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Yes I divorced Altam sorry I have settled with Llywelyn.
About Me
Hello I am Blankeye of Erinn I am a Mabi fanartist and I am also an active member of the Mabi KR community! I'm also 100% married to Llywelyn. Yep. If you ever need any Korean Mabinogi information translated, please feel free to @ me! And if you'd like to see my art, you can go to my twitter above!! 마비노기 하자!
Talvish: "G21 Guardian's Path Part 2 is open to the public."
Avelin: "Is it time for our story to come to an end?"
Altam: "It's the last time Milletian, so you have to come. (Cry)"
Caswyn: "Sigh..."
Pihne: "It's tiresome, but don't you want to see the Milletian, Caswyn?"
Llewellyn: "Well, we will be waiting in Avalon."
I don't know why everyone goes so nuts over altam. I simply found him annoying, and mostly irresponsible and useless but that's more faulty end boss fight than it is story related.
I translated the video myself because you people should never trust google ever.
the Knight "introductions" are actually the titles you get at the end of G20, the KR titles are worded a bit differently, so I just translated those into that NA titles instead of directly translating the KR titles.
But yeah it's a lot of rehashed script, pretty much.