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The pen may be mighier than the sword but the shovel is mightier than the pen.
The oldest surviving globe predates the completion of Columbus' first voyage to the Americas. Here is an online version of it which can be moved around.
... Because of the Auction House and small player population there are not enough personal shops to fill up Belvast anymore and the Housing Channel Market is dead.
It's not there being less people than, say, ten years ago. More people would not bring back Belfast or the housing channel. It's strictly the Auction House. Don't get me wrong though, this is a good thing.
In fact, Nexon should look into abandoning the housing channel and market places and convert them into normal maps. No one is using the housing channel anymore, and it's costing Nexon a server for every install to maintain it. I'd especially like them to turn the Dugald Marketplace in to a seaside town with port facilities connected to the commerce network.
I'm an on and off player since the 2008 open beta and I'm looking for a furry group to join up with.
That's a pretty specific requirement. Still there is a chance, especially now that we have one server. The guild list in the friends window has been broken forever so, in the mean time, maybe this might help. You can also run around the Dunbarton map clicking on guild stones, each of which will present a blurb about their guild. To be sure, not all guild stones are in Dunbarton, but probably most of them are.
How do you pronounce some of these names, and is there a way to easily find out how it should be properly spoken? I have an ambition to make some videos talking about the lore and story of the game, but I don't want to sound like a fool while narrating.
Things like Sidhe Sneachta, Taillteann, Glas Ghaibhleann, Briogh, all these countless words/names that I'm dead certain there's no way I'm saying properly.
- The double L, in Welsh, as I recall is a kind of lateral fricative. Press your tongue behind your front top teeth and try to hiss like a cat.
- In Irish bh is a V sound. The Irish version of Susan, Siobhan, is pronounced shivawn. I'm guessing that's the same in Welsh.
- gh is probably your standard throat clearing consonant that we associate with Eastern Mediterranean languages.
- this is a bit of a guess, but in Hindi dh is sort of a th-ish sound so I suspect it might be the same here.
- cht is probably pronounced exactly as it's spelled.
- e is probably pronounced ay.
- a is probably ah, as per English.
- i is probably ee.
- o is probably an aw.
- ea is probably ay-ah.
- ai is probably like "eye" or "aye".
- io is probably ee-aw, almost like a donkey!
- r is probably rolled.
- nn, no idea, maybe it's an n followed by a ng?