Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the September Update, containing changes to Elemental Knight, Harmonic Saint, the Return of Fahmes Ruin, and more!
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Just an ordinary person living an ordinary little life in an ordinary manner...
  • A little too much ptw ?

    People shouldn't pay to win, they should play to win.
    Personally I don't consider gachas as direct P2W, but rather pay-for-a-small-chance-to-win-maybe-after-you-throw-a-few-hundred-at-it from personal experience and not willing to do that anymore. Now if they ever go and sell game breaking gear directly in the shop, then I would happily organize a riot. Similar case to anything that exists, one can just not acknowledge the existence of these items and keep playing how they wish.

    Sad fact is that people are getting spoiled by the current free-to-play market, so much that they consider themselves entitled to whatever content the game has to offer and complain when they can't get it for free. They forget that free-to-play games are still a business and needs to hit a certain revenue threshold for upkeep. Sometimes they need to add items like these as an incentive for those who need a reason to support the game.

    The moment games stopped with the buy/sub method and went free, the P2W stigma reared its ugly head even more. Really just can't win with humanity. (oT-T)尸
    MizukiHayamaCDMarilTheDumbOneRadiant DawnLialin
  • A little too much ptw ?

    Syaohart wrote: »
    Everyone complaining about "P2W this, P2W that" just answer me this, WHO are you winning against?
    I certainly can't think of any PVE content in the game that someone has not done with a naked character. PVP? Well that one is only done by a handful of the population who are bored or want to test combos, I can't remember the last PVP event we've had.

    I'm from Mabi EU and by the time our server ended, most players didn't even have armor or just got used to doing things naked cos repair became impossible for a while if memory serves proper. For people who can't throw money to try your hands at the gachas, just think of those who try and get hit by the greed sensor and only get junk. That said at least the game gets supported when we do fork over money for gachas.

    It is more of a psychological mindset in online games that there is something to win, such as completing the storyline or becoming the strongest player. And items that can be bought in the item shops that can enhance a player much more than normal can be considered P2W (or doping).

    Suppose since I've always considered Mabi more of a PVE and not cared about the "strongest" stigma, I've not applied that mindset while playing. 乁( ̄‿ ̄;)ㄏ
  • Can we not immediately scream for nerfs?

    Pretty sure most people died due to not knowing the mechanics and lag, always lag. I personally loved the fact that we didn't just brute force through everything like the previous chapters, especially the ones that got revamped.
  • A little too much ptw ?

    Everyone complaining about "P2W this, P2W that" just answer me this, WHO are you winning against?
    I certainly can't think of any PVE content in the game that someone has not done with a naked character. PVP? Well that one is only done by a handful of the population who are bored or want to test combos, I can't remember the last PVP event we've had.

    I'm from Mabi EU and by the time our server ended, most players didn't even have armor or just got used to doing things naked cos repair became impossible for a while if memory serves proper. For people who can't throw money to try your hands at the gachas, just think of those who try and get hit by the greed sensor and only get junk. That said at least the game gets supported when we do fork over money for gachas.
  • The Little Orphan Alyn Event

    As a foster child this event hit hard and I did cry. Sad that I can't finish all the dreams due to coming back to the game too late. Thanks for the event though.