Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Advancement Test Tips and Tricks


  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    Felice wrote: »
    Mix this with Assault Slash and Smash for finishers and you should have a full Minute to Minute : Thirty on the Lycanthrope at the end, which is not meant to be killed but used as a punching bag.

    I can confirm he makes a very VERY good punching bag.
  • AmyureAmyure
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,330
    Posts: 119
    edited December 2, 2018
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Try using a bow.
    They aim faster than the crossbow, due to the increased range.

    The 1 piercing on the crossbow doesn't really help in this test.

    Also, I've found just plain magnum spam helps more than trying to mix it up and use other skills like crash shot.
    Well, urgent shot is good though.

    Also wow, don't stand so nearby all the other Dark Rat Men!
    They're super multi aggro, so snipe from afar.

    But you might still have to get a moderate amount of luck when it comes to getting crits.
  • AvarakAvarak
    Mabinogi Rep: 550
    Posts: 6
    Would someone care to explain how to even do Flame Burst's Dan Test? I can't even get to Dan 1 because 1: they start you with only 500 health, meaning you can die in 2-3 hits, and 2: the Blinkers are nigh-impossible to kill without resorting to other skills. It's actually extremely frustrating.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Avarak wrote: »
    Would someone care to explain how to even do Flame Burst's Dan Test? I can't even get to Dan 1 because 1: they start you with only 500 health, meaning you can die in 2-3 hits, and 2: the Blinkers are nigh-impossible to kill without resorting to other skills. It's actually extremely frustrating.

    That one you actually will want other skills ranked for.

    Hopefully you have r1 Sand Burst to help deal with the blinkers.
    And also deal with the blinkers ASAP because more will spawn even if the others are still alive.

    Not sure if Life Drain is allowed in that Test, but if you're careful, and lucky, you can get HP 300s from the monsters you kill.
  • AvarakAvarak
    Mabinogi Rep: 550
    Posts: 6
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Avarak wrote: »
    Would someone care to explain how to even do Flame Burst's Dan Test? I can't even get to Dan 1 because 1: they start you with only 500 health, meaning you can die in 2-3 hits, and 2: the Blinkers are nigh-impossible to kill without resorting to other skills. It's actually extremely frustrating.

    That one you actually will want other skills ranked for.

    Hopefully you have r1 Sand Burst to help deal with the blinkers.
    And also deal with the blinkers ASAP because more will spawn even if the others are still alive.

    Not sure if Life Drain is allowed in that Test, but if you're careful, and lucky, you can get HP 300s from the monsters you kill.

    Oh, trust me, I *would* use Life Drain if they allowed it considering I got it to Rank 3, except they don't. Also, Rank 1 Sandburst? Eugh... I'm thinking I should just hold off on it, honestly. I just wanted to see if Dan 1 Flameburst looked any different.
  • ChibisaiChibisai
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,470
    Posts: 285
    edited August 22, 2017
    Someone should make a guide if they have gotten at least 12k points especially for Dan 3... I'm doing Combat Mastery for that at the most, and it just seems impossible to get past 9k points. Didn't make it to the Lycanthrope

    Getting SS rank is nearly impossible

    Edit: I tried WM spamming, got to about 10.5k points... still not enough to score SS rank.

    Honestly... they should change the requirements, like make it so you need to do more days for passing exam/scoring S rank or even A rank (so 4 times) instead of having to retry over and over and over for SS rank

    Edit #2: After 1 hour of trying different attempts and rng spawn and crit luck, I finally got exactly 12k points... Rip to those who are slower, I just barely passed
  • RaishiiRaishii
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,245
    Posts: 319
    Anybody manage to get at least rank S on Sandburst? I got hit by Blinkers maybe 2 or 3 times and that only net me 7.5k, which got me rank A. I just don't know how it'd be possible to get SS.
  • EllisyaEllisya
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,525
    Posts: 485
    edited August 22, 2017
    Mazanaki wrote: »
    Any tips for lightning rod? I haven't gotten past 5k and it seems impossible to pass.
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Anyone got tips for Lightning Rod?

    1. Defeating 3 or more mobs = reset
    2. Critical = reset
    3. Destroying Crystal (Mob Spawn) = reset

    Now, until infinite bonus mob (crystal golem), it shouldn't be that hard. Just keep these 3 facts in your mind. If you don't get enough point like 3~5k? then re-run. Don't worry, cuz bonus mob and cumulative damage bonus will add enough points. For crystal golem, use snap casting - firebolt to decrease mob's hp first. Then finish it with lightning rod. If you fail to cri or finish with lightning rod, just kill it without waiting lightning rod cooldown. Then over and over and over again.

    I think I passed mine with 13k points.

    Personally, Crash shot was kinda tough. Though passed with SS.

    Pomatoes wrote: »
    Any pro Archers out there got that Dan 3 Magnum yet...? Cause I feel like it's near impossible to do. I just barely managed the 9k points needed to hit Dan 2, but now goin for Dan 3, we needa get 12k points for SS rank and that just seems nearly impossible to get unless you manage to get through without missing a single shot AND get enough crits to finish mobs quick enough to reach the Ratmen for bonus points on kills.

    Have you tried using crossbow instead of bow?
  • MazanakiMazanaki
    Mabinogi Rep: 765
    Posts: 17
    I passed with 7.3k pts. I realized that I could get more pts finishing off the golem with L-rod, so that should help me out in future tests. Thanks!
  • AstralBlueAstralBlue
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,265
    Posts: 59
    edited August 23, 2017
    Well in case anyone didn't know, other Dan skills carry over to any other Dan tests that's related to that talent.
    So say if you're having a hell of a hard time like a lot of people are for Dan 2 and 3 Magnum Shot, skills like Dan 3 Crash Shot and Dan 3 Ranged Attack can help you for your Dan 3 Magnum Shot test.

    As for Dan 3 Magnum Shot, an elf friend of mine has gotten Dan 3 Magnum Shot earlier today (after spending ~2m gold on retries), but I'm not so sure it's possible for humans since we do have a longer cooldown time compared to elves. Hopefully, the other dan skills would help even a bit though.

    Magnum Shot:
    Like I said above, Dan 1~3 Crash Shot and Dan 1~3 Ranged Attack (not sure if Ranged Attack would help much in all honesty) will be available if you got those beforehand. Crash Shot however will help with killing those annoying Sahagins. If you use Crash Shot as soon as those Sahagins spawn, you will not get multi-aggro, but any mob that was hit with the fragments will notice you, but not aggro you until the initial target has been killed. This tactic can help tremendously for Dan 3 so you don't get mauled to death. Your main targets should be the Rat Men because they don't have much defense, and they don't have too much HP either, making it easy to rack up points. Rat Men do have multi aggro though, so be cautious and good luck.

    If you're struggling in any test, I suggest working on the other Dan tests for skills that are related to that talent (sorry life skill users, you're on your own).
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    The Sahagin aggro management thing also works with windmill.
    It really helps keep the fighters and archers from ganging up on you all at once.
  • LeiliciaLeilicia
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,620
    Posts: 313
    I'm danning Thunder. I got dan 2 yesterday and plan on taking the test today. What I usually do is snapcast thunder, hit the crystal. While that's getting hit, charge thunder to 5. When the enemies spawn, use the skill on a group and snapcast (since it resets each new wave?) and attack the others. As thats doing, I load thunder to 3 in case the others hadn't died yet and want to aggro. I keep an eye on the time mainly, and my points. If it's closer to the end time, and my points aren't at S rank or higher (depending if you're dan 1, dan 2 or dan 3 for score) then I only charge thunder to 1. It counts the hits, so using thunder as much as you can helps. I generally never notice the pots on the ground, so I rarely pick them up. You shouldn't run out of mp if you're mindful with your tactics.
    Cosmetically, Thunder is a dark blue, nearly black. To me, it looks like it's gotten a bit darker with dan 2 but I can't really compare it to dan 1 since I don't remember lol. With the golems, though, snapcast then hit. Then run away from them and load thunder once or maybe fully depending on if the golem decides to attack or to wm. If he wms after the first attack, charge thunder fully and then attack. Then prepare counter. After that, try to move and redo if he wm's again. I have yet to do dan 3 test so I am unsure if this will be good enough, but it is good enough for the rest.
  • AshitaAshita
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,300
    Posts: 50
    Just reached Magnum shot 3 on my Elf and it was not easy. Be ready to reset if you know you won't hit 12k.
    My tips on doing Dan 2 to Dan 3 magnum test:
    1.Use the crossbow. While using the crossbow you can run with magnum shot. Really good for closing in distance. Yes, bow may be nice for long range, but you want to kill as fast a possible. Going for long range kills is not a good idea. If you like using bows instead, then go for it.
    2. Magnum shot monsters to the closest wall. Doing so, you wont have to keep running up to the monsters.
    3. Magnum shot up close to the monsters as much as possible. The closer you are, the faster you aim.
    4. Defense if you have to. Monsters like to use lightning bolt in here, which will stun you. Stun = time lose, same with knock backs.
    5. Always urgent shot after a miss.
    6. Reach Black Rat mans. If you don't reach the Black rat mans within 1 minute to half a minute left on the timer, reset. Black rat man gives +100 bonus points per magnum shot regardless of kill.
  • AmyureAmyure
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,330
    Posts: 119

    I have noticed that when I crash the fish, I don't get double aggro'd. I guess I'll get Dan 1 or 2 Crash Shot before trying again. I've been recording all of my runs after the first 10 or so and I have like 40 recordings of fails. I think that the sagahain round is the biggest waste of time and that if you can get some lucky crash shot crits, you can bypass it and start racking in the bonus points on ratmen. Thoughts?

    The requirement is still crazy though, 12k!?
  • PomatoesPomatoes
    Mabinogi Rep: 250
    Posts: 7
    edited August 22, 2017
    Ellisya wrote: »
    Have to tried using crossbow instead of bow?

    Yep, I've been using the crossbow most of the runs but still only managed 9k at most. At this point I've given on Dan 3 Magnum until I get Dan 2-3 Crash Shot and Ranged Attack. The Sahagins just don't wanna take a crit. Most of the time, I have to sit there and magnum them 4-5 times just to kill 1 cause the dam thing won't crit at all.
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    edited August 22, 2017
    The biggest tip I can give, which I've applied with something like Rising Action, is to go to your server's busiest channel.

    This should apply to tests where enemies are overly aggressive. In Rising Actions case, would be Goblin Hunters.
    In an empty channel, they will instantly aggro you and start beating on you while you are trying to use the skill, causing you to fail at using it. On a busy channel, they have a bit of a delay in aggro, giving you more than enough time to set up.

  • MissDevichiMissDevichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 625
    Posts: 59
    Ive only done Crash Shot and it isnt bad. Your cooldown resets if you manage to hit a lot of enemies with a shot. Just attack whatever allows you to hit a lot of enemies. When there is 1 or 2 guys left and they arent close to each other kill one with magnum or whatever, get last guy to a low health, then kill him with Crash Shot. The newly spawed enemies will get hit with the frags and you'll probably get enough enemies so the cooldown resets. Missing stilk sucks if there is a lot of aggro on you, but its not a big deal.

    Oh, i guess i started magic craft too. ... have the wiki list opened or something and the first bag so you see what youve bought already.
  • logomyegologomyego
    Mabinogi Rep: 595
    Posts: 23
    edited August 23, 2017
    Mazanaki wrote: »
    Any tips for lightning rod? I haven't gotten past 5k and it seems impossible to pass.

    I got Dan 2 Lightning Rod now. My advice is to have your hotkeys set up to use LR, Chaincast, and Firebolt. Lightning Bolt if you want to take out deadlies and stragglers quicker.

    Use Lightning rod on the Crystal. If it doesn't die in one shot, chaincast firebolt. It should drop then. Your cooldowns get reset upon killing a crystal.

    When the mobs spawn, position yourself in an area where you can hit as many enemies as possible. I try to get at least 3, which will reset your cooldown for LR. Sometimes hitting just 2 will also reset the cooldown. If the cooldown doesn't reset, chaincast firebolt to take out the next mob.

    When you get to the golems, use LR > Chaincast > Firebolt > Firebolt spam. Use firebolt to keep distance till LR is off cooldown, repeat.

    At the end, you will get bonus points depending on how much damage you caused with LR. Should at least get 1k points.

    Also pick up MP pots. This one is optional, but it helps if you need to get SS rank, but if you get lightning sprites, restart.
  • MazanakiMazanaki
    Mabinogi Rep: 765
    Posts: 17
    Oh, I have a tip for the enemy spawns. If you look closely at the crystals, you'll see an elemental bolt floating around them (ice, fire, lightning) that indicates the enemy element that will spawn. This will let you avoid getting lightning sprites completely. It might take a moment to notice since they're hard to see.
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