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It's a bit of a shame I couldn't get a Katell Figure to go with the Pinkie one I got from the event coin shop due to the Fynn Bead Burnishing daily quest being broken for me.
Oh, well.
As a small thing, I think the "bug" you saw of people infinitely spawning their pets isn't a bug, but that person using the Pet Interaction system in a kind of obnoxious way.
The Pet Interaction lets you do a lot of things with a pet, with certain things as a trigger.
One of the things you can make a pet do is play certain animations, like "attack" or "be hit".
And one of the animations available is "Summon" for pets that have an on-summon Skill.
It can be annoying with certain pets, like Flying Food Truck or a lot of the dragon pets with noisy summon skills.
Storing in Bank is kinda inconvenient if i quickly need to grab few. Selling fynni gems barely makes any profit anyway. But yeah i sell whistles.
Yeah, but I guess the only other option would be to choose only one type of Fynni Gem you actually care about keeping and bloom those exclusively.
At least that's kind of what I've ended up doing, just Blooming Werewolves from Fiodh since I'm running it so often anyways. Since they're Grade As and have a good chance of giving a Level 200 whistle at r1 Blossoming.
I think E and D grade gems give a slightly better Pine Cone per Hour rate, but I'm more into getting Lv200 Fynni Pets for Fynn Sync sacrifices.
But yeah the amount of space taken up if you're hoarding the stuff for some reason instead of using/trading them right away can be quite large.
Then I have like another 60 in the bank and already 100 Fynni Pets sitting in my Pet List. xD