Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Last Active
March 1, 1993
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I agree.
  • Next fishing event for Rabbie Phantasm spam~

    hmm can you explain how to be smart about using potions when you have 1700 hp with pet link and some monters can drop your HP to deadly in 1 hit not to mention 100% wound. plis
    Don't get hit.
    I already made that joke. Joke thief.

    Edit: On a more thread related content.
    I've seen some people buying Full Restores. You should look into that. @OP.
  • Next fishing event for Rabbie Phantasm spam~

    hmm can you explain how to be smart about using potions when you have 1700 hp with pet link and some monters can drop your HP to deadly in 1 hit not to mention 100% wound. plis
    Don't get hit, of course.
  • Rebirth Potions not expiring on the 28th

    You know it says a lot when a poll is asking if people want free stuff and the majority is voting no.

    We do not need compensation for what happen. We did not receive less than what we were told we were going to receive. We were told two things. Rebirth potions would be available until the 28th. We would have a DR in the 31st. Both of those things came true.

    Instead of viewing it as you got screwed up, view it as others got lucky. Beside, if you planned correctly you should have been coming in to the DR with 2 rebirth, and starting at level 1.

    Instead of being sad for yourself, be happy for those who got it.

    As for what happened, many things could have. I doubt they weren't meant to expire since it was stated everywhere. Maybe a glitch or an employee thought it would be nice to give some of us a treat. Whatever the reason, even if the potions were not meant to expire, we got what we were told we were going to get.

    Some just got a little more.
  • ▇~Monochrome Arts~▇ [Alexina+Ruairi]

    Hi! I am the second person MissFortune commissioned you for.
    It looks great!
  • Spirit weapons revamp, PLEASE!

    Not everyone had a chance to take advantage of the fishing event, nor have the inventory space to keep a giant stock.

    But either way, that's not the problem. They are an old mechanic that they haven't thought about for years.