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Can we not immediately scream for nerfs?
The F3 skill is an instant teleport skill like the chainblade skill, every time you hear him trying to take a swipe at you, teleport !
The F4 skill does some damage too but it's on a looooong cooldown. Thankfully it does a nice amount of %
Have your shield of trust ready though, he still uses the swords attack < < < < < <
Right-click the F1 skill to remove it so that it doesn't screw you over
I must be doing something wrong, but I never managed to release the Divine Blast with the F2 hotkey at times; it would not fire at all if I bothered to charge it, and the uncharge damage seemed pretty poor.
I killed all the clones with a fireball then continued to hit it for 10k Which was about 10% of its hp.
The time limit was from the regen and killing the clones after they respawned.
If I'm not allowed to scream nerf, sue me. I'll scream nerf anyway.
You guys have NOTHING on me. NOTHING.
BTW, an incentive for trying harder: The divine form has jiggle !
Yup, that's what i pointed out in Mabinogi Discord Server too. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also lol at that 0.00% HP. #Glitchinogi
0.19 HP?
30% was enough for people to get a dialog and be done with it. You got glitched as well.
Without a firebolt combo card or casting speed reforge (just vivance) I could kill it with firebolt spam, combo card+ casting speed would probably obliterate it.
I think part of it had to do with the % charge you had in divinity. I didn't use divinity at all and I had to take him to 0%
No, this happens when you decide to read/stay in the dialog while Talvish is still attacking you when just obtained new transformation. Few people already pointed that out too. When i skipped dialog next time, it didn't happen anymore.
It is a battle of attrition, to be honest, and not a very difficult one; just time consuming depending on your damage output.
Zoom in, mate.
That's MINUS 0.19.
Oh, wow LOOOL. Glithinogi indeed.
This is what I observed. I'll be tagging my opinions on each point.
Point One:
If the message says "USE SHIELD OF TRUST!", don't use it righ taway. That's a ploy to get yourself killed. Use it after when two or three swords strikes. They do no damage, trust me. The very last point you can use your shield and live is when the last sword lands, but that's it.
Opinion: This is alright, but that message needs to stop being a jerk and mislead people.
Point Two:
If the message says "There must be a way to repel his attack."
You can stop his attack with Judgment Blade. Failing to do so disables your ability to use Crusader related skills. Even if he doens't hit you with his ridiculously long hitbox, he heals himself 1% anyway. So, just. Stop him.
The issue here is, sometimes he does this attack the very moment the message appears. Judgment Blade is way too slow to hit him with hit before yours lands, if both of you use charge up the skills at the same time.
And considering how the server always favor, well. The server, you've already lost.
Opinion: Stop it. Stop making that skill come out so damn fast, if he's going to kill you the very moment the message appears. Go die. Bad design. And come on. "Repel attacks"? That sounds like an invite to use Shield of Trust. Which by the way, does not work.
Point Three:
Frequency of Talvish''s Crusader Skills becomes more narrow when you gain your Divinity. This can become troublesome, and yo uneed to be more active with your own Crusader. To increase your own damage, you can use Celestial Spike on him.
Opinion: This speeds up the combat pace, a lot. I like it. The problem is the usage of Celestial Spike. The increased frequency of the Crusader Skills means even less time for you to risk it all using Celestial Spike, just for him to suddenly use Judgment Blade and kill you, while you're on cooldown. You can time all you want with using Celestial Spike right after SHield of Trust. But he WILL occasionally use his Crusader Skills before you're done with the cooldown. That's just bad.
You don't need Celestial Spike, but really. Don't suggest using it, if there's 50% chance for it to not get yourself killed.
Point Four:
During the second phase, you transform, and your first 7 F slots have been replaced. And your Mnaa Shield, which, don't kid yourself, you had it open. Mana Shield is disabled. That is because in this new state, you cannot use any skill besides the new skills you learned, and Crusader Skills.
Opinion: I. Don't think I can say m uch. They HAD to add the skills so you can be introduced to them, but. It's extremely intruding. And depending on how you setup your skill tabs, you'll probbaly die a tleast once, while trying to familarize yourself with it.
And if you're super squishy and is extremely reliant on Mana Shield. Well, you better be quick learner, because you're gonna learn how to teleport. Unless you want to die in two shots of course.
That's it. Now end me.
i mean i want know the detail on G21 storyline so don't want to miss out and the current glitch look bad
enjoyable challenging difficulty in games do exist
and then there's whatever cheap tricks mabi been pulling off since g16, and whenever you do pull through it you don't even get that sense of pride and accomplishment trademarked by EA, lol
Was wondering when this troll would show up.
It was really troublesome that my Mana Shield got disabled. I don't handle damage well, so. I just had to learn how to teleport. And stay away from that Ice Spear range.
Mana Shield usually ruins things for me. I got it disabled during boss fights (sounds suicidal right?) since if they strike me too much/hard i end up with 0 MP without realizing and when it's time to use Judgement Blade/Shield Of Trust i get a message that i don't have MP and before i notice that and use MP potion, it's already too late at that point...