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How does one get back into mabi. It's been years and I have tried but it doesn't feel the se as 2010. Also no other mmo also fills the same niche that mabi did. No one I know plays mabi
How does one get back into mabi. It's been years and I have tried but it doesn't feel the se as 2010. Also no other mmo also fills the same niche that mabi did. No one I know plays mabi
if you need help in game add Davos5 ill help ya get back into the game meta of the game as change since good old 2010 and new easy way play is to go with Chain skill set since it cover AoE and even dodge to certain point but i think they have made the game much easier to help new and return players with Addition to the Auction House and newer skill it easy to say the game has change but in my honest opion for the better and with the newer updates down the line I can only see improving so far. oh another note i do think the golden mushroom limit for only Wednesdays ONLY is little outdated and maybe should be adjusted to in game hours to allow harvest only at night time in Homestead at certain hours but allow harvest everyday of the week.