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Last Active
March 12, 1993
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To know that you know what you know and to know that you do not know what you do not know, that is knowledge - Confucious
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I like gaming, sports, anime and gardening/nature! And always trying to learn more about the world.
  • Get this lootbox out of my game, Senator Hawley?

    Julie wrote: »
    it's much easier to regulate an industry that has very little regulation vs one that has tons of regulations already in place and probably would do better with some de-regulation.
    in the case with Triple A companies, loot boxes in games can still exist, you just can't tell kids to buy them, similar how cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, pronography, etc do it.
    I personally don't see what the big deal is with that regulation alone, but i do see how it can open up Pandora's box.

    The problem with loot boxes? Ask Belgium. While you're at it, ask why Nexon is losing profit in Belgium due to a banned item which contained, guess what... Gambling. (Gachapons/Style Crates, ect.) But yes, there's a massive difference between both industries.
    Insurance/Pharmacies have multiple regulations to prevent substance abuse, while the video game industry has few to zero gambling addiction prevention measures.
    And Kensa... there's a reason why no civilian ever listens to liar lobbyists.
    (Just listen to the FTC transcripts on the loot box workshop, you'll see just how lax, uninformative, and uncontrolling the ESRB/PEGI is.)
    Links on Page 4

    You'll be surprised that people are easily influenced by lobbyists, especially when they spam political ads.
  • Get this lootbox out of my game, Senator Hawley?

    Insurance does not have a physical supply and demand or their products and what they do to consumers is worse than what the digital industry does.
    What I'm saying is that regulations of certain industries based off morality is wrong, because double standards occur and corruption'lobbying enables these double standards.
    And definitely, these politicians have the real priorities mixed up while prioritizing the money that goes into their pockets.

    It's actually funny how much impact the press has, because for the moment, all the press about loot boxes is what's drawing into more support for loot box legislation.
    (It's even been said/hinted in the FTC transcripts by Consumer Reports that the ESRB/PEGI is either lying or not helping consumers enough.)
    Last I checked for an ESRB rating for Mabinogi, there were two ratings: E+ and Teen.
    That's not very helpful or informative with two different reports.
    So yeah, at least those lobbyists can waste money being caught lying in testimony, because the faster you know the laws of gambling, the faster this legislation will go.
    Pharmacies and Insurance on the other hand, continue to be that blot of "everyone knows already," to the "it won't drive up views" part of journalism.
    Meanwhile, legislatures have to go through several sources when it comes to medication costs, rather than the videogame industry's single perquisite of Casino regulations.
    When they say legislation is a process of red tape, they weren't kidding.

    Businesses and their lobbyists + media + government = big scam.
    They work together to turn a blind eye on what the real issues are.
  • Get this lootbox out of my game, Senator Hawley?

    It is on topic that people are hypocritical that one industry should be punished for its moral behavior while another industry doing worse things to the public should not be subject to punishment?

    Pharmaceuticals has physical supply and demand as their excuse, the video game industry has a virtual infinite code of digital supply but no legitimate excuse for their behavior.
    I believe if you take the inflation of Apple's phones for example, there's one material that only has two factories in the entire world. (It's expensive too.)

    Insurance does not have a physical supply and demand or their products and what they do to consumers is worse than what the digital industry does.

    What I'm saying is that regulations of certain industries based off morality is wrong, because double standards occur and corruption'lobbying enables these double standards.

    And definitely, these politicians have the real priorities mixed up while prioritizing the money that goes into their pockets.
  • Get this lootbox out of my game, Senator Hawley?

    So you're saying big pharma and insurance who cheat and are in league with politicians aren't cheating?

    Kensa, this is a thread about loot box legislation due to gambling addiction in minors and at risk adults.
    Abusing a game design flaw wherein microtransactions flash before your eyes to create that gambling temptation is more than cheating, it's morally wrong.
    Pharmacies should know better about price inflation and whatnot, if they actually cared about the health and well being of their consumers, but that's not on topic.

    It is on topic that people are hypocritical that one industry should be punished for its moral behavior while another industry doing worse things to the public should not be subject to punishment?
  • Get this lootbox out of my game, Senator Hawley?

    People have time to complain and call for regulation of the gaming industry, but allows Big Pharma and Insurance to do as they please. Corrupt politicians.