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Last Active
April 30, 1999
  • Mana Crystallization Crystals Idea!

    Ahem so yes, I'm sure there have been many things asking to change this skill, especially for the Alchemy Mastery requirement of "Make a crystal without any magic" BUT I have an idea!

    If you do Tailltean's Commerce you'll notice this is just the crystals they have and a new one!

    First off! These crystals won't be a skill, they can be skill slotted like Fireball, Ice Spear, and Thunder Crystals, their effectiveness depends on Mana Crystallization.

    Palala Crystal
    Like the description in the Taillteann commerce post, it can blind enemies. However there should be a small chance that it can blind the user as well. Blinded enemies can't move for a certain amount of time increasing with each rank of Mana Crystallization. Practically a Sand Burst that does no damage but blinds the whole dungeon room, and possibly allies too. To keep people's eyes from being destroyed due to the flash, the flash of the crystal should only be at the tip of the cylinder. When you are blinded a light will appear over your head.

    Circle Barrier Spikes
    This one is quite obvious, just like the Taillteann commerce post says it creates a circular barrier spikes around you, the spikes are only there are protection and you cannot shoot over them regardless of your Barrier Spikes Rank, it is just meant to be a way to keep you safe until you get yourself organized. Like the normal Barrier Spikes limitations you cannot use it when an enemy gets in the way so be very careful.

    Okay seriously with the amount of golem types there are in the game why can't we make stronger ones? We could easily use Hillwen to make an Emerald Golem! The stats would just be better than the Snow Golem at r1 Summon Golem and can only be used if you have r1!This would also bring back the use of Cuilin Stones other than for Royal Alchemist quests.

    Amelanii of Tarlach

    Okay this will most likely be pushed into the "More Detail Needed" well as many people saying that Alchemy has more than enough!
  • MabiNovel

    Okay, so when MabiNovel first came out there were so many pages of it that you'd literally need to click the arrow at the bottom to show there's 2 pages and the 2nd page isn't even full, at least that's how it is in Tarlach...

    Why do people hate MabiNovel so much? I personally love it, its another thing to do besides fighting and grinding......i mean sure there's Festia but that's limited, sure there's squires but that's also limited cause of time, and renown is also limited! Homesteads are HUGELY limited. And yeah MabiNovel is limited to one book per week but that's fiiiine! More time to be creative!

    Sure it's limited as well but everyone loves the other things! What's wrong with MabiNovel!?

    PS: General Chat and Town Square have me real confused, General Chat is for Anything Mabinogi right?
  •'s Tarlach these days?

    The best way to get more people to join Tarlach is if you invite them, I haven't seen any ads for Mabinogi, and even if there was people block ads so no one is going to see it anyway. So why not invite some new players? Maybe try to get a large group of your friends to join in the game, and then get them to invite other people.

    One person telling at least two, and those two telling others (eugh exponential growth, yuck). Would get quite a lot of people to join the game....just make sure to tell them to join Tarlach. I myself am from Tarlach but I haven't been on too much recently cause friends being clingy and making me play other things with them, but eventually I'm going to come back.

    Then again I'm the kind of person who says to do this but is terrified to do it myself!