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Advancement Test Tips and Tricks


  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    edited September 1, 2017
    Been getting frustrated at the Dan 1 Firebolt test. Yes, DAN ONE.

    I almost had a perfect run, using snap cast as needed and paying attention to the crystal's charged bolts to avoid fire sprite wave.

    Right before ice sprite wave, snap cast used and I began melee to prepare a double snap cast, when the unthinkable happened.
    The crystal went into deadly, and then it HIT ME WITH MELEE.
    No animation either, and because of the time lost from it, I failed the test, a mere 300 points away from the needed A rank.

    Did the devs just not test these? Was this test system just rushed?
    It feels like a trial of luck rather than a test of skill.

    Is rank 1 Snap Cast a requirement to have any hope of passing or something?
  • MediaKleptoMediaKlepto
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,865
    Posts: 186
    Nilrem wrote: »
    .The crystal went into deadly, and then it HIT ME WITH MELEE.
    This happens to me CONSTANTLY during the Int magic first I thought it was my imagination, until it kept happening over and over. Some of these tests are beyond frustrating, and there's been a couple of times my pocket change has gone below 10-20k from all my failures because I don't even realize how many times I've retried.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Advancement Test...

    More like Rage Test.

    It tests your patience until you decide to quit this game.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    edited September 1, 2017
    This post isn't needed anymore since the content is in the below post. Please delete this one.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    edited September 1, 2017
    Queueing doesn't work for Emerald fuses.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited September 1, 2017
    mod please delete
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    edited September 1, 2017
    Delete this one.
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited September 1, 2017
    delete this~
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    edited September 1, 2017
    I admit I got a little hot-headed myself and I for that I apologize. Deleted my previous posts. Let's get this back on track. XD
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    Leinei wrote: »
    I admit I got a little hot-headed myself and I for that I apologize. Deleted my previous posts. Let's get this back on track. XD

    That' a good idea, I'll do that too. sorry again for my misunderstanding and not knowing it actually works for nuts and bolts
  • FreakoutcastFreakoutcast
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
    Posts: 61
    I'm a grandmaster mage with r1 snap cast, r1 spellwalk, r1 inspiration, r8 meditation (current max) and all masteries, basic, intermediate, and advanced magic at rank 1. I will say this right now, fireball, lightning rod and ice spear Dan 2... doable, thunder Dan 3.... haven't managed it yet, but pretty sure it's doable, all bolt magic dan 1... doable. Anything beyond that (excluding healing, I have r1 but not full bar yet) is IMPOSSIBLE. Bolt magic dan 2? Forget it, especially lightning bolt. Lightning rod, fireball and ice spear dan 3? No way in hell! It's just a money pit and source of rage, save your wallet and sanity.

    As for advice...

    Thunder: Self explanatory, other people have explained it better than I can. Use snap on crystals and charge while that's going off. Pray to whatever god you believe in that the crystal doesn't go in to deadly status and survive (thanks for that Nexon). Without snap cast just spam single charges on enemies. For golems, use the 5 charge then snap strat (explained in Fireball section) and if the golem aggros you, just cast whatever charge you have.

    Fireball: Spam the living hell out of snap cast. If there are only one or two isolated enemies left, just kill them with fusion bolt. For golem boss rush, have spellwalk constantly active (just like other magic tests but even more important here). Charge fireball while running as far away as possible to avoid aggro. Cast it, then immediately snap cast another and repeat. When you actually use the fireballs get close so the golem won't run out of the way if it aggros you. If it does aggro you and rushes while fireball is still in the air, you may actually be able to hit the golem with a basic causing it to idle for a sec, this is a good chance to snap and cast if you haven't already. For crystals use snap cast, if it's not off cooldown from previous wave just use 1-2 fusion bolts.

    Ice spear: Spam.... don't know any better way to say it. Use snap cast frequently and try to line up as many enemies as possible and shoot the back one to maximize your targets. Unless you have snap cast, just use 1-2 charges for all enemies. For golems use a full charge ice spear then snap cast just like with fireball, but if golem isn't using windmill or defense just use however many charges you have. For crystals just use 1-2 fusion bolts (faster than waiting for ice spear to shatter).

    Lightning Rod: Make sure you line up as many enemies as possible in order to reset cooldown. If there's only 1 or 2 isolated enemies left, use fusion bolt. For sprites MAKE SURE you use a full charge lightning rod on the giant sprites first. If you can only get one with the rod, then snap cast firebolt for the other. For golems, I use snapcast firebolt first then do a full charge strike on the golem. Full charges are necessary for the golems. To keep the golems off you while rod cools down, try using fusion lightning and fire bolt to knock them back and soften them for next rod. If a golem is about to die and rushes you, you decide if it's more important to finish it off with an attack or wait for rod charge, both have downsides. For crystals use full charge lightning rod or fusion bolt if on cooldown. Try to get full charges throughout the test, yes they are not needed to kill most of the enemies, but the extra damage points are nice.

    Bolt Magic: Spam... spam spam spam. For crystals use fusion bolt, for golems cry... jokes aside, try to get to the golems as quick as possible so you can get the extra 100 points for each hit, this works best with ice bolt. Not much else I can say here. Use snap cast when you have it and focus the giant sprites first.

    General: Make sure you have r1 snap cast, spellwalk and all the masteries (fire, lightning, ice, bolt magic, and magic weapon). R8 meditation and r1 inspiration are nice but not mandatory, and R1 fusion bolt is not required, but helps immensely.. especially with the crystals. Speaking of which, make sure you attack the right crystal. As people have said, the crystals have little floating elementals around them that indicate which types of sprites they will spawn. So in other words, if you're doing the test for lightning rod, don't hit the crystal with electricity around it.

    Potions are better to be ignored usually. But, if you have a stamina or health right at your feet it may not be a bad idea to grab it. That health could prevent you from losing 100 points, and even more importantly 10 seconds if you die. The stamina could be useful if you somehow run out of stamina using spellwalk, but I've never really run out. As for the golems, unless you're doing the lightning rod test, ALWAYS have spellwalk active. It only takes two seconds for a golem to aggro you and through the sheer power of bullshit, hit you from across the room because golem hitboxes are a beautiful thing.

    LEVEL UP! Going into the test you will have buffed stats like more health, more mana, more stamina, and 1000 intelligence, etc. BUT... if your base stats are higher (like let's say you have more than 1000 intelligence) it will carry over into the test, THIS IS VITAL. You need high will for crits and high intelligence for damage, so level up your character!

    With all this in mind, note that there are probably more competent people out there when it comes to this. These strategies may not be the best... and hell, for all I know I could find a better way to do these by tomorrow. These are not set ground rules (especially since I can't even get dan 3 for any of these skills). This is merely how I have somewhat managed to cope with these insane trials. Take these strategies into consideration if you're a mage, but try to find new strategies as well.

    Use what works best for you, and may Morrighan have mercy on your tender soul.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    edited September 1, 2017
    Arjune wrote: »
    Leinei wrote: »
    I admit I got a little hot-headed myself and I for that I apologize. Deleted my previous posts. Let's get this back on track. XD

    That' a good idea, I'll do that too. sorry again for my misunderstanding and not knowing it actually works for nuts and bolts

    It's all good.

    Has anyone gotten an Engie dan test with 30 Emerald Fuses and gotten an SS rank? I had that with two Lang Bonebreakers and six Fanatic Greatswords and only managed an S rank on my first test to get Dan 3. Anyone got advice?
  • LegantLegant
    Mabinogi Rep: 765
    Posts: 4
    edited September 1, 2017
    all bolt magic dan 1... doable. Anything beyond that (excluding healing, I have r1 but not full bar yet) is IMPOSSIBLE. Bolt magic dan 2? Forget it, especially lightning bolt. Lightning rod, fireball and ice spear dan 3? No way in hell! It's just a money pit and source of rage, save your wallet and sanity.

    Here's my partial run to show that an SS rank can be easily achieved for Firebolt

    For Firebolt, r1 Snap Cast is recommended but not necessarily required, as the lower cd @ higher ranks helps save much more of those precious seconds to ramp up more points.

    *PAY ATTENTION* To which crystal you kill to spawn the mobs. There is an elemental bolt that floats near every crystal (although a bit difficult to see so you may need to move your camera around to see it), the mobs that spawn do depend on which elemental is killed.

    Upon starting, you want to kill the crystal with the icebolt floating around it (usually it will be on your left), snap cast immediately -> firebolt, then single firebolts to deplete the crystal's remaining HP. Afterwards, Ice Elemental Grumbills will spawn. It takes approximately 2 charges of firebolt to kill each one, also remember that you want to save your snapcast if you're about to finish off all of the Grumbills in order to use it on your next crystal.

    After killing all of the Grumbills, kill the next Crystal w/an Icebolt hovering around it, this will spawn a number of Ice Sprites (no bosses). it takes around 3-4 Firebolts to kill each one.

    Next is the most important stage, whether you get an S or an SS rank is dependent on your performance during this stage. Destroy the remaining Crystal w/ an Icebolt hovering near it. This will spawn a mob of Ice Sprites as well as two Ice Sprite bosses. IMMEDIATELY use Snapcast and kill one of the Ice Sprite bosses. Afterwards, your goal would be to kill the remaining Ice Sprite boss, but you will also be juggled around by a regular Ice Sprite at the same time. If you play it smart and not allow yourself to be handled, you will be able to finish the boss and then pick off the remaining Ice Sprites.

    Lastly, you should have plenty of time to spam the golems. Use Snap Cast as it becomes available to net yourself them points. Turning on Auto Combat (if you haven't already) at this time may prove useful. In the context of time remaining, when you start the golem stage: around 1:00-1:30sec will net you an SS rank, 0:30-1:00sec will net you an S rank.

    Sincerely, your friendly Spoon Feeder
  • lceCreamlceCream
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,205
    Posts: 199
    Nilrem wrote: »
    Been getting frustrated at the Dan 1 Firebolt test. Yes, DAN ONE.

    I almost had a perfect run, using snap cast as needed and paying attention to the crystal's charged bolts to avoid fire sprite wave.

    Right before ice sprite wave, snap cast used and I began melee to prepare a double snap cast, when the unthinkable happened.
    The crystal went into deadly, and then it HIT ME WITH MELEE.
    No animation either, and because of the time lost from it, I failed the test, a mere 300 points away from the needed A rank.

    Did the devs just not test these? Was this test system just rushed?
    It feels like a trial of luck rather than a test of skill.

    Is rank 1 Snap Cast a requirement to have any hope of passing or something?

    Are you saying you don't even have r1 snap cast...
    Before doing any dans have every other relevant skills r1
  • ShouKShouK
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,735
    Posts: 824
    Still finding Dan 3 Magic Craft to be near impossible because it's RNG upon RNG. Not only do you HAVE to get specific items to craft for the 2nd and 3rd items, you have to not fail at all, which apparently happens quite frequently despite success rate being at 98%. I think I spend millions already just for this one stupid test. Closest I get is 5:30 minutes time left for the third item but it had to give me the bhafel huntress..and this is nexon's fault for whatever bug that caused it to can't be crafted.
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,543
    edited September 2, 2017
    @ShouK Nexon is already aware of the issue and they sent it to their team, and that it would hopefully be fixed come next major update. Hoping that to be soon. -_-
  • IncubiAlchIncubiAlch
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,380
    Posts: 21
    edited September 3, 2017
    Raishii wrote: »
    Anybody manage to get at least rank S on Sandburst? I got hit by Blinkers maybe 2 or 3 times and that only net me 7.5k, which got me rank A. I just don't know how it'd be possible to get SS.
    Avarak wrote: »
    Would someone care to explain how to even do Flame Burst's Dan Test? I can't even get to Dan 1 because 1: they start you with only 500 health, meaning you can die in 2-3 hits, and 2: the Blinkers are nigh-impossible to kill without resorting to other skills. It's actually extremely frustrating.

    Sandburst: Just blind everything, keep track of what order you hit in, and only hit as many as it takes for the first one blinded, to lose it's blindness. Then repeat the mobs in the same order sticking to one side of the room to not aggro all the blinkers. Only 1 blinker will aggro you at a time and it holds aggro through half of the blindness, so if you're blinding at least 2 blinkers you won't likely be aggroed by any others as long as you don't stand right on top of them.
    -Best run on dan2 test: 11,400. Rank SS

    Flameburst: Blind blinkers then flame, always dispatch first. If a blinker is locked on you and Sand is in cooldown, charge a Flameburst and go to another mob. You can use this attack even when blinker beam is on you. Cancel flame if your foe dies so as not to waste time. Aim as well as you can to hit multiple enemies. On round 3 of monsters, the shadow alchs, stick to the wall or you WILL be stuck and won't get any more hits in. They can teleport behind you and basically screw the test. Also grab HP pots fast as they drop because your HP is cut low at the start of the test... which lowers your attack
    -Best run on dan2 test: 7,475 Rank A

    Water Canon: Lol good luck. Stick to the wall. Blind Blinkers. Hope you crit a lot. Rain Cast if you can get it up, but if you don't get it first try, then it's a waste of time.
    -Not run dan2 yet, but dan1 was struggles as it was...

    For all of them: Please for the love of the goddess, have r1 chain cylander before you attempt dan 2 of these. It's not even funny how much you need it.
  • NomnomnomsNomnomnoms
    Mabinogi Rep: 840
    Posts: 17
    Just Dan 3'd Sand Burst. Honestly it was pretty easy. I didn't even make it to the second wave of monsters, and still ended up with 17k points. Like others have stated above, just make sure to keep track of the order you blind the monsters in. During the Dan 3 test, every once in a while, instead of blinkers, they spawn sulfur spiders, which, I assume, is supposed to make things harder by blowing up on death and ruining all of the blinds you have up. Just make sure to watch their health and kill them only when they are near enemies who have already lost their blindness.

    If a blinker threatens your safety by aggroing you and you are too far to sand burst, just Chain Cylinder a Water Cannon and send it packing.

    Oh, and make sure to pick up stam pots if those blinkers drop any. You want to keep your stamina low, so that sand burst does low damage and you can get into a kind of rhythm, but still have enough stamina to keep on bursting. That's really it :>

    (lmao i'm a noob with forums like this, I hope the picture actually comes out a picture XD)
  • BuffalosBuffalos
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,795
    Posts: 797
    I can't recall if I posted to this thread or not, but here we go again i guess?
    For the alchemy tests:

    Water Cannon - Speedrun with everything you can to the third spawn wave (female shadow wizards) and kill off everything but one monster in that. Blind the last one, rain cast, and spawn the bonus wave (male wizards and alchemists). Spam single charge water cannons to get as many hits as possible on the bonus monsters and watch for anything that breaks cloud distraction. I can normally get a cloud up and spawn the bonus wave with about 2 minutes left, which should be enough time to hit an SS rank when you factor the bonus points from damage.

    Flame Burst - Do the same thing for water cannon. Speedrun to wave 3, blind last monsters and rain cast. The only difference this time is that you're stuck with a fire cylinder, so you have less rain time to work with in the bonus wave until things start to multi aggro and destroy you. Aim for clusters of monsters with single charge flames when possible, and cancel the flame burst before the knock-back is done (4 hits, cancel, repeat). When you have about half a minute left, start using chain cylinder to try for a high max damage score for the bonus: I can normally get 5k extra points at the end and easily pass dan 3 test with SS rank. You start this test with very low HP, so grab those potions.

    Sand Burst - See Noms' post above. That's literally all you can do there, and rain casting the bonus round won't accomplish much because if you have rank 1 cloud the thunder bolts will make blinded targets attack you when struck. Though I might add that you can use Wind Blast to knock the spiders away before you water cannon them to avoid blasting blinded targets nearby on accident.

    Close Combat is your best friend when trying to speed your way to the bonus round. When things are clustered together, Windmill. If there's a blinker close to you and you don't have chain cylinder for a quick water nuke, Smash it to pieces and move on.
  • Narutofire18Narutofire18
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,435
    Posts: 22
    Hello! I've written a guide on the Magic Dan Tests:

    I'll be continually updating it. At time of writing, I'm working on getting video recordings for all of the Dan 3 tests illustrating each of the strategies.

    Hope y'all find it helpful :)
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