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Advancement Test Tips and Tricks


  • Gaby5011Gaby5011
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,965
    Posts: 714
    Not all of us live in California and have Google Fiber internet. The massive lag we get in this game makes some dan tests nearly impossible for some people... Dan should be made easier or at least not as lag dependent.
  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    Gaea wrote: »
    Ugh!!! 11888 so freaking close to Dan 3 combat mastery. FML!!!

    This has been my experience all week trying to get my second Dan 3 for Magnum. LOL

    So close yet so far....
  • lceCreamlceCream
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,205
    Posts: 199
    any tips on combat mastery?
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    lceCream wrote: »
    any tips on combat mastery?

    Only general tips.
    Dan other skills first so they're more effective and make it slightly easier to get points.
    Hope you can get groups of enemies close together in a way that you can windmill them all for good points.
    Try to get to the bonus round ASAP.
  • lceCreamlceCream
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,205
    Posts: 199
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    lceCream wrote: »
    any tips on combat mastery?

    Only general tips.
    Dan other skills first so they're more effective and make it slightly easier to get points.
    Hope you can get groups of enemies close together in a way that you can windmill them all for good points.
    Try to get to the bonus round ASAP.

    does it matter if i'm an elf
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    lceCream wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    lceCream wrote: »
    any tips on combat mastery?

    Only general tips.
    Dan other skills first so they're more effective and make it slightly easier to get points.
    Hope you can get groups of enemies close together in a way that you can windmill them all for good points.
    Try to get to the bonus round ASAP.

    does it matter if i'm an elf

    Some of the skills have lower damage % multipliers as an Elf, so ranking them up might be even more important.
    If it boosts the skill's damage to help you get through waves faster, ranking it should help.
  • RaintheswordRainthesword
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,905
    Posts: 56
    So guys how do you do Charge Dan, I get Multi-aggroed, plucked out of a mid charge by smash or hit by a lightning bolt that cancels my charge so is there a method or am I waiting for the Rng gods ?
  • BuffalosBuffalos
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,795
    Posts: 797
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    I'm not entirely convinced these things are as lag dependent as people say or seem to believe. It's a great excuse and a popular one at that, but not a very proven one.

    I had a few times where I would get a lag spike in the Sand Burst exams, which ended up making me unable to blind the blinker spawn that just happened and then getting blinker beam'd into a corner for everything to smack me. Had to suck up my lost funds and try again each time this happened.
    In a more general sense, every second counts in all of the combat-based exams. If you lose too much time to being unable to move, you lose your chance at getting the score you need.
  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422

    [Deleted User]PolicromacourtneyyGaby5011Clovis15Imaizumi
  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    @Buffalos ~ I wasn't saying lag does not exist, or that no one experiences lag. I'm more or less implying I don't believe any of this depends on a zero lag connection (no lag at all) to be done (despite the number of stories from folks who'd like you to believe you need to be in S. Korea). :)
    Pan wrote: »
    Even your mods didn't save you. Lol.

    Not sure what mods have to do with advancement tests.
  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    edited September 27, 2017
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    Pan wrote: »
    Not sure what mods have to do with advancement tests.
    An ignorant trollish response wont save you either. Try again sir. Tell me again how modified fonts reduce lag.

    The purpose of modified font is to reduce the lag from opening the windows/chat log/etc. It doesn't serve any purpose in this case because I am simply just pressing a skill and running around shooting things. Anyone can do this, I believe you can too I hope.
  • BuffalosBuffalos
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,795
    Posts: 797
    edited September 27, 2017
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    I wasn't saying lag does not exist, or that no one experiences lag. I'm more or less implying I don't believe any of this depends on a zero lag connection (no lag at all) to be done (despite the number of stories from folks who'd like you to believe you need to be in S. Korea). :)

    I personally haven't done the dual gun exams yet, but from what I understand you do need to be able to use the skills as often as possible while also having the AoE skills actually aim properly. And when you don't have enough targets to AoE efficiently, you need to be able to dispatch them ASAP. Normal attacks with dual guns are notoriously slower in NA than Korea, presumably due to connection stuff, so perhaps that could make a more direct impact on test performance outside lag spiking?
    Side note: why does quoting other posts not remove any @ mentions in the original? I got an extra in this thread because of quoted text.
  • RaintheswordRainthesword
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,905
    Posts: 56
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    So guys how do you do Charge Dan, I get Multi-aggroed, plucked out of a mid charge by smash or hit by a lightning bolt that cancels my charge so is there a method or am I waiting for the Rng gods ?

    After dumping a total of 3-4m into dan 3 charge, I have finally obtained charge. For the record I'm a human player. First and foremost, if you have lag of any kind most likely you will fail. (Both my attempts were photo finishes, 12300 points and 12010 respectively). You will encounter every issue with charge in this dan test, intentional or otherwise (displacement puts me in range for charge, then moves me too clsoe for charge, then moves me back with a opps). For both my successes I never reached the 3rd wave (where the archers are) because they do way too much damage even when using charge and the fighters have a hard-on for knocking me out mid-charge. One thing I should note is that I had to use every lag reducing measure I had access to including using a direct line to my router, altering MTU and experimenting with VPN. This will be useful.

    For the first wave the moment they spawn, charge spam the gremlins until they die and hope that any gargoyles that aggro you are in counter mode or def mode. Once the 4 gremlins are dead, aim for the largest cluster of gargoyles and use wm to reduce their HPs, ideally if you can manage to get them down to 30-40% that would be ideal. also, ensure that you only actively attack only 1 gargoyle (the one that had the !! over their heads), wm is fine because it will not set them all on you right away. If the gargoyles !! aggro you, they will use skills and are generally aggressive. Ones that only notice you (!) will occasionally melee swing you at random (I hate these with a passion). Once you have a good number of gargoyles at lower HPs, spam charge them to death, ensure that your next target aggros you without any of the others going aggressive. Some tips, if you hit a ping, wait, just let them melee swing you. Their knockback puts you just outside of charge's minimum range so you can load charge while flying back and immediately rush into the gargoyle. You can also do this if the gargoyle has defense loaded, use wm if it had counter. Once all the gargoyles are dead the swords and wisps will spawn.

    Your first course of action is attack the swords and kill them via charge spam as fast as possible. If you get horrible luck and a wisp is now actively hunting and attacking you, use other skills to kill swords as fast as possible, but DO NOT ENGAGE ANY OF THE OTHER WISPS BESIDES THE ONE ATTACKING YOU. Once the swords are dead spam charge the wisp. Here's where the lag reducing measures come into play. Since the wisps are rather tanky, you will most likely push them into the wall, you can still charge spam them, but you run the risk of them using normal attack (for me 9 times out of 10 they will break charge). If your delay is just low enough, you may be able to reach charge's minimum range to charge again before their stun wears off. Do this to obtain the required points.

    Some final notes, at the half way mark (2.30 sec) you should have a min of 5k points, anything less will mean you won't gather enough points. if you have 6k or over at the half way mark, you're doing super just keep charge spamming. If you have the chance, grab stam pots whenever possible. Do not let it go under 500 stam or else you will lose momentum when you suddenly run out of stam. If you are in a good position, lack stam pots, and have low HP, let them kill you and just tank the 100 points and 10 secs for a full restoration of your stats (ideally used when your stam was naturally low anyways).
  • logomyegologomyego
    Mabinogi Rep: 595
    Posts: 23
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    @Buffalos ~ I wasn't saying lag does not exist, or that no one experiences lag. I'm more or less implying I don't believe any of this depends on a zero lag connection (no lag at all) to be done (despite the number of stories from folks who'd like you to believe you need to be in S. Korea).

    Just gonna say that lag plays a huge role in the magic bolt skills. Firebolt is forgiving, but Lightning bolt and ice bolt don't charge or cast fast enough with lag. I followed that guide for it to a T and come up 2k points short. Every. Single. Time. Everything else I've done is fine, but those horrible bolts....
    [Deleted User]
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    edited October 2, 2017
    Not really a tip, but I came across the answer to something I was wondering.

    Death Marker

    Spinning Slash

    They didn't waste much time in giving Chain Slash skills Dan tests.
    Another thing to look forward to!
    If you don't hate Dan tests, at any rate.

    The color of the Chain Slash Advancement Uniform reminds me of the Mage's.
    [Deleted User]
  • logomyegologomyego
    Mabinogi Rep: 595
    Posts: 23
    edited October 4, 2017
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    logomyego wrote: »
    Just gonna say that lag plays a huge role in the magic bolt skills. Firebolt is forgiving, but Lightning bolt and ice bolt don't charge or cast fast enough with lag. I followed that guide for it to a T and come up 2k points short. Every. Single. Time. Everything else I've done is fine, but those horrible bolts....
    @logomyego ~ Have you disabled Nagle's Algorithm? The following post isn't saying lag doesn't exist at all. It's saying these things aren't as dependent on a 'zero-lag' connection as people are implying they are. If you're not, as said, 'on Google Fiber' and live right next to the server; disabling Nagle's Algorithm isn't really a choice (I'm saying it should not be considered one). Even then; it's not a choice; it's something that should absolutely be done by everyone who plays the game, always. What I basically said below is the responsibility of doing this should be taken away from the user; because most people are too dumb to clean their browser-cache and history, let alone edit their system registry. :smirk:

    I denaggled my computer a long time ago. I tried many things to help reduce the lag on my client-end, but they only help marginally. Mods are out of the question, I do not want to mod. I live in what one could consider "-removed- Nowhere" and I can honestly say that my lag is here to stay. It doesn't bother me one bit in normal game play. Running dungeons, sms, MA, or whatnot, the lag is tolerable and I can work my play style around it to succeed. But these Dan tests for the bolt skills... They rely on quick charging, and quick casting. Neither of which are obtainable in sufficient amounts under the lag that I experience. Like I said, I can tolerate what lag I have when it comes to normal game play. But under a time and score limit for the dan tests is quite literally impossible. I wish that were a joke. If I could figure it out, I'd record my game play, but I feel like that would only make things worse lol

    Location does in fact matter. It shouldn't, but it does.
    [Deleted User]
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    I'm not entirely convinced these things are as lag dependent as people say or seem to believe. It's a great excuse and a popular one at that, but not a very proven one.

    Mabinogi was designed for the KR infrastructure in which latency is a much lower average than here in NA. Lag has proven to be an issue for players and there are plenty of evidence supporting this. One such example is Urgent Shot where one of the requirements was extremely difficult or nearly impossible for some players to accomplish due to the latency they have thanks in part to the infrastructure they have access to. Due to the nature of the game, even a half second delay can end up costing a player. In dan tests that small delay could translate to massive loss in points, being attacked in magic tests will usually result in charges, and charges takes time to create, something that is nearly unacceptable when the test almost expects you to use the 5 mins fully. While some tests are more forgiving, there are others that are simply too tight for some people to accomplish. Lag and latency are not excuses, they are a legitimate concern and a real issue that players not fortunate enough to have access to modern infrastructure have to face.

    For those that face these issues, I can offer some additional lag reducing measures that you can take.
    1) Altering your MTU to 48 for the duration of the dan test.
    2) Use game optimization software to reduce CPU usage to other resources
    3) Run during off-peak hours (12PM-10AM PDT)
    4) Run on non-market channels (Ideally stay off the block that the market channel is on, generally Ch1-3 are one block, and 4-7 are another block)
    5) Use a direct connection to your router/modem
    6) Look into VPNs for a location near the NX servers
    7) Consider packet forwarding

    I hope these measures help those facing these latency and lag issues. Best of luck on your dan tests.
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    What's a block?
  • Gaby5011Gaby5011
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,965
    Posts: 714
    edited October 4, 2017
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    Pan wrote: »
    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    Pan wrote: »
    Not sure what mods have to do with advancement tests.
    An ignorant trollish response wont save you either. Try again sir. Tell me again how modified fonts reduce lag.

    The purpose of modified font is to reduce the lag from opening the windows/chat log/etc. It doesn't serve any purpose in this case because I am simply just pressing a skill and running around shooting things. Anyone can do this, I believe you can too I hope.
    I know the purpose of modified fonts in Mabinogi. I'm not exactly new at this or anything. :smirk:

    I'm addicted to placebos. ~ I would quit taking them, but I don't think it'd make a difference.

    You look extremely new here. I f'd up a lot of Lightning Rod tests because of character misplacement lag. Missed the 500 points bonus and cooldown reset. Since you're so new here, misplacement means I'll see myself at a certain location, when on the server I'm actually somewhere else. There's a few ways to check if you've been misplaced, but it's kinda hard to do so while you are in a dan test.
This discussion has been closed.