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A new world record!
Fun happy times -.- Smack them with a frying pan
I need virtual frying pan.
Careful what you wish for, Pan is always out there waiting.
There might even be watercat0 lurking somewhere :eyes: You are a true forum veteran if you know what i'm talking about.
*Goes into Greta's homestead
He seems to be quite fond of your HS stones.
Ooo post a picture!
Sadly.. I think I do lol
Bliss be raidin those herb farms.
I am diagnosed yet again, this time with major depressive disorder. I'll add that to the list of growing diagnoses.
*Places it between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, knocking over aspergers in the process*
I don't feel disabled. I clearly function well in society in terms of having a part time job, getting good grades, and actually paying off my tuition and loans. I do however have a bit of an anger problem, but come on now. Life should stop angering me and people should not get in my way. -_- I am not angry, I am just ruthless and vindictive. That's 90% of people these days.
All the Herbs in the World
No, but I might!