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Multi-clienters ruining/abusing events
Ever since the release of the Chain Blade instant prize events, people have been making hundreds of alternate accounts to absorb prizes from events. Prizes include all of the 1st and 2nd place Festia instant prize rewards from both the Coin and Gold draws such as wings, gold prizes, and other good items. Other events include hot-days with trade enabled items that ensure maximized rewards such as enchant potions, rebirth potions, forgetful potions, among other premium items.
These players are amassing hundreds alternate accounts just for these events, but nothing is done about them at all. These events are becoming a hand-out to the players who are always cheating to get to the top, and they profit off of every bit of it.
In the past, with the Hamlet delegation event, these players were dealt with, and banned for abusing these events along with all of their alternate accounts, but this time they're getting off free without any form of sanction.
Please do something about this.

![[Deleted User]](http://nxcache.nexon.net/forums4/mabinogi/themes/mabinogi/avatars/Avatar_Default.jpg)

and 6 others.
When something is abused and exploited on a huge scale, it has to be fixed. As unfortunate as it is, these players will continue to abuse these events regardless until something is done about it, essentially ruining for everyone anyways.
Was so badly abused, they ended the event early.
That was super lame.
I agree, something's gotta change.
Multi-accounters have a clear advantage over players who only have one account, especially if those multi-accounters are also multi-clienters.
And this is not just with event rewards, either.
Irrelevant to the thread but I would bet that there isn't even 10,000 ACTUAL players in this game even at peak hours. Have to boost up player count somehow right?
Should I remind you that there are non American players too ?
Especially if U miss an event. It's great 2 be able to grab the extra leftovers from other peeps. If we're gunna impose more restrictions I'd say make it more progress related liek talent/TTL/CL...etc.
Sadly, that would not fix anything because some households have more then one actual person that play the game at the same time.
What do you mean by this?
Maybe sometimes multiple machines are involved.
But not always.
This isn't an example I've seen from NA Mabi, but I've seen some videos of KR Mabi where a player had multiple windows of Mabi open, and was "soloing" Phantasm with 3 other dummy alts.
Then, when he finished Phantasm, he just clicked the taskbar at the bottom to switch to the other instances of Mabi to make his alts drop their keys and take all the rewards for his main.
If you could just click into different windows from the taskbar, doesn't that mean it's one machine?
Can't imagine the computer specs to be able to run 4 separate instances of Mabi while still being able to solo Phantasm...
And the connection to be able to react while having 4 simultaneous connections.
Well, regardless, that's probably the most aggravating use of alts, to me.
Running dummies through content to boost rewards well beyond what any other solo player could be getting.
Sort of the same principal with running multiple accounts through events.
Other than boosting the "must be total level XXX to participate" thing to higher levels, which risks alienating newbies (though not that much, given how quickly a sub-1000 account can level), just a better investigative presence could help.
Actual GMs in-game moderating.
Hey, a ban list like MapleStory has could be neat.
If only to show that something's happening.
Yeah, you're right not to assume that for every case.
Though you should still feel free to report someone playing Mabi with their friends and such with strangely similar or throwaway names, if something about it seems suspicious to you.
It's only a problem if the investigation from reports are faulty.
Sure, Eventchar01 through Eventchar07 could just be friends with a silly in-joke all running the same dungeon with their pal THEMAINMAN, who is decked out in cool equips, while the others wear 0 dura newbie wears and Robes.
I mean, that's not out of the question, as hyperbolic as that sounds.
But ya'know... sometimes.
But it really comes down to Nexon's end, what comes of this whole situation.
Whether it continues (bleh), ends well (offenders punished), or ends badly (innocents banned).
Just more presence would be great.
I don't even know if GMs are in-game outside of events, and insta-banning on sight without investigating would be bad, but... they could act like security guards.
Ya'know like, the presence of them could deter stuff before it happens. In the sense that "you never know if there could be a GM right outside Taill's Altar, as you bring your menagerie of alts out of the mission you're solo-spamming".
I don't know. Perhaps I'm just a little bummed out at the prizes taken, but....
Having limited top tier= Multi-clienters win and others lose\
Having unlimited top tier= Multi-clienters win and others also win
....I think I just prefer one to the other. And it would be one of the easiest solutions without having to get into the nitty gritty of IP addresses (which can hurt families) or level/talent requirements (which I don't think I would mind, so long as it doesn't alienate new players too much. We definitely need new people. Maybe have under level 100K do G1, it would be irritating enough for a multi-clienter to have to navigate lolol. Oh, and you can't make a new char and get up to level 100 during the event; it has to be 100K previous to the event.)
What, like make 'Alby Advanced Hardmode" passes bring up a window similar to using Unrestricted Passes where you can choose "1 Player ~ 4 Player" versions?
I mean, I don't think the majority of alt-carriers do it just to get into specific dungeons.
I mean, I'm sure that it's just a happy coincidence that the version of AAHM that has 8 reward chests per dungeon requires 4 players, to the person who's running AAHM with three alts.
But it's not like you need special party size requirements to enter, say, Phantasm.
But that won't stop alt-runners from bringing their friends anyways.
I mean, changing the way to access dungeons like you suggested would have the side effect of being more convenient for everyone, especially non-alt-carriers, but it doesn't change anything for the alt-runners spamming for many times the endchest/completion rewards.
Heeey, there's a neato idea.
One can dream, eh?