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Always looking at the not distant sky...
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Just an ordinary person living an ordinary little life in an ordinary manner...
Recent trailers seem to have been created using a different engine so unless they're willing to quite literally recreate the entire game, doubt we'll get the much needed image polish anytime soon. Then again most of us stick around more for the uniqueness of the game 's core mechanics rather than it's outdated graphics.
The sad fact is, the game is the way it is now to appease and attract newer generation of players. The majority the younger generation really don't have patience for the difficulty and grind that Mabinogi started with. It's not just Mabi that has become easier, other old MMOs have also made leveling/end-game almost obsolete when compared their initial launch.
Naturally the one time I was hoping they would leave the event board and other things behind after the event is when they actually delete them. I'm actually really annoyed since I don't have much time to play again and had 600+ spins left.
Get the feeling I should just take another few months off again.
Memories, uniqueness and it's literally the only game that can hold my attention for hours on end. None of the other MMOs, MOBAs or BRs can keep me entertained with or without companions present. /(˃ᆺ˂)\