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Jousting Finals


  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    edited June 27, 2023
    2023 Jun 25
    The final had 10 and it can be found here.

    Elves made a great showing this time with one of them winning. Of course it was against a human since humans are, very rarely, shut out of the final round.

    The mid-year jousting ladder/rankings can be found here.

    * * *

    If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.

  • Professor_QProfessor_Q
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,580
    Posts: 30
    Helsa wrote: »
    That armor the woman is wearing. What is that?

    Can you be more specific?

    This person's armor.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Helsa wrote: »
    That armor the woman is wearing. What is that?

    Can you be more specific?

    This person's armor.

    If that's from the Magic Spear Tournament trailer then we won't know until it comes out here; whenevertheh311 that is.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Jul 2
    The final had 10-1 and it can be found here.

    For years, I've helped out the finals by having my alts register since a minimum of eight applicants are required for them to occur. Until about a year ago I would quit out, my job being done. About a year ago, I decided I would let my characters auto-joust since, overall, it meant that more folks make it to the next round. Auto-jousting is where you let your computer play for you. If I'm matched with an NPC, however, then I do try, since my beating the NPC is better for everyone, overall. I got the NPC in the first and second round, but not in the third; so I auto-jousted. I was hoping for a repeat of Jan. 1, of this year, where I got NPC's all the way to the final. In the final match, then, I decided to try, letting my opponent know first. No repeat, with my other character, this time though; alas.

    * * *

    If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Jul 9
    The final had 11-1 and it can be found here.

    For some reason OBS failed and pooched my recording. Fortunately, I have two computers and always make a back-up recording. So, this week's videos star your favourite BBW G-witch from Vales.

    The top jouster from Nao finally earned back top spot on Erinn from Alexina's top jouster. Mind you that jouster from Alexina walked away from the game several months ago; they didn't give away their stuff though, sooooo ...

    * * *

    If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.

  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Jul 16
    The final had 11 and it can be found here.

    OBS failed on me again, so I had to use a backup recording. So, I wrestled with my computer and fixed the issue, hopefully, for next week. Anyway, the top jousting Elf, on Erinn, took it this week. I added a new stat, to the final summary list, denoting, on average, how far each jouster has proceeded through the tournaments that they have participated in.

    * * *

    If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.

  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Jul 23
    The final had 15-1 and it can be found here.

    Relatively speaking, it was a fairly diverse line-up this week. Of the fourteen active participants: three were giants, three were elves, and eight were humans. Typically, humans dominate even more so.

    * * *

    If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    The Summer Fair, the multi-event community sponsored event that began years ago on ye olde Tarlach server, is alive and well on the Erinn server, after having been inherited via the Nao server. One of it's events, held this last Friday on July 28, was a single-elimination jousting tournament. There were twenty entrants, eight of which were placed in a wild card round, to make the "first round" a round-of-16. Honestly, it felt like kinda the NHL, but I digress.

    Our forum matriarch @Crimsọn participated and so did I; even our favorite forum troll @Pan made it out. I used my human character from Nao while my Alexina character did the recordings; I have two computers. How'd ole Crimsy do? Well ... let's just say I avenged them and leave it at that.

    All the action can be found here.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    edited August 5, 2023
    2023 Jul 30
    The final had 16-1 and it can be found here.

    A nice turn-out. We had several new folks show up for enpoikment and enpoikment is what they got! It's a rare thing but we had someone, whom was enjoying their first finals ever, make it all the way to the final round; so that's kinda fun.

    * * *

    If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.

  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Aug 6
    The final had 10-1 and it can be found here.

    A few folks couldn't make it out this week but, since the NPCs were quiescent, we still managed a four-rounder; just.

    * * *

    If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.

  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Aug 13
    The final had 13-1 and it can be found here.

    A relatively new jouster manages to win the final twice in eight days; good for them.

    * * *

    If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Aug 20
    The final had 15-1 and it can be found here.

    That relatively new jouster makes it to the final again, for the third time in 15 days, but has to settle for second.

    * * *

    If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.

  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Aug 27
    The final had 9-1 and it can be found here.

    Our good friend, Clemente of Tarlach, most of the time enters the final, but quits out when it starts, to help out making sure the final has the best chance to happen. They used to compete regularly, in fact they had the second best elven record on Nao, but after a while they decided to focus on the other parts of the game. Still, we are all grateful for their continuing help and thank them for their efforts. This week they got matched with the NPC, so that turned a potential 4-rounder into a 3-rounder. Whenever you see the number of participants as X-1, the -1 is usually Clemente.

    * * *

    If you'd like to try out Mabinogi's "Game of Kings" and join the folks whom poik™, a description of the basic strategy can be found here; make sure to read the video description. The jousting arena is in the city of Tara. Monday to Saturday, preliminaries are held at 7p & 10p, California time, on all channels. If you win twice, during this time, you get a ticket allowing you to enter the final, which is held on Sunday at 7p, California time, only on channel 2. The other channels and the 10p slot have no matches on Sunday.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Sept 3
    The final had 13-1 and it can be found here.

    I went on a month-long trip, the day after this final. So, my posting was delayed. This was the final final of the original-rules jousting mini-game. Whilst the identities of the original champions of: Alexina, Mari, Ruairi, and Tarlach are likely lost to time, the final champion of MabiNA is recorded here and will be remembered for as long as electrons flow through Google's servers.

    The final standings of original-rules jousting, on Errin, can be found here

    Posting videos on YouTube of the updated-rules jousting will be somewhat delayed as I will have to make the database, and other analysis tools, nearly from scratch, along with having to learn and study the new rules in order to understand it fully enough to comment on the matches. Not to mention the month delay; thanks to all that recorded the new finals in my absence. In the mean time, stay tuned for developments.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    So, I've studied how damage works, in Magic Spear Jousting, and I think I have it all figured out. I spent last week designing and building the database, and associated interfaces, to handle Magic Spear jousting. I still need to design and build the tools for inserting the text overlays into the videos, for the jousting channel.

    All this, along with me going on a month-long trip, means I'll probably be about two months behind when I'm ready to get rolling. Because of favourable changes to the tournament times, European players can now participate and we are seeing the effect with much larger turn-outs for the finals. This, along with the fact the Magic Spear matches take longer for me to process, means that I have no hope of ever catching up to current tournaments. So, to be able to catch up, the first tournaments, on my channel, will be bare-bones affairs. Once caught up I can then put in the level of detail that I'd prefer. That's the plan anyway.

    In the mean time, I just made this video which shows the longest possible match under the new rules.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Well anyway, here's how damage works: (note: there is no variable damage anymore)

    Tied		1 aug	2 aug	2 dim	3 aug	3 dim
    A	14	28	N/A	14	34	N/A
    D	28	56	N/A	28	48	N/A
    S	21	42	N/A	21	41	N/A
    W	21	42	N/A	21	41	N/A
    Not Tied	1 aug	2 aug	2 dim	3 aug	3 dim
    A	20	40	30	N/A	N/A	20
    D	40	80	50	N/A	N/A	40
    S	30	60	40	30	50	30
    W	30	60	40	30	50	30

    If you decide to see for yourself, you will get some, very slight, variation but this is due to the error in measuring pixels with varying color and brightness. In my own case, I used a high resolution 17" monitor, measuring using the normal, on screen, damage bars, as opposed to the ones from the sign, and measured to the nearest half millimetre, where the damage bars were greater than 100mm in length. This resulted in variation, on all data, of less than a half of a percent, which I attribute to measurement error.

    I performed the data gathering twice: recently with my own matches, versus Adair, and back in the spring, via YouTube Korean lets-play videos when it was first released then. The two data-sets, agree with each other precisely.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Sept 10
    The final had 16 and it can be found here.

    This was the first finals under the new Magic Spear rules. The tournament glitched because rather than allowing a maximum of 64 entrants, it only allowed 16. I missed attending so You Tube account Mina Derali, recorded it in my absence and graciously allowed me to make use of their recordings; special thanks to them. As I am playing "catch up" the videos themselves do not have any fancy additions to them; they will have to suffer until I can catch up by finish making the software tools that I will need to fancify the videos.

  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    edited October 25, 2023
    2023 Sept 17
    The final had 36 and it can be found here.

    The limited entrants glitch was fixed, allowing a maximum of 64 entrants. We didn't have that many but this was still the largest turnout that I have ever seen so I'm gonna go with glass-half-full.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Sept 24

    The final had 36 and it can be found here.

    It was another should-have-been-six-rounds-but-was-only-five-rounds-because-an-NPC-won-their-match finals. It was a proper PvP final match but this time the NPC turned what should have been the quarter-finals into the semi-finals, rather than turning the semi-finals into the final, as what happened last week. There were only two lances awarded this week unlike last week when it was three. I missed attending so You Tube account Mina Derali, recorded it in my absence and graciously allowed me to make use of their recordings; special thanks to them.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    2023 Oct 1

    The final had 27 and it can be found here.

    After a month, we can see strategies and tactic are evolving, although there is still a focus on either opening with D or expecting an opening with D.