Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer: Part 1 Update, containing the new Astrologer Talent and more!
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The pen may be mighier than the sword but the shovel is mightier than the pen.
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  • NGS Security threats getting out of control

    Here is the Microsoft article on how to boot into safe mode with networking. Give it a try because if you ever get a one-on-one with Nexon support they're gonna ask you to do it anyway. This mode is just for testing, you don't want to run in it all the time. If Mabinogi runs under safe mode with networking then a software conflict on your end is indicated. Usually, it's protection software that's causing the trouble.
  • New player race: Dwarves.

    It's been a while, so Nexon, Dwarves.

    Nothing like a new player race, to create an interest spike. Maybe further contributors, to this thread, could suggest what Dwarves specialties would be. I'll get started with a few.
    - Dwarves, axes, dwarves duel wield axes.
    - Full beard is an option for female dwarves.
    - Dwarves are stocky so, for male dwarves, they could use the old Giant body plan, scaled down.
    - As for Dwarven women, in WOWc dwarven women are not especially attractive but Mabinogi is known for having pretty female characters. For Dwarven women, since they're gonna be thicc, maybe model their body plan on the kind of girls that are depicted in Hip Hop publications.
    - Dwarves are craftsmen, maybe they get yellow skill bonuses.
    - Dwarf town should be subterranean.
    - Dwarves can create a tunnel between rooms, in dungeons, allowing them to bypass rooms.

    Helsa0151+Alexina of Erinn
  • Mana Arrows

    Just to begin with, if you're buying regular arrows, may I suggest spending five to ten minutes with the foxes just east of Filia?

    If I understand the concept correctly, take a magic bolt, make it a static construct rather than a moving one, knock it into a bow, draw the bow and when you release the bowstring it drives the Mana arrow? Putting more magic one could actualise a mana javelin and throw it. Technically then, I suppose, one could actualise a mana sword, but I would suppose that upon it's first impact the sword would disappear, so no Jedi/Sith in Erinn, until that is solved.
  • Ducats instead of points, stars and coins.

    Elris wrote: »
    ThePravin wrote: »
    Think this may just kill what little activity those things still have. It would just be simpler to farm commerce. Unless prices and rewards for those activities were significantly higher and in that case you would probably kill commerce.

    I feel like this is a very solid point. I 've only tried rafting twice since it was introduced, and I don't think I've ever tried Hot-Air Ballooning...though that could just be due to usually playing solo.
    Although, knowing that Ducats can be used for useful gear AND repairs for them, I'm more motivated to earn ducats, and having some variation from the standard commerce system would be nice. It'd be pretty sweet is the weekly joust had a sizeable ducat payout.

    It depends how you price things: goodies and rewards. Things like jousting and fashion only happen one or two times a day, so you can't really "spam" them like you can with commerce. So, for people only focused on the most efficient path to resources, never mind enjoying the game in and of itself, you can price items and rewards to make these the most appealing.

    As for spamable things, I would make the PvP arenas the second most appealing. The reason is that many people are not interested in PvP, yet it is direct competition against PC opponents that give games lasting power. Look at FPS games they've been the same for decades and are still just as popular. It's the visceral intensity of facing a real person that makes them lastingly appealing. This idea might get those folks that are shy about PvP more and more comfortable with it. Next, would be rafting and ballooning, they're spamable but slow and, for many, quite a bit more challenging solo. Finally, you have commerce. It is slow and spamable, but easier to solo; you can, at least, try to dodge bandits, whom have a cap on how much they will steal, and there is the bounty system, if you are robbed.
  • Gold Pouch Removal

    Negumiko wrote: »
    Also if our character reaches the maximum amount of gold they can carry will any other gold we try to pick up take up 1x1 of inventory space for every stack of 1,000 gold like it currently does?

    That's a good question! The announcement says that gold in our inventory will be added to our gold tally and will be destroyed as an object in our inventory. But what about subsequent gold, as you say? Gold enters our possession in one of two ways: we pick it up or we are given it. The code that handles gold given to us I think would continue to act in the same way it does now, except that it shunts the gold to the tally rather than our inventory, but the code that handles dropped gold will have to be changed such that upon clicking on it, it's value is added to our total and the object we click on is destroyed. That would imply then that gold cannot be added to our inventory any more as the announcement says only gold boxes can do so. I guess this means then that the gold you click on will either just stay on your cursor and do nothing or you will get a notification upon clicking on the gold saying to get lost. Again we'll need clarification.

    This actually makes me wonder now, how two players will be able to exchange gold with each other in the field. I'm talking about private sales or just gifting. Will we have to exchange checks even for trivial amounts. Will we have to fill our inventories until we can have spill over to our gold boxes and then trade a gold box with gold for an empty one. This all seems rather clumsy. Maybe they'll just have a 'Give Gold' button and it's all done electronically over the Erinnite equivalent of Bluetooth.

    A further epiphany here is these changes will allow for the ability to easily create the code to do the same with ducats.