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Both 'special' and 'eluned' versions of clothes need to go.
Especially when you consider that 'eluned' was a clothes line, not 'outfit altered for the other gender' originally. Old outfits that still bear the eluned tag arent actually available to the other gender too.
Just make the clothes unisex and let players decide what they want to wear.
A homestead item shouldnt be cash shop only. More use of pon building could be implemented instead, if not outright built with ingame ressources.
So just as Maplestory 2 had Blue Merits (Paid) and Red Merits (Free), then that would mean Mabinogi would also have separate (yet select duplicate items) sections of the Cash Shop for:
-Pons (Moved from earned in events or paid for in NX, to earned in events exclusively.)
-NX (Paid for by physical money.)
More like three:
Paid (nx, can have bonus stats)
Pon (event exclusives for the ppl that missed em)
Ingame material ressources (basic stuff stuff like flowers and non glowing trees perhaps, has no stats and only for appearance purposes.)
Related content updates:
Chef's passion gains a passive bonus to ingredient hunting, and ingredient drops from animals (not leather.) Becomes craftable via blacksmithing (using materials that exist currently, gotta mention) and can be upgraded/special upgraded.
New mob drops: different cuts of meat from various animals in Iria and uladh both, like gnus, aardvaks, sheep, Wolves, buffalos, lizards, scorpions, crabs, horses, ostriches, alligator, etc. Millepede skewers?
New meat-type items, like ribs, feet, loin, strips, ground meat and such.
New recipes that would use those new cuts of meat, at different methods of cooking.
Cooking dans: new methods of cooking, involves confectionary and cheese making for instance.
Iria field bosses also get new drops and dishes, similar to tech's kraken dishes. Mammoth and yeti gain a tailoring pattern for a robe made from pelt drops.