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List of things that annoy you in the game.


  • ParadoxLostParadoxLost
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,575
    Posts: 108
    edited August 25, 2017
    @Rainthesword mine is people that come into a games forum, whine, *****, and complain about everything and never seem to have anything positive to say in any of their posts. I've taken the last hour to read posts cuz I went on a hiatus, and found your name to stand out quite a bit. So if you could just chill your angst we would all be a little happier.
    Edit1: You dont like the game this much then leave..

    Edit2: you can be "honest" without being a rude disrespectful a**hole. You b****ing and complaining and starting sh*t doesnt make you honest. It makes you the cancer of this community.

    -drops mic-
  • SugarAngelSugarAngel
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,220
    Posts: 98
    There is only one thing I find annoying here - And that's the fact I can't decide on an ego. Do I want one that is strong and powerful, but in rarity compared to other items, or do I want a common item like a two-handed sword for easy repairs?
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    SugarAngel wrote: »
    There is only one thing I find annoying here - And that's the fact I can't decide on an ego. Do I want one that is strong and powerful, but in rarity compared to other items, or do I want a common item like a two-handed sword for easy repairs?

    I went with a Tikka Healing Wood Wand. Easy to get and also the Male Spirit Wand is adorable >u<
    I already have a Hermit's Staff for spell slinging too sooo..
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    Overpriced items sold by players.

    Everyone who plays on any server in the game knows what I mean.

    Fixed that for you.
    Overpriced items are not exactly a problem for just one server.

    As for what generally annoys me in the game:
    People that do nothing, and I mean NOTHING, but complain about things in the game, or how about how "things used to be so great".
    People that think luring an animal to kill a spambot does something. (Spoilers: It really doesn't, just blacklist them.)
    Every possible thing related to G17 and Sagas. EVERYTHING.
    G19 being handed to you before completing a single story. Its like they want new players to leave in frustration.
    Chair durability. Just why. WHY. ITS A FREAKIN CARPET WITH PILLOWS.
    Day 1 Gacha prices. Also known as "Please pay 50m for these new shoes", followed by "Why can't this ever sell?!"
    That one windguard glitch that locks up movement and skill use until you relog or change channels.
    People that use fake offers on their ads. You people know who you are. You can't avoid my gaze. That devil tail isn't worth 70m!
    People that say that dance of death is useless. Otherwise known as people without rank 1 dance of death.
    The fact this game is either absurdly hard or laughably easy. There is no middle ground.
    100k or even 1mil hp dungeon bosses. ARE YOU HAVING FUN YET?!
    The fact we now play in a generation of players that don't know lava cat robes exist.
    People that tell giant mains to not invest in Def/Prot.
    People that note me offers of less than 50% of whatever price I place in a shop. Do people really expect that to work?
    The entire training of Sakura Abyss.
    People that ask me for a gold loan and then say they can earn what I ask for back in one day. Just earn THAT gold then!
    People that entirely refuse to learn basic game mechanics.
    And last but not least:
    People that don't understand that it is entirely possible to share a gathering area. It isn't even complex.
  • ArchdukeValeCortezArchdukeValeCortez
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,380
    Posts: 117
    People that don't understand that prices are set by the buyers in that prices are as much as the market will bear.
    People that complain that there are people in their MMO.
    The fact that Giants can't use crossbows but can use guns. Both have triggers you have to pull, so why one and not the other?
    The general lack of clothing for Giants compared to tiny humans and dirty elves.
    People who won't get that the above was sarcasm.
    LAG, because it changes the game experience so much.
    The fact that the NA server seems to be the redheaded step child and is missing a ton of features and content.
    The fact that wood cutting isn't a skill that is rankable but things like mushroom gathering or milking are.
  • TtheHeroTtheHero
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,410
    Posts: 63
    edited August 25, 2017
    Right now one prime thing that's been annoying me recently is when a Giant Gets stuck when using Wind Guard. Can't do squat until you relog or change channels. It's downright unacceptable especially if you're in the middle of the SMs or the bastardizations they call dungeons now.
  • YuechiiYuechii
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,045
    Posts: 44
    edited August 25, 2017
    1. Archey Glitch in shadow missions
    2. Fighter Talent Glitch
    3. Bots
    4. Cooking % cause Mabinogi can't do MATH!! >:C
    5. No common sense of MATH >:C [99% and still fail]
    6. No commas
    7. Mount glitch in belvast
    8. No bathhouses
    9. Everyone has to live and sleep OUTSIDE!!
    10. RNG
    11. Skill Lag
    12. There's no auction house yet, sick of this free market >.>
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    Oh BTW whoever said something about shyllien Nature reserve if that person was Siralexander that was me and I don't care fam, you don't own the place and I had already stepped out to handle my Dan quest and milk run and was always gonna come back. No one owns nothing until nexon begins selling permits to farm in areas, besides others came to farm there with me and had no issue, we just cleared out more area to have more farming spots.
    I wouln't expect someone who has no consideration of others to understand that. Other players came when I'm gathering too today and I have no problem with them because they're being nice and helpful, unlike you.
  • RaintheswordRainthesword
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,905
    Posts: 56
    edited August 25, 2017
    ShouK wrote: »
    Oh BTW whoever said something about shyllien Nature reserve if that person was Siralexander that was me and I don't care fam, you don't own the place and I had already stepped out to handle my Dan quest and milk run and was always gonna come back. No one owns nothing until nexon begins selling permits to farm in areas, besides others came to farm there with me and had no issue, we just cleared out more area to have more farming spots.
    I wouln't expect someone who has no consideration of others to understand that. Other players came when I'm gathering too today and I have no problem with them because they're being nice and helpful, unlike you.

    Wow savage to be so blatantly misleading, common courtesy is a idiotic excuse... in fact asking me to leave is just as offensive. In my talk with that individual I said nope to their request to leave following by asking why they thought they had the right to ask me to leave. Everyone else who came along had no issues and I willingly cleared more area so we could all farm resources so if anything I was provoked and am the victim here and do show consideration so thanks for trying to mislead people. Common courtesy is just an excuse to tell me to get lost.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    ShouK wrote: »
    Oh BTW whoever said something about shyllien Nature reserve if that person was Siralexander that was me and I don't care fam, you don't own the place and I had already stepped out to handle my Dan quest and milk run and was always gonna come back. No one owns nothing until nexon begins selling permits to farm in areas, besides others came to farm there with me and had no issue, we just cleared out more area to have more farming spots.
    I wouln't expect someone who has no consideration of others to understand that. Other players came when I'm gathering too today and I have no problem with them because they're being nice and helpful, unlike you.

    Wow savage to be so blatantly misleading, common courtesy is a idiotic excuse... in fact asking me to leave is just as offensive. In my talk with that individual I said nope to their request to leave following by asking why they thought they had the right to ask me to leave. Everyone else who came along had no issues and I willingly cleared more area so we could all farm resources so if anything I was provoked and am the victim here and do show consideration so thanks for trying to mislead people. Common courtesy is just an excuse to tell me to get lost.

  • saintedsoulssaintedsouls
    Mabinogi Rep: 780
    Posts: 9
    One thing the commerce imp while commercing.
  • YokkaichiYokkaichi
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,145
    Posts: 323
    One thing the commerce imp while commercing.

    Oh my gosh, yes! I wish you could turn off the dialogue he spouts while commercing. I get tired of clicking to make it go away faster.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    ShouK wrote: »
    Oh BTW whoever said something about shyllien Nature reserve if that person was Siralexander that was me and I don't care fam, you don't own the place and I had already stepped out to handle my Dan quest and milk run and was always gonna come back. No one owns nothing until nexon begins selling permits to farm in areas, besides others came to farm there with me and had no issue, we just cleared out more area to have more farming spots.
    I wouln't expect someone who has no consideration of others to understand that. Other players came when I'm gathering too today and I have no problem with them because they're being nice and helpful, unlike you.

    Wow savage to be so blatantly misleading, common courtesy is a idiotic excuse... in fact asking me to leave is just as offensive. In my talk with that individual I said nope to their request to leave following by asking why they thought they had the right to ask me to leave. Everyone else who came along had no issues and I willingly cleared more area so we could all farm resources so if anything I was provoked and am the victim here and do show consideration so thanks for trying to mislead people. Common courtesy is just an excuse to tell me to get lost.


    Guys, stop making me fat with all these dramas.
  • BlortadBlortad
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,490
    Posts: 251
    Trying to click the map to move while flying and instead moving half an inch and stopping because it randomly decided its going to constantly reset my waypoint over and over until I land and refly.

    People who hate on the new dungeons way too hard, old dungeons were the stupidest most pointless and completely irrelevant thing...

    Lvl 20 squire missions taking twice the stats of lvl 19.

    Lag and displacement, because these cant be brought up enough.

    buying from players is extremely inconvenient because this games sorry excuse for an auction house, the housing board, is totally worthless because of the old and unchanged restrictions placed on it that should have never have been placed on it int he first place, would it really be that bad to just do a standard auction board?

    Decaying max durability because we want eventual equip replacement, but hammers so theres no eventual equipment replacement... why even have it at all if you just go and negate it by giving hammers every other event?

    commerce, the most boring thing ever, walking simulator to the max, but so many things are locked behind MASSIVE amounts of commerce, like the composing books
  • HazurahHazurah
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,570
    Posts: 444
    the RNG in this game piss me of
    in anything
    you name it
  • OmnicityOmnicity
    Mabinogi Rep: 675
    Posts: 6
    Got one thing that's annoyed me for a while now, and that's getting non-tradeable, non-transferable login rewards from events.
    I was so ready to log into my old main for the trade unlock potion today so that I could unlock and transfer my Merlin knuckles to my new main, but I just HAD to log onto my new main first out of instinct.
    Can't put in a pet, can't transfer through the bank, has a bloody timer, etc.
    Make a guess on where that potion ended up today.
  • foussiremixfoussiremix
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 88
    Hmm something that I find annoying too are the shadow archers in tailteann SM's.


    Not to mention the fire rate.

    Also what is dumb is the lag.
    I love trying to attack a mob with smash and than getting suddenly getting teleported backwards and also losing hp.

  • pawcalypsepawcalypse
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,705
    Posts: 498
    Is there a topic on things that annoy you in the forum - the spammer(s) are now spamming in the afternoon and posting way too many.
    [Deleted User]Sherrisos123456
  • TNinjaTNinja
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,265
    Posts: 1,180
    I don't have a list, because I have no interest in publishing a book.
    VioletBoyBlortadSherripawcalypseRaintheswordGretaCyrettaHiroki05kapapaMizukiHayamaand 2 others.
  • BlortadBlortad
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,490
    Posts: 251
    edited August 26, 2017
    Summon time limit on pets and doll bags that I PAID FOR!! They have some nerve to tell me when I can and cant use something I bought with my own money.

    Durability decays just for being online, better not forget to unequip those fancy enchanted CRK's before being forced to afk just so you can use the player shop system.

    The lack of ability to log out with a shop up, that is how just about every other game that uses a personal shop system does it, they let you log out while the shop stays up. Wakfu and Maplestory to name 2 off the top of my head.