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It's 8:30pm here in California, and they're supposedly a corporation so yeah everyone went home for the day. They may try to claim otherwise and maybe someone is put on duty for the night but anyone who can fix it is probably at home getting ready to celebrate the 4th of July tomorrow.
Imagine clothing brands, or even car brands, had the same idea of streaming services but for your purchase of their product. You no longer own the clothes you've purchased but are permitted to wear them for a limited time and must pay a fee. "Smart Clothes" or whatever are always connected to the internet to help keep brands track your end of the bargain.
You can check the web shop now to see all the changed names. Have fun everyone~
Uh.. where exactly though?
If people can see who changed their name, I'm sure some people on the game would be butthurt and turn to harass others for 'stealing their name'.
I think he means that you can see all of YOUR changed names, and yours only, by going to the shop and guild pages.