PlatinaKoki wrote: »We all knew losing names was a consequence of the server merge. “But it wasn’t supposed to happen to ME” is naive thinking. Name “stealing” is inevitable whether it happens legitimately or maliciously. You all whined and begged for a server merge for years, so accept the consequences and be grateful that you got what you wanted; you’re now on a lively server with your original character(s), and Mabi is still alive in the first place. There are millions of other names to choose from, it’s such a FWP. This endless whining is getting old.
If they do plan on merging Alexina, I hope they do it asap so we can get this whole “name stealing” drama thing over with. The merge was necessary for the overall preservation of players, losing your original name is a small sacrifice.
I was, and still am, against a server merge entirely, as is/was most of the community. Don't make such a generalization.
And names can have important, irreplaceable value, especially if you've used it for 11 years.
Nice hypocrisy. Speaking for "most of the community" yourself. A lot of old players came back for this anticipated server merge, which we needed to happen years ago.
In your little string of "This caused this which caused this....", Nexon caused the issue with the +server tag by obviously not putting in enough time testing (doing a live copy of the "new server" before merging the actual servers could've caught some of the problems that have inevitably cropped up.) That, in turn, led to people complaining about the delay in the Name Change feature (something Korea has had for a while). That, in turn, led to people complaining about name stealing.PlatinaKoki wrote: »
I was, and still am, against a server merge entirely, as is/was most of the community. Don't make such a generalization.
And names can have important, irreplaceable value, especially if you've used it for 11 years.
Obviously there are a lot of players who never had a chance to even express their 2 cents on the server merge at all. However, as I said before, the Nao merge was necessary to preserve the player-base. The majority of merged players have benefited greatly, which was the original reason why a sea of voices asked (and then eventually harassed) Nexon to implement the merge. And now many of those same voices want their cake and to eat it, too. I’m mostly saying that having to pick a new name was inevitable, and anyone who previously begged for the merge shouldn’t be dog-piling Nexon for the inevitable—Nexon simply can’t allow duplicate names (obviously), nor can they prioritize one player over another based on total play-time, level, or creation date...first come first serve is, overall, the most fair and simplistic, since everyone can be equally attached to the name that was legitimately available to them for so long.
Players complain that servers are dead > Players complain their names are ugly after the merge > Players complain the name change option is taking too long to implement > Players complain when the name change option isn’t as sophisticated as they’d like it to be (one that can prioritize players, etc.)
Maybe I’m generalizing with a bunch of separate voices, but surely the amount and the popularity of those complaints stick out. I just feel bad for Nexon who can’t seem to do anything right for a free to play game.
I’ve been playing for over a decade so I do understand how it is to be attached to your name. My first main’s name from Mari surprisingly wasn’t affected by the merge, but if Alexina gets merged, I’m 90% certain I’d have to rename my current main/beloved character...though it’s not hard for me to pick something with the same roots, or vibe, for either of my favorite characters, tbh. It’s a small price to pay to continue playing as those characters at all. If the merge didn’t happen, the dead servers would’ve kept becoming more dead and then you wouldn’t have your name OR your character unless you’re one of the 0.6% of players who are strictly “solonogi”, and don’t rely on the player market for anything. We’d all likely would have completely abandoned our dead server characters in a couple years had the merge not happened.
Server Merge > Name.
Change my mind.
NemurikoAlexina wrote: »I just want to remind everyone, because it's easy to forget, that the name you're attempting to claim as your own belongs to up to two other people, each of which is just as deserving of that name as you are. If one of your dopplegangers manages to keep their name, it doesn't mean they stole it from you. The fact that your name got a server tag means that you'd likely be racing at least one other person, possibly two, to get that name.
In short, please don't harass the one who won that race in-game, or call them a thief. They were merely protecting their own name, same as you.
Churrmander wrote: »PlatinaKoki wrote: »I got "Character is married" (even though I divorced).
So I sent a ticket, so they know I'm claiming the name back.
How recently did you divorce? Maybe the name change service is reading old data off the game server.
What annoys me is that they didn't already have the name change ready to go with the merge. So that means they felt the merge had to happen sooner rather than later even though the name change wasn't ready. Probably not a good sign.
Who's to say they didn't have the name change system ready? Unforeseen problems happen. I'm just happy the servers don't have to be down the entire time and that the unforeseen problem didn't lose items, data, or make the game actually unplayable.