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To be fair, it's better to pander to China on political unrest, than to face threats of another war for disrespecting their honor.
Oh, forgot to share this from Fox News:
Notice how when the US and China said they were going to announce a phase 1 trade deal last week, immediately major news networks cut down the time they talk about the HK issue, instead let's talk about the Turkish invasion of Northern Syria.
Diet KelpSoda
Video link from the recap.
Facebook also took the L in July.
FTC is researching E-cigarettes, time to be concerned for your health and about what those oils really are.
They're obviously chemicals + nicotine.
They always claim to be nicotine free, but yeah... likely dangerous byproducts. (As proven by hospitalization cases.)
Before it was tobacco + nicotine, now it's who knows what's in it + nicotine.
I dont recall a single outlet claiming that atleast the reputable ones, but from what i do know is that a lot of these hospital cases are rather more unique to the US when it comes to Vaping.
Fact 1, the US doesn't regulate e-cigarettes as Harshly as a country like the UK does, and theres a gray market for e-cigs that contain other chemicals that reputable places dont put in.
Fact 2, just about every single case of hospitalized individuals tends to say that they got theirs from a non-reputable place
Fact 3 UK doctors do say that e-cigarettes are not as harmful as traditional cigarettes and there isn't a lung disease phenomenon going in there as well.
all of this leaves a gap that goes to the gray market with vaping juice, Now i don't vape myself, i never will, it's still not healthy for you even if it's allegedly more safe than cigarettes, but i don't think licensed and reputable places are the ones responsible for the phenomenon, theres plenty of reason for that and maybe we should focus are targets with the gray market.
also nicotine isn't a harmful thing by itself either, nor was it found to be addictive in most cases (also lab rats show this), but the things you could get it from are, and unfortunately we dont have the tech that properly separates nicotine from things that do that (as well as controversy and regulations that prevent or hold back research for it), and its even found to have health benefits, however i do not recommend any non consumer of tobacco/nicotine products to start doing it just for those benefits, i don't think they're worth it in the long run.
About time....
Why it gotta be Nicotine? Why not just Nico?
Would never stop smoking if it meant smoking Nico Yazawa.
I bump has appeared on this thread. Time to apply skincare products.
October just got more depressing.
Got some bad family news.
I'd stuff myself with sad cookies, but I need to start watching my "mild elevation" in cholesterol.
I don't even know what to eat, I'm such a very picky eater. (And no one wants to cook longer than 30 minutes.)
For now go ahead and feed the soul; just don't keep doing it at the personal therapy rate for the rest of your life, or it literally will be for the "rest of your life". I mean that in the Lazarus-Long-set-a-man-on-fire-to-warm-him-for-the-rest-of-his-life kind of way. After that limit your sugars & carbs and shop from the periphery of the grocery store and you'll be fine.
Macaroni and cheese? That usually works for me... sorry to hear about your family though.
Probably not the best choice for cholesterol.
Like Glinda and Theodora, there's good and bad cholesterol. But, if this is a time when the soul needs feeding at the expense of the body then go ahead and feed the soul.