Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Fishing Event

    watercat0 wrote: »
    this is the worst ever, its so bad that the first thread that talked about this was removed by nexon. they know its a bad event and trying to hide it.

    Yeah, it most certainly was not because you posted no constructive information about the event, made it seem really bad when its actually pretty decent, and most certainly not because you included a FUD poll with biased answers.

    No its clearly someone else's fault.


    This event is actually really nice. Since you are limited on bait daily, this means the entire population won't be afk all day like in most fishing events. Its like they want us to play the game or something.
    UnisexBuffalosNewbieChainShadoeoffwithyourheadsTheNyanCatBlissfulkillnajee508SherriHazurahand 1 other.
  • What do you think of community of your server?

    TNinja wrote: »
    I hate everyone equally.

    People who judges other simply by name, really doesn't deserve my my time anyway.

    What I love is that just because I said "People might take your name as a sign of how you act and get the wrong idea" and somehow that translated to people as me being the one that does that.

    When all I did was tell OP to open up more as well as where to find social activity.

    Then again, this is the forums.
    [Deleted User]HellkaizerLeilicia
  • Several Years away, What has changed?

    Since G9:

    G10 through G20 came to be.

    From G10 through G12, Demigod mode exists, with abilities that work like a last resort. Timed and ranks up with level ups and rebirths.
    Rebirths are now weekly, no more waiting for age 20.
    Alchemy never became relevant.
    G13 through G16 have a place called Avon with Shakespeare storyline, but most people use it for the Martial Arts mission chain.
    G17 is terrible and we don't speak of it.
    G18, otherwise known as Saga 1 and 2, is an example of what happens when someone with fanfiction level writing makes a MMO story.
    G19 is actually pretty good, but is also considerably harder than previous storylines.
    G20 continues G19's trend, but also rewards one of the best skills in the game.

    A lot of revamps happened:
    Magic is now really good.
    Melee is still stupidly powerful.
    Giants got a revamp and are all of the stronk.
    Elves never got a revamp and asked for one despite being powerful already.
    Stats have a lot more meaning.
    Dungeons got changed around in difficulty, mostly being harder.

    New talents:
    Guns: The dual stat talent of STR and INT. Super fast shooting.
    Puppets: The dual stat talent of STR and DEX, you either be really good or really bad with it.
    Ninja: The dual stat talent of STR and WILL, be super sneaky and then not be.
    Fighter: Literally Martial Arts, uses Will.
    Chainblade: The newest talent, uses Dex and Luck. Considerably harder to get into due to quest difficulty.

    Besides that, just figure out what server you are on, as someone will more than likely help you out in game.
  • Worth getting back into?

    Its a very different game since way back then, so just hop on and see what its like.

    And maybe say what server you are on in case someone wants to help you get familiar again.
    pawcalypse[Deleted User]ZeoClegunnaImaizumi
  • Forgotten? Name/Server change is in KR

    Reminder that even if a server merge happened people would still find things to complain about related to it.
    Overpopulation, lag, things lost in the merge, people still saying its empty out of wanting the game dead, people screaming about the merge meaning the end of the game, and above all else, the sheer chaos of 4 entirely different communities and economies colliding, causing the biggest market crash one could imagine.

    And no matter what positives name changes would bring, it would still be overall a bad idea here.
    With all the alts, trolls, and other unsavory people around, the last thing you want is for them to not only have multiple/easy to make accounts, but the ability to name change on a whim if they have money for it. All they need after is a new outfit and some appearance changes, and you wouldn't tell them apart from anyone else.
    Its rather handy to keep track of such people.

    If a merge happens, it happens.
    No amount of argument will change that, or bring us closer or farther from such.

    Maybe one day we can go a month without a merge topic.
    Or the revival of one.
    [Deleted User]