• Bank Checks

    it was a success...made two check for 10 mill each then did an Exchange with her at the Fishing Event...next thing i heard was the squall from her 'Shopping Cart' pet as she sped to the (more)
  • Producer’s Letter: What’s New This Year

    would be nice if they updated Port Qilla...being the only port to Iria it should be at least the size of Port Cobb...i'd expand it towards the Mana Tunnel so that it doesn't interfere with (more)
  • oh boi paid event items now

    makes me long for the even older Iria Treasure Hunt Event chests....all you needed were L-Rods to score clothing, robes, weapons, armor, etc.....ahhh....the good old days.....still have my (more)
  • Enough with these expire age pots

    tried an age potion way back so i could wear age restricted clothing....didn't work....totally useless potion
  • Let's do our parts against COVID-19.

    last place i wanna see the events of real life doom and gloom is in a game i enjoy to ESCAPE such things ..... same reason politics of real life should never make it in here either ..... (more)