Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • The Elf Revamp, Yes I said it.

    scorpin99 wrote: »
    So what you're saying is we have to shill out money out the end for over 10 bone dragons and tons of reforges to be able to easily clear content? Because what I see is someone who has tons of reforges and tons of pets to spam while they load up their skills.

    Look, when you reach endgame or even close to it, earning gold is easy. Literally all those pets and reforges you mentioned can just be bought with gold earned from playing the game. Also good observation. Almost like a large portion of endgame players have reforges, or better yet, a large portion of solo runs use pet summons.
    scorpin99 wrote: »
    Yea they clear it really easy, but that's in KOREA where latency basically doesn't exist.

    I know this is just a nitpick, but come on. The video title even says JP. As in Japan. It was even hinted at in his post.
    And don't act like it isn't easy here either. There is a reason most phantasm breakers are elves.
    scorpin99 wrote: »
    The point I see with this thread is to make archery viable WITHOUT reforges and without having to spend tons of money for pets for def/prot reduction in order to do enough damage to reliably solo content. Archery basically went unchanged throughout its existence. Case in point: Final shot, it used to reduce archery skill load times but after Genesis got rid of skill load times that part of final shot became useless. Add on to the fact that it still has load times and it became a glorified aim speed boost

    How to make Archery viable without reforges: 1k+ dex, black dragon knight bow. There, now you can be the pretty little reforge free archer you want everywhere outside endgame dungeons.

    And then when it becomes time for you to actually do difficult things, you too will likely have gold for reforges and use them to increase damage once you run out of ways to get stronger.

    Also, are you really complaining about Final Shot being an aim speed boost? Because well...
    scorpin99 wrote: »
    Then there is the fact that aiming is still a thing, other than the flat luck chance to miss, archery is the ONLY talent left that can even miss. People are arguing that archery should be able to clear content reliably without needing to get all these reforges and pets to clear content. its a slow talent and if you try and go into groups while maining archery, most people won't take you because they want fast clear times, and by the time you have one shot off 90% of the room is dead or just the room is cleared.

    You could solve your aiming issue with final shot but....heh.
    Also a lot of actual high end archery just rapid fires at the start of aiming. Nice little trick mentioned in this thread already.

    Also, last I checked, there is an ENTIRE ARCHERY SKILL meant to be used when you miss. So you can still hit your target.
    AND it knocks them back, making it easier to continue pelting them with death.

    Also really? Clear times are what you think people worry about? What kind of bad player actually cares about...
    Look, if being the special room clearing snowflake is what matters to you, just don't walk into the same "room" as someone else.
    Or just go solo. Or understand that archery has support skills that aid other people and to actually work with someone.
    scorpin99 wrote: »
    Coming from playing since 2009, archery used to be viable with just stats and a decent bow. you didn't need to spend so much gold/money to be able to clear content with archery, but now it seems like its necessary or else you just lag behind. That's dumb and people have been trying to get that fixed for ages now. and just because you can clear content with it does not mean it isn't broken and needs to be fixed. i bet you at least 80% of archers wont be able to do the things in the videos you sent because getting the gold and pets and reforges is too tall an order for them.

    Wow, its like amazing crafted bows, enchants, and getting every life skill in the game to Rank 1 without any training bonuses was not a thing!
    Its also like content back then did not have enemies that were a total joke.

    Also "lag behind"? Really? Do you just stare at humans doing final hit and wish you were them when final hit requires just as many, if not MORE reforges than archery?

    And no, archery is broken. Well, elf archery anyway. Crystal Deer Archery causing the easiest solo phantasm runs is what counts as BROKEN.

    And yeah, 80% of archers won't do such. In fact, most archers don't even see the gold/reforge barrier early on. Thats the 80%.
    Once they see it, they either A: Switch to a diff talent B: Go earn gold needed or C: Switch talent AND get gold needed.
    You can say the same thing for literally any combat talent in the game.
    Because just about every talent has the same chances in Solo Phantasm, or in some cases, next to no chance.
  • My commerce partner

    Oh don't worry. My commerce partner isn't much better at capped affection.
    And she is sometimes lucky I can't scold her.

  • November Partner Sale

    Reminder that the gift boxes from Laigh and William are different from the rest and can give red/blue lucky stones.

    On top of this: William's "mount" mode just speeds you up while allowing actions.
    And Laigh decided to be a special snowflake and have a voice actor that never learns to be quiet once in a while.
  • How-2-Get-THICC-Thighs?


    This is what I typically go for with cheese wheels.
    About 10-15 on a fresh rebirth.

    It generally goes well with the outfits I wear.
  • Mabinogi in a nutshell

    Mabinogi in a nutshell, hm?

    The Mabinogi is a social oriented MMO published by Nexon that has been around for roughly 9 years in total here in North America.
    In it, typical MMO conventions are removed in favor of endless growth. Pain and suffering capable of lasting literally years.
    All hail warp i-oh sorry.

    The next thing to understand about Mabinogi is the community.
    Here you will find: Memes, Elitists, Living anime, Merchants, Annoying people, Drama starters, and the rarest endangered species: The normal person. All of them exist among 4 different servers that will endlessly argue with eachother and/or have civil discussion.

    And last but not least: The gacha.
    And endlessly repeating cycle of people complaining about gacha alongside people buying it in large numbers, completely destroying the argument for gacha being bad in the eyes of the business. But the cycle continues without end anyway.
    Even though Mabi's gacha is among the most tame of most MMOs to ever exist, and looks like a saint in front of modern lootbox issues, people in the game will forever treat it like the spawn of satan because they can't get -insert favorite outfit of the week-.

    So there you have it.
    Unless this wasn't the point of the topic, in which case this post just sort of exists now.
    I mean its faster than watching a 20min episode of anime if anything.
    Greta[Deleted User]Sherripawcalypsecourtneyy