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It really is unrealistic though.
There's only one thing that comes after a server merge regarding the state of the game; end of game.
Meaning that, if a server merger doesn't solve the problem, then the game is likely at its end.
Don't speak for other people. You'll often find out how severely wrong you are the hard and painful way.
If you think the game is dead, you're probably not looking on the right channels for the different servers. Honestly, I'm very against a merge due to the whole name thing being a huge issue, and let's not forget all the giant issues that will arise with banks and especially the wardrobe system. And please, don't say that you think you 'speak for a large portion of players." It is possible it's a majority and there may be different reasons, most likely not the same as yours, but don't lump everyone together. Making such generalized remarks is, I'm sorry to say, leaves a very sour taste in my mouth.
Now, if Nexon did something similar to what Blizzard did with their low-population servers for WoW while also addressing over-population of certain areas (Cross-Realming and Sharding, both of which are temporary and would have to have special rules written for them when it came to loot sharing... Oh, the mess that would be on its own. Think you can comparing the Sharding system to that of channels but without actually changing channels), then maybe we won't have such an issue with population, but with how the Nexon did Mabi's system, I'm not even sure if the idea of Cross-Realming would even be possible...
So what is the hold up? I understand it takes work, but the game is dead. If done correctly, there should be no issues.
The only thing that I'm hearing as a difference is that you're expecting an increase in spawn rate. This increase may not be desirable.
I also saw a call asking others how their experience was on other games with a system like this. That is a subjective opinion based on the performance of a game that was built to thrive in this type of an environment. Given the age of Mabi, and the way that the client is written, I don't think that it would be a far stretch of the imagination that it isn't a highly parallelized server environment, and that it would prefer high clock speeds over high core count, meaning that more modern server CPUs aren't going to provide the performance benefits that you're looking for.
I would suggest a system which works a little more like Tera, where you have seamless server switching by zone and then you can choose channels within that Zone. However, such a system would require nearly a rewrite of Mabi, or at worst a hobgobbled hack of a solution that would have no real concept of stability.
Personally, given the way that I understand Mabi to work, I would go for a slow thought out migration of servers. If during every maintenance they added 1 hour where they brought over characters and recreated the bank, targeting the most active players first, it may come out okay. I can't imagine that it would be terribly difficult to make a script that backups the database containing characters, compiles a list of size X for players Y. Iterates through players, logging it's activity, creating that character on the migration server with a new bank tab for it and takes 1/(Character Count) gold from the players bank to deposit in the new server. Handling name conflicts wouldn't be terrible if you made the players aware of the change that was coming, let the player that is less active know that if they don't respond by the next maintenance with a new name that doesn't conflict their name will be suffixed with a number.
It's not a perfect solution, but it does let the transition occur more smoothly than it otherwise would. There may still be some issues with Homesteads, and marriages.
For someone in my position I would prefer having to redo a few steps in place of losing my levels and AP hoarding.
Yes, if done correctly.
Problem is, Nexon can't do it correctly, most likely.
This sums it up, but any spawn rates are up to Devs to decide. We might even get specialized dungeons if material grinding seems like a problem.
OR as I mentioned before because awarding custom titles is possible on here...after the server merge the original seal breakers could be given a special title; "Original [according to location] seal breaker". All the staff would have to do is take note of all the original seal breakers and dish out titles after the merge, problem solved. Plus that would give other newer players the opportunity to obtain seal breaker titles.
Everything else we just need to let go and reform to make it simple.
You're practically telling people who spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on this game to get over it because they most likely will lose all of it during a server merge.
I've spent a lot of money on this game, so I'd appreciate it if I could keep my stuff. If you want to give up all your stuff, then go ahead, be my guest, but don't screw the rest of us over because you feel lonely.
I'm pretty sure you'll get to keep all the stuffs you have in game, just the people who broke the seal stones will lose the 'status' thingy... that's it - I do wonder where the heck are people getting the idea that they lose ALL the stuffs upon server merge?
Anyway, as I have stated in my previous post, I have been supporting all 4 servers being merged into 1, it's just that... I'm not sure if Nexon are able to do it. However, I'd like to add that as of last few weeks recently, I have been meeting 'new' players who said that they're starting over in Alexina and came from Tarlach, Ruairi, or Mari server because they claim that those 3 servers are too dead... some of them even said they ditched their main and all the pets because the server were too dead and that Alexina is the only active server.
Did you pay 100's or 1000's of dollars for a seal breaker title? No one is going to lose any of their items or pets. If something unforeseen happens your stuff can be restored.
Yeah because continuously over the years people keep getting brain washed.
A Tarlach Player
I like the idea of a original server permanent title. When mailing, adding or sending a note you should just be able to pick the original server such as when you add a friend.