might seem like an attack towards you Hinotama but I seriously hope I don't run into someone like you, because that is just rude and uncalled for.