Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Sale Heads-Up! 7/20/23

    Hey, Milletians, it's a super short heads-up this week as all we're saying farewell to this Thursday is the Hyperspace Aurora Box, which has space-age themed items in it. Kind of gives me a Phantasy Star vibe. So as usual, if you see anything you like, pick up a stack! Full drop list and rates in the link below!

    Hyperspace Aurora Box:

    That's all for this week! Happy Gaming, Everyone!~
  • Sale Heads-Up! 3/2/23

    Hey, Milletians, it's a short one this week! All that's ending this week is the Moonlit Howls Box! As usual, if you see anything you like in the link below, pick up a stack and good luck! Full rates and list in the link below!

    Moonlit Howls Box:

    That's all for this week! Happy Gaming, Everyone!~
  • Event Heads-Up! 1/19/23

    It's that time again, Milletians! This week is only events and one of them is a big one~! Also I noticed that we're due for an update happening that we're learning about tomorrow via a stream so be sure to check that out!

    Event #1 is the big one. It's the NEXT Update Celebration Events! So if you guys have been gathering training seals and guild coins for all your efforts, MAKE SURE TO TRADE THEM IN BEFORE THURSDAY'S MAINTENANCE. You don't want all your hard work to go to waste, do you? Also, if anyone hasn't unlocked an Ace Talent and you can rebirth, make sure to take advantage of the free Ace Talent Rebirth going on. Another important thing to remember is to get your equipment repaired while it's still free to do so. Also make sure to clear out your Master Plan Inventory. You won't be able to put anything in it after the event ends, but you can still take stuff out, so don't panic if you don't get it done before the maintenance. More info in the link below!

    NEXT Update Celebration Events:

    Event #2 is the event that I thought would never end! It's the Crom Bás Support. It started December 7 2021, but it just kept going and going and going! It's like the Energizer Bunny of Mabinogi Events. So just a reminder, you will no longer get 3x the Adamantine Coins you've been getting and the yield will go down. Also, your durability will go down faster as the durability protection will no longer be in effect. Hope everyone enjoyed it while it lasted!

    Crom Bás Support:

    Alright, that's all for this week! Happy Gaming, Everyone!~
  • Event+Commerce Season Heads-Up! 10/27/22

    Hey, Milletians, it's that time again! This week we're saying farewell to the Balloon Festival Event! There shouldn't be any balloons to turn in this week, but there is still a final prize box to get and you can trade your coins for prizes with Zeno in Dunbarton Square! Make sure to do this before the maintenance on Thursday!

    Balloon Festival:

    Alright, you guys probably saw that I put Commerce Season in the title too! That's because we're nearing the end of our very first Commerce Season (Imbolic)! The current season ends on Tuesday, November 1st! Bear in mind, after this point, all of your Seasonal Ducats will be turned into regular Ducats, so you have to start all over acquiring your riches, which should be a lot faster this time around since we're a little more familiar with the process! Make sure to trade in any Seasonal Ducats you want to with Sayiv before this season ends too! More details in the link below!

    Commerce Season Information:

    Alright, that's all for this week! Happy Gaming, Everyone!
  • [UPDATE] Event Heads-Up! 11/24/21+

    Hey, Milletians, it's that time again! It's also about to be Thanksgiving week, so I'm doing another early heads-up because this week's maintenance is Wednesday the 24th. So it's a day early. Thanks to Katherz for the clarification.

    Anyway, let's get to the events.

    First on the list is the long-running Return of the Playful Puzzles 2021 Event. If you haven't filled up the board, make sure to get those last pieces you can get in and CLAIM YOUR PRIZES. Chances are the puzzle UI will poof with the maintenance, so be sure to claim your prizes before the maintenance so you don't lose them! This is one of the two that ends on WEDNESDAY the 24th with the maintenance.

    Return of the Playful Puzzles Event 2021:

    Next is the other event that ends on the 24th, the Erinn Attendance Event. Log in, stay in game for 36 minutes, get a stamp, get a prize. Easy. Get your cute little camera imp whistle.

    Erinn Attendance Event:

    Now for the oddball. Week 1 of the Weekly Boost Event from the Milletian Full Boost Event is ending on the 25th. This one is set to end automatically at 7AM PST/10AM EST so keep that in mind. The ones for this week is the Stardust Boost Event and the Technique Boost Event. Get double the materials for completing Melwyn's quests and get double Briogh. More details in the link below.

    Milletian Full Boost Event Week 1:

    That's all for this week! I hope everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving holiday! Happy Gaming, Everyone!