Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Make Humans Unique Again

    I'm still waiting for a Paladin Active Skill.
    TheNyanCat wrote: »
    Nachan wrote: »
    I wish Nexon would give elves some attention and make a revamp for once. If they ever added a race chage option I would go human in an instant. I'd rather be a jack of all trades than a mediocre specialist. The racial bonuses we do have arent anything substancial (outside of the lvl 100 buff) for the classes we are supposed to be better at and our elf only skills are underwhelming at best. At rank 1, magic missile doesn't even do 400 damage. I can do the same amount of damage but faster with one icebolt cast. Its a joke, a throwaway filler skill. Just ignore elves and continue to buff giants every single year. I don't even care anymore.

    Except that won't ever happen cause nexon only hosts mabi. And more importantly in the home region elves are the most powerful race and we get very few region exclusive changes so the only way elves get buffed here is if kr decides to buff the strongest race for whatever reason.

    This, too. In KR, latency is almost completely a foreign concept. Seeing as their net only has to stretch over an area roughly the size of Oregon, whereas the NA branch has to not only cover the entire U.S., but also support people in Europe and Australia.
    Urufu wrote: »
    While I wouldn't mind seeing humans get a couple of unique abilities, I would like to see all 3 races maybe get each a unique talent tree. Maybe a bit much to ask for, but I would like to see the idea. Other than that.

    *Give Elves... the most Dex based race... the ability to duel wield like everybody else. NPC elves have it for crying out loud. Furthermore, why restrict what types of weapons you can dual wield? Perhaps throw in a skill that lets you dual-wield other weapon types when you get high enough. Throw in a bit of a sword skill rework as well.

    *Elf Revamp... seriously... My main is a human but elves have had probably the least work in total. I already know a number in the comments agree here.

    *Archery Based Hero Talent... Why does this not exist yet?

    *Give Paladin and Dark Knight their own active combat abilities and a little revamping of all the transformations overall. *Looking at you Elven Magic Missle*
    PS. I would like to see the proverbial "Grey Jedi" come into play with a possible third trans in the future that is an upgrade over both. Give Giants and Elves a second one that is just an upgrade over the original as well.

    *Revamp Weapon types. Make Dagger Mastery its own thing and have it use Dex as a modifier. Maybe Scythe Mastery and Katana Mastery too. Give every weapon type 1-2 of their own unique skills and give each race a couple of their own skills based around these weapons. While we are at it, long term speaking here... add more weapons; Spears, Rifles, Canons, Glaives, Polearms etc. I imagine if you do all that some weapons should have some skills specific to each race, yeah?

    *Make some more unique weapons like the Mana Knuckles. Maybe make certain ones unique to certain races? IE: Elves could have some kinda fancy Harp Bow. Humans something like a Gunblade. Giants?.... give them the aforementioned Cannon or something. More weapons that can make interesting combinations of talents.

    Going on to an example or two of unique talents for each race:
    Why not give humans something like a true Spellsword/Red Mage Talent. Abilities that let them infuse magic into their melee weapons? Maybe That sounds more like an Elven thing, but perhaps do the same thing with them except with bows? They already have Elven Magic Missle (Trash.) So why not just get rid of that and incorporate into a skillset? Or at least a singular skill that pulls out and utilizes a weapon's internal elemental enchant. Giants?... well they break things... give em more of that... and cannons.

    I know I may have a tendency to over-reach a bit, but one can dream, can't they? Either way, this is just a couple of ideas.

    Hey, I know. Give humans a quest that allows them to use Shock without a cylinder!... or give them to everybody else too...
    As long as Elves are still the most OP in Korea, any revamps are almost non-existant.
  • Who’s your pick?


    If a game can't survive based on its own merits, then maybe it's time for the run to end.
  • Alexina Should have been in Nao.

    Tayloreski wrote: »
    Aquasol wrote: »
    I once brought in about 7 full bags of groceries with one hand, so I’d like to think I’ve got a bit of power.

    I believe that power is known as, Mom power.

    And @PlatinaKoki, They do have some powers, on here. But some honestly do believe they have the powers in the actual games live devs.
    I mean hell im pretty sure they could reason to all of this but simply deleting the whole forum. xD

    Then they're idiots. "Forum mods" =/= Game Masters, and anyone who thinks otherwise makes me question the future of humanity.
  • Darrig event drop rates.

    I've been lucky with the Darrig boxes in what I've gotten from em. Three Mini-Gems and a Homestead prop.
  • Anime Renewal Box :D

    Zetophi wrote: »
    A box containing ALL the anime items of the past.... even from events we never got.
    Maybe even containing Items to give us the skills of our favorite anime characters as long as they are being wielded/Worn.
    Like the Full Metal Alchemist Content we never got. Riders Duel Chain Blades :D

    Ether way, it would be a nice change, to see a box for All the anime items of the past... I don't even remember the first one.

    Maybe even a Anime Event Renewal :D

    You have no idea how licensing works, do you?