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Can we not immediately scream for nerfs?


  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    Nao stones can be gotten from Lorna with Saga Viewing Coupons
  • dowiedowie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,800
    Posts: 184
    Farming nao stones from saga is pretty easy as its actually good to do consistently but actually needing them I feel shouldn't be the answer to some of this stuff.
  • HellkaizerHellkaizer
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,305
    Posts: 1,066
    edited July 12, 2018
    Ninzerker wrote: »
    Hellkaizer wrote: »
    Doesn't have manashield though?

    900 damage is -900 MP as well

    I did this with base elf move speed and got hit like maybe 10% of the time.

    Congratz on letting a pet take all the hits for you, cause if she's targeting you, she gonna hit you 3 out of 4 times at base speed

    Brionac is a thing either, and someone posted a video how to cheese it anyway

    And theres also people saying Brionac doesn't do anything in this very thread, just like it hasn't in all the previous Alban knight generations quests

    It does warrant a get gud because the first boss you can dodge all of its damage with anchor

    Try anchor rush without a mouse, on a touchpad that shuts off for .25 seconds until after a key is released
    Doubt you'd be so quick to advise it

    Also Inb4 Hydra cheese vid or the most common method of dealing with poorly made bosses Life Drain spam

    Get a mouse? You argument doesn't hold water at all. And no, 900 damage isn't 900 off mana shield.
    I'm sure all the games content is hard if I broke my fingers before playing and only allowed myself to use a ballmouse from 1990 that has dead clicks.
    Buffalos wrote: »
    *Arguably easy Generation comes out* "UGGGGH I wish devCAT would give us any sort of CHALLENGE"
    *Arguably hard Generation comes out* "UGGGGH I wish devCAT would stop making things soo hard"
    Cool to know that's still an issue with the community here.

    Use some actual damage mitigation strategies if you're getting one shot: defense with a shield does absolute wonders with most of the attacks. Switch to Neanheim demi-god for that extra damage buffer if you have to.
    Watch and learn visual cues of the bosses, because they sure as heck have some really long animations that let you move out of their attack range. If you're noticing you're still getting hit by an AoE, trying walking behind the monster instead of away from it: a few of their attacks are front facing only.
    And actually read the white text pop ups that give hints to you on how to beat stuff instead of trying to face roll this content.

    And this is what I've been trying to say...

    Just to add some anecdotal evidence here, if people on my friends list can be it at like 3k total with 2/3 revive balloons you can do it too.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    edited July 12, 2018
    Zephyrmaru wrote: »
    People who die: This boss killed me and is hard to get over, therefore it is terribly designed because I wanted to beat the whole content in a day and return to afking without wasting any pots/nao stones.

    That is next level pathetic, gotta say xD

    Like, I have no problems whatsoever with casual players. In fact, I think it's an extremely healthy and mature way to pace yourself in MMOs when you have a job/work/other commitments. But a casual shouldn't be arguing 4 hours into release that the FINAL BOSS is hard. And if the people complaining are not casuals....git gud?

    Yeah...git gud. Or borrow my copy of Kirby's Epic Yarn if you can't handle it : ^ )

    Hmph. The boss is genuinly bad design. You don't add something that literally disables your one and only ability to protect yourself fom a instant kill.
    And not even tell you about it BEFORE you're dead.
    I died at the very beginning of the mission, because I wasn't exactly told what to do. The obscure message system didn't appear before I died.

    "Yeah uh, you need to use that shield shill, by the way. And preferably after the sword lands, because that thing that kills you? It's not the sword, but that red mist that comes after your shield disspates. So. Yeah ok good luck chap~"

    Facetanking any content is stupid. No one's arguing that.
    But turning a boss into a damn sponge with nothing to show isn't a good design choice either. Any critique would argue the same.
    And adding a very obscure way of beating it with hints that doesn't work properly is a even worse design.

    You're supposed to work your way and avoid obstacles by your own merrit, and overcome the challenges, through solving puzzles. Not, get stripped of your only way to survive an attack.

    That said, I don't really need him nerfed. I just want them to stop being so obscure, and actually deliver the messages properly.

    A white plain text with no border appearing for roughly 1 second before fading away is not helping anyone.
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited July 12, 2018
    TNinja wrote: »

    Hmph. The boss is genuinly bad design. You don't add something that literally disables your one and only ability to protect yourself fom a instant kill.
    And not even tell you about it BEFORE you're dead.
    I died at the very beginning of the mission, because I wasn't exactly told what to do. The obscure message system didn't appear before I died.

    "Yeah uh, you need to use that shield shill, by the way. And preferably after the sword lands, because that thing that kills you? It's not the sword, but that red mist that comes after your shield disspates. So. Yeah ok good luck chap~"

    Facetanking any content is stupid. No one's arguing that.
    But turning a boss into a damn sponge with nothing to show isn't a good design choice either. Any critique would argue the same.
    And adding a very obscure way of beating it with hints that doesn't work properly is a even worse design.

    You're supposed to work your way and avoid obstacles by your own merrit, and overcome the challenges, through solving puzzles. Not, get stripped of your only way to survive an attack.

    That said, I don't really need him nerfed. I just want them to stop being so obscure, and actually deliver the messages properly.

    A white plain text with no border appearing for roughly 1 second before fading away is not helping anyone.

    If you're talking about talvish you have to kite him being too close to him puts you in range for his 30 sec crusader skill silence unless you get lucky and his AI becomes dumb you will get hit by that silence. Using aggro drops like crisis escape and shadow cloak help along with keeping the distance.

    EDIT: but I do agree that they should of been a little more blatant with how to fight them if you crit or got distracted for like a sec you miss the white message that tells you what to do
  • ImaizumiImaizumi
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,225
    Posts: 698
    TNinja wrote: »
    Hmph. The boss is genuinly bad design. You don't add something that literally disables your one and only ability to protect yourself fom a instant kill.
    And not even tell you about it BEFORE you're dead.
    I died at the very beginning of the mission, because I wasn't exactly told what to do. The obscure message system didn't appear before I died.

    "Yeah uh, you need to use that shield shill, by the way. And preferably after the sword lands, because that thing that kills you? It's not the sword, but that red mist that comes after your shield disspates. So. Yeah ok good luck chap~"

    Facetanking any content is stupid. No one's arguing that.
    But turning a boss into a damn sponge with nothing to show isn't a good design choice either. Any critique would argue the same.
    And adding a very obscure way of beating it with hints that doesn't work properly is a even worse design.

    You're supposed to work your way and avoid obstacles by your own merrit, and overcome the challenges, through solving puzzles. Not, get stripped of your only way to survive an attack.

    That said, I don't really need him nerfed. I just want them to stop being so obscure, and actually deliver the messages properly.

    A white plain text with no border appearing for roughly 1 second before fading away is not helping anyone.

    Yep. The problem with this boss isn't even the design of the attacks as far as I can guess/tell from what I've fought against it today, but how it's all presented...

    -It says to shield the judgement blades but you're actually supposed to shield against the red mist after.

    -Due to the timing of the message if you shield too soon you will still die to the red mist after anyway.

    -I briefly saw a hint during the trans phase that says you can use a trans skill to avoid getting crusader skill locked when he tries to use said crusader skill lock attack on you.

    -I don't know which skill it is at the moment, or the timing, or even much of what the attack lock out looks like until it's already too late.

    -Why is this hint message HIDDEN among a large platitude of other useless flavor messages that don't actually help very much at all with the fight after transing?

    -^That isn't even on the player, that's just the devs with dumb design.

    -And even if it were easy to realize we could dodge it... Why can the boss use it on us pre-trans phase? The odds of that not happening are too low to none at all because of how slow the boss fight is already. So we have to head ram against RNG just to get past that part of the fight hoping he never blades us while we're crusader skill disabled?

    ^This last bit is the most bull part of the fight as far as I can tell until someone puts up a walk through on the wiki on how to not get boned by it I don't see an obvious way around it other than Nao spam... Which is just silly. In the original 3 gens you couldn't even Nao because it was team based.

    We used to rely on each other, not our wallets.
  • dowiedowie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,800
    Posts: 184
    Veylaine wrote: »
    TNinja wrote: »

    Hmph. The boss is genuinly bad design. You don't add something that literally disables your one and only ability to protect yourself fom a instant kill.
    And not even tell you about it BEFORE you're dead.
    I died at the very beginning of the mission, because I wasn't exactly told what to do. The obscure message system didn't appear before I died.

    "Yeah uh, you need to use that shield shill, by the way. And preferably after the sword lands, because that thing that kills you? It's not the sword, but that red mist that comes after your shield disspates. So. Yeah ok good luck chap~"

    Facetanking any content is stupid. No one's arguing that.
    But turning a boss into a damn sponge with nothing to show isn't a good design choice either. Any critique would argue the same.
    And adding a very obscure way of beating it with hints that doesn't work properly is a even worse design.

    You're supposed to work your way and avoid obstacles by your own merrit, and overcome the challenges, through solving puzzles. Not, get stripped of your only way to survive an attack.

    That said, I don't really need him nerfed. I just want them to stop being so obscure, and actually deliver the messages properly.

    A white plain text with no border appearing for roughly 1 second before fading away is not helping anyone.

    If you're talking about talvish you have to kite him being too close to him puts you in range for his 30 sec crusader skill silence unless you get lucky and his AI becomes dumb you will get hit by that silence. Using aggro drops like crisis escape and shadow cloak help along with keeping the distance.

    EDIT: but I do agree that they should of been a little more blatant with how to fight them if you crit or got distracted for like a sec you miss the white message that tells you what to do

    Not so sure about that since I was about half way across the screen from his position and got sader locked still in which he proceeded to judgement blade me.
  • AnimemabiAnimemabi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 125
    The game is fine as it is stop wining people and get good at the game instead of feeling entitled and want the game easier.
  • NinzerkerNinzerker
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,640
    Posts: 70
    Opalthira wrote: »

    I was wearing no armour as a level 960 using manashield only took like 200 damage max to MP
    It is not 100% damage recieved like you are stating.

    For the pet thing.
    Why didnt you use divine link???

    I had no problems with the fight at all just like the rest of this chapter.
    Its so easy to exploit especially if you are an elf.

    Correction 900 HP converts to 700 MP

    You also said you were below total 1000, reminds that beginner benefits also extend to story being super nerfed
    I managed to beat gen17 under total level 100 for instance
    Leinei wrote: »
    To be fair with Mana Shield, if you have a hoard of mana potions like I do as opposed to HP potions, this is good advice.

    Also wear armor. Wear any defense/prot accessories you can

    @Ninzerker What are you in-game and what are you using for attacks?

    Mostly support with whip for offense
    Had to cave and buy 30 stones, finally won but just further cements the pay to win bullcrap
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    Animemabi wrote: »
    The game is fine as it is stop wining people and get good at the game instead of feeling entitled and want the game easier.

    People are just frustrated is all. It is kind of a significant jump in what we are used to combat-wise. Plus not informing how to handle a battle versus making us play figure-it-out doesn't help especially when peeps are dying while trying.
  • ShaeliShaeli
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,430
    Posts: 359
    Now that I've finished G21, I actually find myself not wanting to do it on my other characters. They're strong enough to handle it, it's just that it's been annoying, counter-intuitive, and poorly designed, and I simply don't want to repeat the experience.

    I'm not impressed with the new skillset either, and with the 36 minute cooldown I don't think I even want to bother training it.
  • NeroyNeroy
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,640
    Posts: 72
    Guys please its day 1/2 since this update came out just relax and rethink things through. If this generation taught me anything its to slow down and look around and think of a strat. I stopped relying on magic, stopped relying on gun, and now all i use mainly is a sword and a shield without spamming bash 24/7 and actually enjoying the more diverse crowed control warrior talent has to offer. Just stay calm and take your time, Rushing and being angry isnt going to help you focus. (i finished with ONLY Dan 3 smash,R1 def,R1 Counter, R1 WM, Dan 3 CM,and R1 Assult slash alongside with a nimbus, no reforges,just 3 nao soul stones,1 guardian stone, and 10-30 300hp pots a brionic and a frosted borealis shield<- i thought the brionic would work RIP AP)
  • TtheHeroTtheHero
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,410
    Posts: 63
    edited July 12, 2018
    What even is this deal with the Doppelganger? Wounding worked, if only for a fleeting moment. Crit-shanking it with Chain Impale worked to some degree, but then once the Transformation wears off, I hit a wall. I ain't one of those rough types with fancy world-ending endgame equips. But it's like an Unstoppable Force meets a Crappily Designed Object. There isn't even any gimmick to cleave off chunks of its HP, as far as I can see; it's just 'whittle away only to have it regenerated back'. And yet drawing it away from the copies, which DON'T deal crap for damage, is insultingly easy.
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited July 12, 2018
    dowie wrote: »

    Not so sure about that since I was about half way across the screen from his position and got sader locked still in which he proceeded to judgement blade me.
    Yeah that didn't happened to me, but my friends said that he teleported ( sader locked not sure what that is ) to them but the aggro drops like crisis escape and shadow cloak remedied that for them.
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    TNinja wrote: »
    "Yeah uh, you need to use that shield shill, by the way. And preferably after the sword lands, because that thing that kills you? It's not the sword, but that red mist that comes after your shield disspates. So. Yeah ok good luck chap~"
    Lol basically this. I shielded everytime that message comes up, only to get instakilled later. I was so confused, I wasted some nao stones because of that. Then I realized I got killed everytime I was standing close to him. I kept my distance whenever I'm shielding later and noticed there's a red thingy below Talvish, and figured that must have something to do with that.

    Already cleared it but I still didn't know why I was getting instakilled even after using shield of trust until I read this thread lol

    His skill that disable your crusader skills is really annoying precisely because of the message that kept popping up, suggesting you need to use some sort of skill to stop it. I tried using shield of trust and defense, they didn't work. So I ignored that message and just run away whenever Talvish used it.

    The game's instructions message is annoyingly distracting. Really misleading. Really bad design.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    Egoraptor's Megaman X video.
  • LongSlyLongSly
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,210
    Posts: 86
    edited July 12, 2018
    Opalthira wrote: »
    Try investing in skills like divine link and mana shield to make you last longer and give you an edge.

    Mana shield is r8, but lacking in MP to be very effective, especially for this boss (and risk potion poisoning too for the amount of MP 100's i'll be chugging)... as for divine link (rA), pet is lucky to go into deadly state in ~1-2 hits, ~2-3 for me.

    Would love to rebirth my pet so it would have better use...

    Buffalos wrote: »
    And actually read the white text pop ups that give hints to you on how to beat stuff instead of trying to face roll this content.

    You mean the one that lasts briefly on screen yet at the same time distracting you while trying to concentrate on the battle that does not pause when instructions are finally given to you of what to do next unless it's part of a dialogue?

    I'm sorry, didn't realize I have to battle, move, and avoid a boss and read distracting text in the middle of the screen at the same time when my HP gets wiped in 1-2 hits by a boss that constantly locks onto me and that can teleport to me!

    Seriously though, you're most likely looking at this from an entirely different perspective than others are to the point there might be a disconnect going on. Wouldn't surprise me if you were far stronger than most people are in this thread alone... if you were in our shoes, I doubt you would have the same mindset and a better understanding, but what do I know, I'm just a guy who keeps trying to get through a boss fight without getting hit in 2-3 hits.

    dowie wrote: »
    Farming nao stones from saga is pretty easy as its actually good to do consistently but actually needing them I feel shouldn't be the answer to some of this stuff.

    I don't mind using a few nao stones to get through a tough situation (around 3 on average), especially if I'm making great progress between each use, but when I have to heavily rely on them to get through a part, there's a problem and it's hard to tell if it's because of the quest or because I'm not yet ready to tackle it (and could be both).

    Animemabi wrote: »
    The game is fine as it is stop wining people and get good at the game instead of feeling entitled and want the game easier.

    We're talking about specific instances of this generation and other generations in this chapter, not the entire game. While we're being specific of where we're finding difficulty in, you're making it seem like we're talking about the entire game, which isn't true. Don't paint such a broad brush on an issue that is being centered around.

    And bluntly telling people to "get good" is like telling a 5 year old to "learn Calculus" with no guidance of where to start... it doesn't help anyone.

    Neroy wrote: »
    Guys please its day 1/2 since this update came out just relax and rethink things through. If this generation taught me anything its to slow down and look around and think of a strat. I stopped relying on magic, stopped relying on gun, and now all i use mainly is a sword and a shield without spamming bash 24/7 and actually enjoying the more diverse crowed control warrior talent has to offer. Just stay calm and take your time, Rushing and being angry isnt going to help you focus.

    (i finished with ONLY Dan 3 smash,R1 def,R1 Counter, R1 WM, Dan 3 CM,and R1 Assult slash alongside with a nimbus, no reforges,just 3 nao soul stones,1 guardian stone, and 10-30 300hp pots a brionic and a frosted borealis shield<- i thought the brionic would work RIP AP)

    It's difficult to stay calm when I have to constantly run from a massive HP hit from a boss (which in turn could be a massive MP drain for Mana Shield), have to chug potion after potion of HP (and MP for mana shield) risking potion poisoning, have to make sure my fast mount pet doesn't become unconscious, make sure the divine link is still active, trying to find a good opening at a boss to do damage before it does an attack (if the animation allows you ample time to move, which Hasidim doesn't give enough time to move before it's double-dash attack), have little chance to relax and recollect during a battle to recover so my progress doesn't get reset, so on and so forth...

    I have similarly high ranking skills you mentioned, but the issue is surviving the attacks taken, not so much the damage input... and sadly some people aren't able to easily get their hands on a four-leaf clover to make 300 pots, nor have the leisure to purchase a pet that supplies four-leaf clovers by chance. Nor high-class armor for that matter.

    What was your Defensive stats as well? Most of us can't last 1-2 hits when caught, and that's where most of the struggle is with these battles.

    Like I said, I don't mind difficulty, but when it's cranked up to 11, and as people have pointed out over and over, with poor design of instructions of what to do exactly, something isn't right... would be nice if the NPCs were actually useful in battle than just being there "helping" Ralph Wiggum style. I'm glad it requires some strategy to tackle a tough boss than a usual battle like in a G1 boss fight for example, just wish it wasn't nearly impossible though...
  • AquasolAquasol
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,565
    Posts: 443
    Member, Volunteer Forum Moderator
    Hey folks, there’s been a lot of acid being tossed back and forth, but let’s try and remember that everyone is free to have their own opinions and perceptions on difficulty. Let’s try to keep from egging others on, or from inflammatory statements like “git gud”, please.
  • ZephyrmaruZephyrmaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,430
    Posts: 139
    ...How is 'git gud' inflammatory enough for a mod comment? Actually, lemme rephrase that. What are you expecting people to say here, "Oh you tried your best after 20 minutes, I'm sure it was just lag or maybe it even is bad game design!" Part 2 hasn't been out for 4 hours and we have people...

    1) Not taking advantage of a attendance event that's supposed to be giving us a chance at guardian/naos/full restores daily to take this slowly.
    2) Not waiting/exploring the boss mechanics when there is no timer on g21 completion unlike Part 1 had.
    3) Not willing to say that they need time to change their playstyle, or give the fight a few days to think about and plan.
    4) Not attempting to prepare a little before a boss fight, or farm up resources to help during the fights.
    5) Not trying to understand that people have already beaten it and saying they're just p2win or reforge spammers.
    6) Not asking a friend to hold 3 adv feathers(like 10-20k gold each...) for a second and res them if something goes haywire.
    7) Not admitting that what they want is to brute force the content on Day 1 so they can say they're awesome and return to afking with their shiny new reward.

    That is the exact mindset that spawned Dark Soul's 'Git Gud' movement originally. It became a thing because when Dark Souls hit the mainstream, we had a ton of people looking for instant accomplishment getting splatted then complaining that the game was bad instead of improving. 'Git Gud' has become so integral to this whole challenge/satisfaction debate that it's a meme that we now say on frustratingly dumb odds like 100% achievement rate on fps games with 700 trophies or 1v9ing in Mobas.

    I'll even concede every point up till now and say hypothetically it didn't matter; We still have people wanting to beat the final boss(or even the mid boss) four hours in with no hiccups. Every MMO has people who will do this of course, glory seekers and people who are in to brag or just the thrill. But new content is considered well done when it takes the general audience some time to chew through and aren't 100% before 24 hours are up. That's not even an opinion, that's good game design by default definition. And the only way they're going to win on Day 1 like the glory seekers are better. 'Git Gud', as it were.

    I honestly would not even respond to that comment and even respect the idea of turning the thread's acidic levels down(I called some of em pathetic I'm pretty sure as an example), if there has been literally anything done for the toxicity levels on this forum since I came back. These forums were in a cesspool status when I came back, and I have barely seen any attempt at fixing it as of yet. Where were the warning messages when people were mobbing users and hijacking threads? Where's the Nexon employees enforcing ToS or at the very least re-drawing a few lines in the sand? How bout that certain thread topic that as of yet has had 0 word from Nexon about reminding people to follow ToS and just a ton of thread deletions? A lot of this is beyond a simple vmod's pay grade and not even aimed at you, but there needs to be some effort on the higher up's part if they plan on enforcing rules around here. Either purge everyone, or purge no one and don't try to pretend rules exists.

    Edit: Heck, it's even fine when some ppl are saying there is pet lag causing issues or camera angles. Mabi engine is old and makes this way harder than it has to be.
  • VeylaineVeylaine
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,050
    Posts: 348
    edited July 12, 2018
    Zephyrmaru wrote: »
    ...How is 'git gud' inflammatory enough for a mod comment? Actually, lemme rephrase that. What are you expecting people to say here, "Oh you tried your best after 20 minutes, I'm sure it was just lag or maybe it even is bad game design!" Part 2 hasn't been out for 4 hours and we have people...

    1) Not taking advantage of a attendance event that's supposed to be giving us a chance at guardian/naos/full restores daily to take this slowly.
    2) Not waiting/exploring the boss mechanics when there is no timer on g21 completion unlike Part 1 had.
    3) Not willing to say that they need time to change their playstyle, or give the fight a few days to think about and plan.
    4) Not attempting to prepare a little before a boss fight, or farm up resources to help during the fights.
    5) Not trying to understand that people have already beaten it and saying they're just p2win or reforge spammers.
    6) Not asking a friend to hold 3 adv feathers(like 10-20k gold each...) for a second and res them if something goes haywire.
    7) Not admitting that what they want is to brute force the content on Day 1 so they can say they're awesome and return to afking with their shiny new reward.

    That is the exact mindset that spawned Dark Soul's 'Git Gud' movement originally. It became a thing because when Dark Souls hit the mainstream, we had a ton of people looking for instant accomplishment getting splatted then complaining that the game was bad instead of improving. 'Git Gud' has become so integral to this whole challenge/satisfaction debate that it's a meme that we now say on frustratingly dumb odds like 100% achievement rate on fps games with 700 trophies or 1v9ing in Mobas.

    I'll even concede every point up till now and say hypothetically it didn't matter; We still have people wanting to beat the final boss(or even the mid boss) four hours in with no hiccups. Every MMO has people who will do this of course, glory seekers and people who are in to brag or just the thrill. But new content is considered well done when it takes the general audience some time to chew through and aren't 100% before 24 hours are up. That's not even an opinion, that's good game design by default definition. And the only way they're going to win on Day 1 like the glory seekers are better. 'Git Gud', as it were.

    I honestly would not even respond to that comment and even respect the idea of turning the thread's acidic levels down(I called some of em pathetic I'm pretty sure as an example), if there has been literally anything done for the toxicity levels on this forum since I came back. These forums were in a cesspool status when I came back, and I have barely seen any attempt at fixing it as of yet. Where were the warning messages when people were mobbing users and hijacking threads? Where's the Nexon employees enforcing ToS or at the very least re-drawing a few lines in the sand? How bout that certain thread topic that as of yet has had 0 word from Nexon about reminding people to follow ToS and just a ton of thread deletions? A lot of this is beyond a simple vmod's pay grade and not even aimed at you, but there needs to be some effort on the higher up's part if they plan on enforcing rules around here. Either purge everyone, or purge no one and don't try to pretend rules exists.

    Edit: Heck, it's even fine when some ppl are saying there is pet lag causing issues or camera angles. Mabi engine is old and makes this way harder than it has to be.[/quote
    I think they're saying find a nicer way to say "git gud" yes it might seem too PC like, but these are the official forums and not some random message board, anyways you could say what they need to do and leave off the "git gud" comment because its bound to incite somebody and no one needs turmoil and its the role of moderators to make sure everything is civil.

    Edit: of course they could ban players and all that but we aren't the mods and their hands may be tied on what exactly they can do.