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The final had 23 and it can be found here.
We see some motion in the rankings as a new over-all champion is crowned.
The final had 26 and it can be found here.
The current champ is on a roll as they pick up their third win and second in eight days!
The final had 20 and it can be found here.
The original-style jousting veterans have been struggling with Magic Spear style jousting. I think the issue, for them, is with Skill 2, as using/dealing-with it requires action that would be, for original-style jousting, counter intuitive; you have to make moves, in Magic Spear style jousting, that you would NEVER do in original-style jousting. Well, finally, one of the old elites managed to hoist the cup this week. Yey; go varsity girls tri-county high-school basketball!
The final had 21 and it can be found here.
The current first ranked jouster pads their lead by a little bit more.
EDIT: woops, I forgot to paste the link in; there: all fixed.
The final had 31 and it can be found here.
New champ this week!
The final had 23 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
Welp, I'm finally all caught up and all the associated software is built so this is the first finals, since original-style jousting, to be presented with all the bells and whistles, including match telemetry edited into the video and written commentary about some of the matches.
The final had 20 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
A real rival for the current #1 ranked jouster was revealed at these finals. It'll be fun to see how this rivalry unfolds.
The final had 20 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
We saw the second original-style jousting elite veteran, the first Alexinan, to win the Magic Spear jousting finals, although they are not the first general Alexinan (the current number one jouster is Alexinan, but not an original-style elite veteran).
The final had 19 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
I am told that this week's winner is an alt of our very own first-officer to @Arciellia , none other than @Elebon, themself.
[kidding]I guess a secret whisper of "Let me win or lifetime ban; your choice", to their opponents, worked wonders for them.[/kidding]
The final had 19 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
An old-time Naowegian jouster who had been away from jousting, since before the final merge, came back to Magic-Spear jousting around a month ago. Well, they climbed Mount Niitaka and took the cup this week.
The final had 18 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
After a sixish-week absence, our top ranking jouster found their way back into the winner's circle.
The final had 12 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
A smaller than usual turn-out, hopefully, due to it being Christmas Eve. What should have been a four-rounder became a three-rounder because in, what should have been, the three-jouster semi-final, the jouster facing the NPC lost, making this a spoiled tournament. In the PvP match, the highest ranked jouster strikes again, defeating the jouster they faced last week.
The final had 24 and it's YouTube playlist is below. Below that is the year-end rankings video; check 'em both out!
A live-streamer attended and brought their entourage with them, all with the tickets to register so we had a great turnout! It was a spoiled tournament, meaning, in what should have been the semi-finals, someone lost to the NPC, leaving no one to face the winner of the PvP match. The winner was one of the new folks visiting! There's always a chance that someone can show up for their first time and win. Sure, it's rare but not impossible, so come try out Magic-Spear poking: the true game of kings!
The final had 20 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
That live streamer was back with friends, so that's nice. The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned, even if it does mean more work for me making these videos ... but I digress.
The final had 16 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
The best jouster to ever come out of Tarlach won their second lance in this one.
The final had 18 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
The top two jousters finally meet in the big game. Their effort was ... unexpected.
The final had 19 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
The top jouster is back in form and, now, more comfortably on top.
The final had 21 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
A couple folks get their second lances this time while the "elites" look on.
The final had 16 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
One of our long suffering jousters, "always a brides maid but never a bride", finally got their first tournament win, after 4 second places.
The final had 12 and it's YouTube playlist is below.
The number one ranked jouster makes it to the finals, again, but experiences their second second-place finish.