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Best economy update ever(Auction House discussion)
Press ctrl-a to highlight the number and backspace it. Then enter a new number.
I love you
So if there's an auction that has a very reasonable buyout price... might not be super wise to bid unless you really think no one will buyout
Yeah, the seller can't cancel once someone bids. It's really fair that way so the seller can't back off or change their mind and neither can the buyer.
That would be the only reason your friend failed is if someone bought it for the buyout price or got outbidded
That's what I like about the AH though, you can take risks to potentially earn more/save gold. I love this kind of thing in games, in runescape I make all my gold by playing the market, it's fun to me. I'm enjoying the AH here immensely because of this, and because you can't just decide you don't want to bid anymore you don't lose profits due to wishy washy people.
I'm actually liking the auction house now that I see more of it. I can sell offline, find things cheap that I want, get a price check if necessary without having to ask around, the buyers/sellers stay anonymous, don't have to wait more than 2 days at most if it's auction.
I think the anonymous part is most important to me. I get a lot of flak because I buy and resell stuff all the time. It's not my fault I'm willing to be more patient but get a better price, or that I know the market better than some.
I'm praying super_hard 4 this 2 get implemented one day.
I'd never bring up server_merges anymore if it happens so.I don't think that could happen no matter how much you want it. Each server has its own market and there would be nothing stopping people from selling an item from 1 server to another server where that item is worth more, then setting up a cheap item at a high price to transfer the gold over. there'd be a lot of people abusing it to get super rich or to transfer all their gold /items to another server
Let em if they wanna jump servers that way. Char_Progress & Pets(Medals shuld be disabled) will still remain behind. Not to mention the taxes will eat quite a chunk if ur tryna take millions of golds to another servers this way as well. I think it's fair enuf of a trade off.
Except it won't be worth more on the other server if everything is in the same pot, because all of the items from the cheap server would show up for literally everyone. If anything it'll equalize the markets on all the servers. I'd be all for it.
Ctrl + A and backspace worked for me.Nevermind, I see someone already saved you. xDOn a side note, Ruairi has a whopping 11 total pages in housing right now.... yes... 11. 3 sellers.
This would actually break the economy really hard. It would stabilize eventually but that would be chaos.
it won't be equalized instantly though, so people who are around when it first happens would take major advantage of it
it's not gonna happen. ever
Yep!! But I do appreciate the attempt to help, thank you!
I've seen some pretty outrageous prices, but I've also seen some rare items whose minimum bid is 10 gold or something. And. Well. They can't honestly believe that bid is going to raise fast enough in three days to something that they'll like, can they?
Add squires.
Then I don't need to login anymore.
only if it's something people want the most... I've seen the Lovely Cupid 2nd title raise from 30m to 55m on the last 5 mins (it's not 10 gold minimum but it did raise fast enough :'D)
But you're right, a lot of outrageous prices
Just like AH's in any other mmo, the price doesn't really go anywhere until the last 5 or so mins.