Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Ask a Dev Thread

    according to Celtic mythology the ancient Druids were believed to have descended from Atlantis.....with the game in need of something massive, and new, will they ever implement an Atlantis connection into the game ?

    aside from a few animations there really is no difference between flying, and swimming.....think of the new pets, dungeons, quests, clothing, weapons, field bosses....NPC Aer would play a role in it as possibly the way to enter the new realm....a player could buy enchanted amulets from her to be able to breathe under water.....access to the realm would only be permissible with an active enchant, or token....i figure there could also be sunken ships that were caught up in storms (or sea monsters) on their way to, and from Belvast laden with treasure....and dangers...this would be different from a Shadow'd be more of a continent warp, but to an ocean realm instead...would also add a new angle to the Ace character Treasure Hunter, and Exploration in general
  • Help! with new Halloween event

    i used the Transformation really does bypass the digging animation so you can move on before you're detected....being Halloween i chose to be a bat....bats are fast....i just transform the middle tombstone then work my way to one off to lure any mummies back (bats are very fast)....then click on the rest.....lure them away.....then transform back to normal to easily take out the mimics....done.....i have the added bonus of being an elf to turn invisible once they're lured away so they drop aggro, but any race will still be able to still lure them far enough away to complete task
  • Stop it with the Gachapons

    my philosophy is generally not to pay real money for fake items....but...when i do i expect to get what i pay for....not hope i get something useful while getting loads of useless filler items that most drop in game when they get them....that's what i liked about other games i've played know what you're paying for, and you get exactly what it is you a real store....i would actually pay for that black bag if they had it available in the Item Shop....Nexon loses on this
  • 500,000 gold for what exactly?

    better add another 180 k to that 20k's 200,000 .....which isn't bad.....just that we have to if we wish to ever actually use the house....guess i'll be sleeping in the
    Radiant Dawnpeloisan
  • 500,000 gold for what exactly?

    you don't get's the concept itself.....when they first did the Homesteads you had to work it to get to the level of getting house then building that house under the premise that it was yours.....everyone wanted to be able to enter it, but accepted the fact that they couldn't ....they still had their own house though......NOW.....we can finally enter.....BUT....the house no longer belongs to us.....we went from home owners to renters....the illusion of owning has been forever shattered.....if you have a house, but don't pay for it every month, you get to look upon it knowing it really isn't yours anymore.....sours the experience of having a homestead in the first's pretty easy to say half a mill isn't much, but not everyone makes millions in gold on a regular basis in the game's the fact that we HAVE TO if we want to keep pretending that house on OUR homestead is really's the word LEASE that kills it for me