Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Gambling Simulator 2017?

    Well, if we had shopping bags back, it really comes down to this:

    Is what you want in a bag? No? Zero purchase.
    Yes? You buy one. At all.

    Compared to gacha, it looks terrible in the eyes of a business.
    Which is what an MMO is.

    As I said in a past topic:
    And no, having only shopping bags around will not magically solve everything.
    The desire for a shopping bag is subjective, and entirely dependent on what is inside.

    People will not just magically buy something in a large amount because RNG is removed.

    Now, if we want to talk about a change from gacha that could actually work...

    VIP looks really outdated right about now.
    VeylaineWolfandWolfArchdukeValeCortezLeiliciaTheOthicTrythisArjuneSherriJazmynpawcalypseand 1 other.
  • New In Japan

    Whenever it comes to these crossovers, I always go over the usual routine.

    People will like or dislike it for being anime.

    People will hate it for being gacha and sales.

    And then people like me only look to see if anything it adds is even remotely interesting.

    Never heard of this anime, but all of the outfits/characters just look.....bland.
    Very generic looking outfits with similar, far easier to obtain ones already in game.
    Maybe they have some kind of idle...? Just looks unappealing.

    The best looking thing there is the computer desk chair.
    And only for the meta "playing mabi inside mabi" jokes.

    Then again, after last crossover giving us giant mega ultra chicken, I guess expectations were pretty set.
    You can't beat a pet like that.

    And hopefully a lot less crossovers with limited edition one time titles/enchants so powerful that the entire endgame meta revolves around them making it nigh impossible for newer players to catch up to the absurd power of such things.
  • People training music in the middle of towns.

    The music auto player comes in a variety of tiers, all with different reactions among the population.

    The lute: Due to the Lute being rather quiet on its own, these are actually pretty bearable. Only annoying if you wish to play music yourself.

    The mandolin: This person has something against the lute. Nothing else.

    The flute: A person afk with the flute most likely does not understand that one only needs a Flute to train the moving music skill.
    However, because of how loud the flute can be, they might get some hate or blacklists without understanding why.

    The rock guitar: Worse than the flute when in autoplay, especially with how out of place it can sound.
    This player is often young and thinks going afk with a rock guitar makes them the coolest thing ever. It doesn't.

    The singer: Has music sounds turned off and does not understand how painful on the ears singing voices are.
    Wants to train music but, like certain players, does not understand the point of a Homestead.
    Very likely to be blacklisted by literally anyone that will remain in the area they decided to afk in.

    The Handbell: Literally Satan. This player KNOWS what they are doing. They WANT to annoy people.
    Blacklisted on sight, with no remorse from any side. Most likely already has rank 1 music playing.
    GretaClovis15[Deleted User]pawcalypseArjuneLeiliciaSaiRukiyaoffwithyourheadsAndrewGRand 6 others.
  • Spooky Halloween Parade (Community Event)

    Not sure about a parade, but on Tarlach the Halloween spirit is definitely around.

    Such as having "This is halloween!" play on a jam session before banquet.
    And those lovely people going around in the squeaky feet pumpkin outfits.

    Heck, I'm already dressed as a Succubus for fun. I just toss on a purple bat crown as a costume. Very spoopy.
  • New Titles

    I can confirm from a guildie that the Aura titles give no stats. Just animation.

    On par with Shining Hero in the bucket of useless/"I don't actually play the game" titles.

    Only get if you want to run around on fire for some reason.