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I can kill things just fine in any elite baltane mission, but the squires die too quickly, that is my beef.
Your assessment on my ability to complete the missions was inaccurate, for some reason the squires in my missions love attacking counterattack loaded enemies and killing themselves.
We need some of these to come back, there's nothing left really; of what those events dropped and now there's no way to obtain them, considering how small the population is, I think it would do a lot of good to reintroduce these items into circulation.
@Lutetium ~ It's not so much America's garbage ISPs as it is America's geographic size in comparison. ~ South Korea's Super Fast Lightning Speed Network only exists because their entire country is 7 times smaller than the State of Texas.
USA ISP's got billions of taxpayer money to upgrade the infrastructure, but never did.
Just need 2 more #3's and 1 more #2, and 2 #5's. (For me and wife, of course.
There's really no good reason to with-hold such information, it just makes you look bad to advocate against the sharing of knowledge for the sake of greed/personal gain.