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Last Active
March 12, 1993
Personal Quote
To know that you know what you know and to know that you do not know what you do not know, that is knowledge - Confucious
About Me
I like gaming, sports, anime and gardening/nature! And always trying to learn more about the world.
Having a guild town expands further on previously suggested expansions within a guild.
Instead of having to go to Tara Royal Castle, I think interested guilds can lease some land (like a homestead) and construct their guild and develop their land. Buildings, resources, etc.
Sometimes continued inflation growth may not be a supply and demand issue, but could be a factor of the price consumers are willing to buy at. Consumers do it out of convenience if it is within their budget. This is done in all types of markets. If an item has a price range listed between 500k and 2 mil, and there are a lot of listings at 1 mil, and that price is within buyers' budgets, then they will buy at that price out of convenience. It's like shopping for groceries. Apples at the market 2 blocks away are $0.69/lb the the apples at the market 1 block away is $0.99/lb, but buyers will still buy at $0.99/lb because it's convenient and within their budget and don't have to travel down another block for the cheaper option.
So sellers won't be shy about posting a price a bit higher if buyers are willing to pay more.