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I understand why we can't summons pets in Homestead but, if you can make it that you can't enter a Homestead with pets, surely you can make it that you can't leave the homestead with pets, that way people would still need to use Partners to move people via their homestead.
It's as if I were to go to your house and say, "Nope can't have that dog. Why that face? It's your house you say? Too bad you can't have the dog inside, TAKE IT OUT NOW!!!!"
I know there's way more things to add or "fix" but I'm more than positive this post has been made over a thousand times already...and if not then well....
This game is like a Jenga tower, you keep adding things to the top and forget about the issues at the bottom. Eventually it'll come toppling down on you.
I got tired of reading so I'll just say it now: Am I the only one worried about the Golem + Puppet + Pet + Necromancy thing that'll be going around if they add this XD
I love this idea, i myself am working on skills right now ater resetting and this would be helpful, there have been times ive accidentally mastered the skill cause i dont see when it says its full due to the flash of the skill.....METEOR TALKING TO YOU