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Server Merge

Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
Posts: 1,704
edited January 31, 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
*This topic was created as a comment separation from Most Desired Revamp Poll

[Notice:] This thread is for informative viewpoints, much like a consumer review.
Any further argumentative comments regarding post to quote off topic arguments will be reported.
*(Please No outside Old Thread to This Thread drama. Thank You!)


Summary of the issue at hand is in a spoiler below, please keep the thread on topic in the meantime.

Ataraxiz wrote: »
We were on the topic of a server merge, just we were trying to explain a key fact to someone and they deliberately pushed the topic to others, while telling us to leave just because we disagreed/ we're making a comment about the truth of the situation.

I understand your concerns of getting the thread locked, however, making the general claim will not help a lot of the time. Drama leaked individual and then spread like wildfire because the public had already been dealing with the nonsense several locked threads prior.

I think you're doing right by taking it up with VFMs. Maybe this rather bland and wide-spread issue will finally be resolved -- whether someone gets banned or someone gets a serious warning.

There has been much debate over if a Server Merge or Megaserver would be wise or good for Mabinogi, but what do you think?
Leave a comment below about things you'd worry about, and how they could be fixed alongside the good things that could follow.

What Could Go Wrong With A Server Merge?
-Dressing Room Collection data might not transfer over, and those with full pets and inventories would lose those things forever.
-Unless players buy more pets to hold checks, bank data could become lost.
-Players would be fed up and quit all over again.
(Due to: I lost X, which cost me Y, I no longer have 20mil-50bil in my bank, I lost most of hard earned gold making checks to store into pets, I lost all my stuff from the dressing room...time to rage quit.)
-Guild Robes will no longer exist, and Guilds will all likely be deleted.
(Along with all the titles earned from Guild Specific Events, which can easily be fixed with a New Server Guild Event that awards players for creating and joining new guilds.)
-Live lag testing will take beyond the estimated time.
-Players will be upset about the lack of ancients or world boss spawns.
-Areas could be too crowded, especially in marketplace spots without a bank system re-balance.
-Guilds may get salty if they lose their guild name.

What Benefits Could Mabinogi Players Find On A Server Merge?
-Married players can find love and experience the wedding ceremony again.
-Players can find more active guilds to participate in dungeon crawling and events.
-New Server and Downtime Compensation Events.

Why Wouldn't Nexon KR Allow Nexon NA To Merge Servers?
-It may or may not be the management at either NA or KR who decide, but rather their accountant(s).
-The cost for Mabinogi to run flawlessly with merged servers might be high.
-The high cost however, might not be so much of an issue for Nexon Korea, where it has a vastly larger web traffic than in NA.
(According to SimilarWeb.)
-It might be Mabinogi's time to slowly move on and make way for other Nexon games that are compatible with recent technology in ways that are simpler and easier to edit.
-Nexon KR is waiting for player feedback sent by NA before jumping into how much work would need to be done.
-It just might not be possible at the moment with current technology and resources.

What's the Worst That Could Happen To Mabinogi On New Tech For a Megaserver?
-Players will become frustrated with constant lag or crashes directly after the servers go back up, until more servers can be purchased.
-Bot scripts will cause further issues with lag, latency, and illegal activities.
-Areas could be too crowded, especially in marketplace spots without a bank system re-balance.
-Guilds may get salty if they lose their guild name.

What's the Best That Could Happen To Mabinogi On New Tech For a Megaserver?
-Married players can find love and experience the wedding ceremony again.
-Players can find more active guilds to participate in dungeon crawling and events.
-New Server and Downtime Compensation Events.
-A higher or slightly faster respawn rate for ancients or world bosses.
-Multiple channels within the megaserver to reduce the stress on the server, and lower the lag players experience.
-The availability of an NA Testing Server may reduce the chances of lag and crashes with testing participation prizes.
-The issue of duplicate guild and player names can be changed to either a series of numbers with a new Name Chance Service to be released, and a free ticket is sent to players with changed names.
-The issue of duplicate guild and player names can be changed by adding in a two name option, opening up a new RP Era. (IE: Maximus Thunderpants)
-The issues of lost items or gold will be easier to remove completely, and no data aside from guild stones will be lost. (Best case scenario.)

Why Wouldn't Nexon KR Allow Nexon NA To Upgrade Mabinogi And Add In A Megaserver?
-It may or may not be the management at either NA or KR who decide, but rather their accountant(s).
-The cost of researching and building a whole new engine for Mabinogi to run flawlessly with a single megaserver with multiple channels would obviously be high.
-The high cost however, might not be so much of an issue for Nexon Korea, where it has a vastly larger web traffic than in NA.
(According to SimilarWeb.)
-It might be Mabinogi's time to slowly move on and make way for other Nexon games that are compatible with recent technology in ways that are simpler and easier to edit.
-It just might not be possible at the moment with current technology and resources.
-Nexon NA might be jumping into unknown territory, and said no because they simply don't want to consider this as a possibility.
-Nexon KR is waiting for player feedback sent by NA before jumping into how much work would need to be done.
-Nexon KR is too busy testing new content and cosmetics to test a new engine or server system.
-As much as a new Engine would help Mabinogi with a Megaserver, it would help the game overall in the long run. This takes a lot of time planning and researching.
-Nexon KR could be secretly looking into this already, but don't want to give anyone the specifics until they know for sure that they can continue to release content quickly.
-Nexon Korea could be displeased about how much harder they work at getting business partners than NA, and don't want to give handouts.
-Korea might not want to talk about our server problems that they have too...only opposite.

Just a Little Tidbit:
-Business is all about Risk vs Reward, and Mabinogi might be the same for Nexon KR, no matter how much Nexon NA requests a response.
-Patience is a virtue when it comes to old games, so it may take a few more years for something to happen.
-I actually looked at a server price a few years ago, and one cost around $4,000.
It's no joke of an investment and needs to be thought about carefully by the Devs and Codemonkeys before going through a redesign phase.
This means that losing servers leaves a chance of profit loss for when Mabinogi becomes just as popular in the future as it was in the past if the engine is updated, allowing for a wider range of things.
  1. You would rather:116 votes
    1. Not have any change to Mabinogi servers under any circumstances.
       8% (9 votes)
    2. Not have any change to Mabinogi servers until we hear Nexon KR and NA Test Results and Dev Feedback.
       13% (15 votes)
    3. Have a Merge Of A Few Servers (As long as the Dressing Room and my Bank remain untouched.)
       28% (33 votes)
    4. Have a Megaserver on the current Engine (With unknown test results and variables.)
       4% (5 votes)
    5. Have a Megaserver on a Brand New Engine (Seamless gameplay and no data loss.)
       47% (54 votes)


  • ZarricZarric
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,510
    Posts: 84
    As I stated in the previous one, I'd rather not have merges if it consisted of any mega server. It's a very bad ideal, and the lag and market would be so bad it's not worth playing at that point. It would also be the single deal breaker since I started playing in 08, to actually make me consider the thought of and actually quit Mabinogi. (Only time I'll ever say it.)

    I'm on the fence about 2 servers being merged with another 2 but at least that is a sustainable ideal I could live with, and enjoy. For example: Tarlach merged with Mari, and Ruairi with Alexina.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited February 15, 2017
    Zarric wrote: »
    As I stated in the previous one, I'd rather not have merges if it consisted of any mega server. It's a very bad ideal, and the lag and market would be so bad it's not worth playing at that point. It would also be the single deal breaker since I started playing in 08, to actually make me consider the thought of and actually quit Mabinogi. (Only time I'll ever say it.)

    I'm on the fence about 2 servers being merged with another 2 but at least that is a sustainable ideal I could live with, and enjoy. For example: Tarlach merged with Mari, and Ruairi with Alexina.

    Well, Megaservers are a new technology, and as with any other server merge there will be lag until the right amount of servers are in place for a stable connection. Nexon has done server crash testing in First Assault pretty well during the CBT, and I honestly never noticed any lag when I recently returned to play a few rounds. Any change is going to take time for Nexon NA to calculate and hear back from Nexon KR on their calculations while conducting testing of their own. Mabinogi isn't as popular as it used to be, so personally I think now would be a good time to see if Megaservers could work, and if it doesn't work with the current engine, then Nexon can merge two servers into one until we only have two left. Market prices fluctuate all the time in real life, so having a marketplace in Mabinogi will no doubt take anywhere from a few weeks to a month to have stable prices from a server merge. If we do end up having merged servers, Nexon would have to discuss with us how they might have to take a few VIP features down until the merge is complete. I know we can all live with a change in the market, because returning veteran players are getting used to current prices and adapting. Also, the VIP service isn't very popular right now because there aren't enough active guilds actually building and auctioning off houses. For the sake of the VIP Service, we have to merge or change something eventually, and now might be the right timing.
  • SphereSphere
    Mabinogi Rep: 900
    Posts: 50
    I am in support of a Mega Server, however with a permanent title in the name that lists where they came from. On top of that, the ability to name change. Some things cannot be saved tho, like for example the guild stone locations may need to be dealt with, and who owns castles. Of course with proper discussions with the community, it can be worked with.
    WolfandWolfDarkpixie99AmesenpaiHiroki05kapapaXxBearslayerxXTwelieKiinomiiCheiliaZeoand 2 others.
  • WolfandWolfWolfandWolf
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 786
    Sphere wrote: »
    I am in support of a Mega Server, however with a permanent title in the name that lists where they came from. On top of that, the ability to name change. Some things cannot be saved tho, like for example the guild stone locations may need to be dealt with, and who owns castles. Of course with proper discussions with the community, it can be worked with.

    I like this idea. I don't want to change my name, and I feel if we had clarifying names (i.e. "from Ruairi server"), there would be no need to change names. I think people would get used to having server names floating above their heads, we already have Talents and stuff.

    And maybe we could have alternative housing channels, where it's still Sen Mag residential but a different version of it. Thus, allowing multiple people to own the castle and own houses there.

  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Thank you for reposting this thread. We keep clamoring for Ruairi and Tarlach to be merged, but honestly and ultimately - it would be better for the community as a whole if we just had one big mega server.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited February 19, 2017
    -To be Deleted-
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    A new link has been added to the OP. Please check it out after posting feedback into this forum and voting in the poll.
  • ShiroganeShirogane
    Mabinogi Rep: 625
    Posts: 46
    edited February 19, 2017
    Thanks for the info. It looks like we could throw everything into our pet's bags though .. if it fits.
  • SplatulatedSplatulated
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,930
    Posts: 693
    the only issue is the gold and closet items being deleted

    everything else is fair since its easily replaceable for under 100k

    now with gold does that also count if you turn it into checks?

    maybe as a fix for the closet being deleted you could move them to a specifically designed character transfer closet or i guess become rich and buy tons and tons of pets to hold them all for you x.x
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    that's just for the separate server transfers they have though isn't it? I think a literal server merge is something different and I don't think we'd lose anything except our character / pet names
  • BuffalosBuffalos
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,795
    Posts: 797
    I also think you have to pay for pet transfers on a per-pet basis, which is going to get expensive for a large part of the player base if they wanted to move.
  • MissDevichiMissDevichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 625
    Posts: 59
    the dressing room doesnt say it'll get deleted, just not transferred.the dressing room should still be in the server you were in.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    Arjune wrote: »
    that's just for the separate server transfers they have though isn't it? I think a literal server merge is something different and I don't think we'd lose anything except our character / pet names

    We won't actually know unless a NA Dev told us that the mechanics are either different and capable of a complete and 100% merge of all data, or very similar leading to warning players beforehand on all media forms.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    KR actually did a server merge a while back... I just forget the details of it. I don't think too much was effected but character/pet names and the seal stones became available for breaking again
  • XxazurekitexXxazurekitex
    Mabinogi Rep: 445
    Posts: 8
    How about just no.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited February 19, 2017
    Arjune wrote: »
    KR actually did a server merge a while back... I just forget the details of it. I don't think too much was effected but character/pet names and the seal stones became available for breaking again

    I'll see what I can find out about that and add it into the OP. There are a lot of posts about server inspection, and there was one about server transfers+inspection+character name change. However, the details of why it occurred hasn't been stated. (Notice on 2017.01.31 18:11)
    The Merges may just be regularly scheduled service done by the tech team, and probably don't involve the merging of servers.
  • XxazurekitexXxazurekitex
    Mabinogi Rep: 445
    Posts: 8
    Didn't the person who made the original server merge thread ask people in-game what they thought?

    Because I remember that happening. I said no and they just said thank you and left me.

    Then they went up to someone in the same area who was pro-merge and told them thank you, can you please vote in my forum poll?

    I laughed quite a bit irl when I realized they were only asking pro-merge people to vote. So is this thread going to be different?
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    edited February 19, 2017
    Didn't the person who made the original server merge thread ask people in-game what they thought?

    Because I remember that happening. I said no and they just said thank you and left me.

    Then they went up to someone in the same area who was pro-merge and told them thank you, can you please vote in my forum poll?

    I laughed quite a bit irl when I realized they were only asking pro-merge people to vote. So is this thread going to be different?

    I just usually create the poll threads for players to leave feedback without having to submit multiple feedback forums, and just because I'm interested in how many people actually want a server merge. It's also a good way for the Devs to quickly gauge just what needs to be focused on as a priority.
  • XxazurekitexXxazurekitex
    Mabinogi Rep: 445
    Posts: 8
    Didn't the person who made the original server merge thread ask people in-game what they thought?

    Because I remember that happening. I said no and they just said thank you and left me.

    Then they went up to someone in the same area who was pro-merge and told them thank you, can you please vote in my forum poll?

    I laughed quite a bit irl when I realized they were only asking pro-merge people to vote. So is this thread going to be different?

    I just usually create the poll threads for players to leave feedback without having to submit multiple feedback forums, and just because I'm interested in how many people actually want a server merge. It's also a good way for the Devs to quickly gauge just what needs to be focused on as a priority.

    Fair enough. I'll leave my vote then.
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    *Facepalm* Someone merged a thread that shouldn't have been merged. The Problems with server merging was meant not to have an effect on player votes, and instead make them aware and see the change in opinion based on the current knowledge of Korea's Server Transfer Service.