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stinky poo?
As opposed to non-stinky poo?
Grassy and leaf poo.
All of my vids are not monetized. They're all from video games with no "live" content. My vid descriptions contain a four-letter word, here and there, so if I set my channel to not for kids I should be okay; I mean, technically Mabinogi is not for kids either.
Not like anything I do will ever be monetized anyway...*shrugs and goes back to posting garbage *
I haven't posted anything since 2011 or 12 I think.
You've been too busy here . . . cough cough.
Eh, I didn't really participate on forums until later though.
My story exactly XD
Got my Huge Lucky on Giant Potatoes!
EDIT: Bruh, i also just got Double Yolk Egg Huge Lucky... I'm very lucky today i guess?
...Wow. Congrats XDD
The Potato Gods have given their blessing to Greta.
One more day......Nao help me XD
Isn't that normal? There's always some disaster looming around or on finals week.
What's yer major?
I believe one that contains a lot of numbers.